
I know the adverts are irritating, but because of our ( lack of a ) budget, they are necessary. To close them first click on the arrow pointing upwards on the toolbar:

Then click on the X that appears:


I keep getting questions about the guestbook. Before any entries are published for everyone to see, I have to approve them. Thus you could enter a message and not see it for several days. Or, more realistically, months. I have a life outside of this site.

Another problem with some browsers is that once the page has loaded, the status bar will read "Done but with errors on page". This is a result of numerous HTML errors that I'll have to tweak. I'm working on it, but it's slow progress. The problems are, however, completely harmless and the page should not look any different.

If you need any other help, ask me and hope that I'm in a good mood.

This website copyright of Andrew McIntyre, on behalf of New Blood (2003); return to homepage

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