Build a Following, Fans & Loyal Customers

The vast majority of people go through this entire process backward… They design and create t-shirts, they go live and expect to sell out. When nothing much happens and they tire of waiting, they start desperately looking for ways to promote their t-shirts. Looking for magic bullets they post it up on Facebook groups, Redditt and other places but without much interest. They give up Sound familiar to you? Turn Your Marketing Strategy Round The Right Way If you want buyers, you need people that actually want to buy your products. Just because you post a t-shirt in a related interest group doesn’t mean they actually want to buy t-shirts! Sadly, this just comes across as spam, which is the last thing you want. So here’s a new approach to marketing t-shirts:

emarketing-business-plan-on-tshirt-10-638.jpg Choosing Your Ecommerce Platform

There are plenty of options available for your actual selling platform. Platforms like Teespring have become popular lately, however, options like this aren’t good if you’re trying to learn more about digital marketing and branding. Going with a platform like Teespring means your product ideas live on the Teespring platform and doesn’t give you the option for your own branding, deep analytics or conversion optimization.


The rise of online shopping in the early to mid-2000s caused a proliferation of new T-shirt ideas and trends. While several brick-and-mortar chains included these items in their inventories, many of these shirts were pioneered by online start-ups. Innovations included the flip-up T-shirt, which the wearer can lift and stretch over their head to display an interior print, and all-over print clothing. With the rise of social media and video sharing sites also came numerous tutorials on DIY T-shirt projects.[10] These videos typically provided instructions on how to modify an old shirt into a new, more fashionable form.

Optional features

Some T-shirts will have trim or screen prints added for decorative purposes. Special T-shirts for infants have larger openings at the head. The shoulder seams are left open near the neck, and buttons or other fasteners are attached.

download Advantages of ecommerce Low financial cost

One of the ecommerce benefits is that it has a lower startup cost. Physical retail stores have to pay up to thousands of dollars to rent one of their store locations. Also, they have several upfront costs such as store signs, store design, buying inventory, sales equipment, and more.

Potential income

One of the advantages of ecommerce is that online stores are always open for business. With your Facebook ads, you can attract someone at 11 p.m. or 4 a.m.. Most physical location stores are open between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Easy to Showcase Bestsellers

Ecommerce benefits like being able to easily display best-sellers makes it easier to show off products to customers. While you can design a brick and mortar store to sway people to buy certain products, it’s easier for a customer to find the best-sellers in an online store.

Easy to Showcase Bestsellers

Ecommerce benefits like being able to easily display best-sellers makes it easier to show off products to customers. While you can design a brick and mortar store to sway people to buy certain products, it’s easier for a customer to find the best-sellers in an online store

Sell Internationally

Next on the list of ecommerce benefits is that a new brand can sell to customers around the world easily. You have the ability to discover your audience whether they’re in the U.K., South America, or neighboring countries.

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