about me
Hey, well I'm not really sure what to write here ... I'm not a very interesting person really. Erm ... I'm english, I was born in england and I've been brought up here, nothing interesting there really. My grandad was spanish but I have no culture thats been passed down through that, I don't know a word of the spanish language so don't bother trying to talk to me using it.

I'm currently 15 years old, my birthday is end of August so I'm a baby year 11 at the moment. I can't wait till next year as I will hopefully be going onto college to do graphic design! (college in england is completely different to college in america etc)

I'm not really girly, I only like the colour pink when its with green .. I love the watermelon colours. ^^; I like bright colours and my art always turns out that way.

I know some people think I'm an emo, cause I get upset really easily. I'm not the kinda kid who slits their rists etc so please don't call me an emo kid and frown at me. 


erm ... well as for requently asked questions that I never have the answer too ...

how long have you been drawing for?

since I can ever remember. I always think that questions a kinda silly one ... cause EVERY kid likes to draw. So I enjoyed drawing as a kid, and it managed to keep with me into my teenage years. which according to some brainy people in a office, it means I've not grown up properly.

how long does it take to draw a picture?

yet another funny question. I DON'T TIME MY SELF is always what I want to screem at people when they ask it. well .. I write the dates on the backs of the picture for the date its started and the date its finished. it normally takes a couple of days per picture, but I probably only spend a few hours on each if you added up the minutes.

Are you going to be a famous artist when your older?
�� no.

why no?
because I don't want to. if you look at my art, I don't draw mountains and portaits for fun, I only draw them if I HAVE to.

So what do you want to do when your older?

Either animation, illustration, graphic design or comic book illustration. I'm currently looking towards graphic design cause I've got myself onto that graphic design corse at college, and I'm not sure how to get training and a job in animation, maybe it will be something I turn to later in life.

If you become a animator you'll be famous right? and I can say I know her!
name a famous animator

erm ... er ....
walt disney?

oh yes .. I've heard of him
name some others

o_o ... nevermind ... I'll get back to you ...

Do you win lots of competitions?
well I don't enter many to be honest. I've won a few art ones. I won some video games from mc donalds for colouring in once. I also entered a competition for National Board Games Week, it was design a board game and I came runner up in the whole of the UK. I won 17 board games and all they do is clutter up the house. I've won 2 competitions through CBBC one was for drawing a picture which was on their website and the other was for writing a film review, but I was like the only one who entered that comp. erm ... and last week I won a comp to meet some animators from passion pictures (animators of the Gorillaz music videos and things like adverts) and do an animation corse with them! really exciting.

Will you draw me a picture?

will you do my art homework?


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self portrait 2006
self portrait 2006
self portrait 2005
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