
The object of my artwork and the driving force behind everything I do is to share my awe and love of the energy we call "life". Contrasts bring about destruction, change and transformation.

Through everything, life, like water, finds a way to move on.

My paintings can be explained as still frames of this eternal moment of transformation. Chaos and energy are hung in the midst of emptiness or stability, balancing each other. Acrylic and oil washes symbolize mobility and life while vague figures fade into abstraction in layers of color and debris very much like memories and history. Tree trunks, pebbles, cloths represent our marks into time and space, the trophies and leftovers of our experiences.

Technically, my paintings are created with autonomous imagery. Washes of color, energy and various materials (i.e. Pebbles, cloth, wood, acrylic and aluminum) mingle with expressionistic lines to create glimpses of  forms, caught in an act of transformation.

Nazan Gunay, September 2003


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