NayNay, Marcus, Curtis, Moesha, Shaqueena and Darnell awaiting the completion of their Habitat for Humanity house.

I can't play the Sims without thinkin' I gotta share my peeps' trials and tribulations with the world. I don't know why I think my Sims are so special. I think that mostly, it's their astonishing stupidity that gives me that urge to say, "look at this shit!"

I got the idea for NayNay's house one day while I was at work. Don't know where it came from. When I first came up with it, I thought...twenty kids! Yeah!...but, I controlled myself. It's a good thing too. Enough chaos reigns with only five.

I left them alone. I like to let them do their own thing. Unfortunately....this was pretty much it for NayNay's kids for the first few days....

Not much socializing went on with the neighbors after their first visitor, Timmy Bodiffi. NayNay was none too pleased by this white boy when she found him "messin' wit" Darnell in the "bafroom". (Or so she told anyone who would listen)

By the end of the first week...things began to go very wrong.

NayNay's kids turned out to be quite the little firebugs.



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