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I am a workaholic but that doesn't mean my world is very much limited to my work. Over the years I have tried to learn whatever art and culture I came across. I have listed many of them which I still carry in my heart.

Singer, Composer and musician

Started singing at a very young age but got my break at the age of 18 and when I brought out my first cassette with my talented group members of "Echoes" and the title of the cassette was "Nish Shongo" (Loneliness). The album was exported to India, US and Sweden and was appreciated by the Bangladeshi community.

Second cassette came out after 2 years with a very well known band of Bangladesh called "Monitor" and the title was "Monitor 2". The cassette was a hit and it became very popular among Bangladeshi communities in Middle East and India.

I have also worked as a composer and keyboardist for several bands and artists. I am also a freelance performer of English party music.

Graphic Designing

I have worked as a creative designer and publisher for 4 years. Montage and Text layout as well as special effects are my specialty. I have brought out several yearbook, annual reports, magazines of different organizations in Mono and 4 colors. Web graphics and web designing is also my favorite.


I have visited Auckland, London, Abu Dhabi, Malaysia, Singapore, Nepal and India.


Started playing cricket at the age of 11 and continued till 22. Played for a well known Bangladeshi cricket club called "Cantonian" - a club which produced players of international standard (played for county leagues). Played in the 2nd division league as an useful opening batsman and a leg-spinner. Still play whenever I get the chance.

Other outdoor activities

I love fishing - mainly fly fishing and camping and also hiking.

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