New Blood Quotes

Humorous Quotations

****At the moment the quotes page is a little sparse because Catriona hasn't give me the list she has compiled. If I ever do get hold of the list I'll add the best ones; meanwhile you'll have to make do with these.****

"If you are a sado-masochist, sir, I will meet you afterwards." (DFC)

"Hell, you're all going to burn in Hell!" (Andrew)

". . .rows and rows of privates standing erect and to attention; rifles cocked and loaded, careful not to go off prematurely; ready to attack deep into the rear. . . (Mark)

"Go to the fields, people, and what do you see? LAND! Yes, that's right! LAND! And you want that land so bad you can taste it. . . like the BREAD! Oh God, don't get me started on the bread. . ." (Tony)

"Where are your morals? Have you never heard of a learned man named Kohlberg. . ?" (The Doc, at every single debate he has ever attended)

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