Xenobia. You obscene obscurtity! Dishonor!
I didn't abandon Trowa, he is locked in my closet with a kitty litter box. Lets go on a walk down to the little school! Yay! WHERE IS MY ORANGE JUICE?  Where is my potato soup?Xa where exactly did you get that gundam wallpaper?   "Yes, Yes, Ness is a bastard isn't he....*rolls eyes*.   AAAAAHH XA DON'T HIT ME!!!! CHUNKY SOUP! YOOOOOOU!!

Gahhhh! Keep that sad crying chibi face away from meeeeeeee!!!!
AWWW fluffly yellow pikachu Quat! heh heh heh Bunny.   Hey quat wanna go on unichat? tee hee haaaaaw haw haw haw. picking on you is so much fun!
uhhhmm can't think of much more to say. contrary to popular belief you are pretty cool. Just keep your whipped cream and chocolate sauce away from me you hentai haa ha haaa im joking.  You are a really great friend thanks for being here for me.
You are dudetasticly dudeiferously dudular dude!   God! what a long, hard year its been for me. Sometimes I wish I never met you. Im sure you feel the same sometimes. But you are still my friend.
"Petrolium, Petrolium, Petrolium......." well you finish the rest.  Royce!
Shitbeef!  We have had some ass kickin times, lets go cause some mischief real soon, okay?.haa haaa woo boy somday we will go roller blading again if i ever get over my fear of sunlight. Xenobia, Phacia, Royce! the three evil witches will rule the universe!  
  Hello Jahme, hello Haime, give me some gum before I kill you. Let me bum off your homework. Give me a book to read or you will never see the light of day.   Alice, Paul and the penguin are currently plotting to cross demensions, become real people and then they are gonna blow up your house and then i will laugh. Okay Okay im kidding.  Thanks for just being Jamie.
even though you forgot to put my name on your page ill let it slide and i wont kill you haw haw haw aye!  I kidnapped gohan again and im force feeding him chunky soup.  Hmm you're not really what i would call a best friend just an aquaintence. Perhaps someday we will be friends hmm maybe
DUUUUUUUUUUUDE! duuuude? Dude... Dude! PICCOLO-SAN DAISUKI!! *whispers somthing about plotting against Jamie* HAAA HA HAA! *hugs wing zero gundam* GLEEEEE! duuuude duuuuude "Bang Bang Maxwell silver hammer....."
dude! You are pretty darn cool!
Naya has friends?
I havn't anything better for to do
These names are in no particular order. So if you have a problem thats too darn bad......
<- Back to cool stuff
It's so much fun to sit in art class and act like psychopathic freaks!!
*dips fingers in paint and paints a smile face on the monitor* MWAAAHAA HAAAA BEWARE THE WRATH OF THE FINGERPAINTS MWAAAHAAHAA.
*droool* *drool* eep! I better stop drooling.
You are really cool! Its scary how we seem to think alike sometimes *eerie background music*
I dun know if i can consider you my friend but, damn boy you sure are kinky!
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