Ameera's Corner
Meet My Family
Welcome everyone!
My name is Ameera Md Nagib and this is my website.  My umi helped me get my website done, but I get to choose the pictures and my artworks.  Look at me above.  This picture was taken during "Little Princess" Contest held at White Sands.  I didn't win anything, but it was a lot of fun taking part!
My sister,Adeena
This is a picture taken when I was 2 yrs old.  I had just eaten some Smarties candy that's why I've got chocolate stains around my lips. 
My Brother,
Abdul Mateen
My Parents,
Umi Hawa & Abah Nagib
Contact Me!
I would really love to hear from you so please email me or post a short message on My Message Board.  Please include in your url so that my mom and I can visit your site.  Thank you!
[email protected]
It's my birthday!
Birthdays are the best!  I love it when my birthday is coming near.  Above is taken when I was celebrating my 3rd birthday.  My umi was pregnant with my sister Adeena and my brother Mateen was about 2 yrs old.  Look at the cake!  Umi made it and it's decorated with my favourite M & M's candy.
My Latest Photograph
My Artworks
This drawing is called "Princess".  She's at a pond and she's holding a yellow and red bird in her hand.
You need Java to see this applet.
This is called "Dancing Flower".  I like this picture a lot.
I name this Rainbow Girl Happy Face.  It is a story about this girl who went to a house and saw the rainbow and there's a woman who didn't want the girl to be there, so she took a biscuit and threw it at the girl.  The girl then took the biscuit and it was a Happy Face Biscuit.
You need Java to see this applet.
The title is Flower Stamped with My Thumb.  This is about a flower who can talk.  It is covered by the orange glass to keep it from getting cold.
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Visit my brother's page, Mateen's Zone.
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