Khushal Nawabi

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The chief elements of a novel.

Novel deals with events ,and action which constitute the central idea of a novel the conversation of character which is called dialogue .every novel has a scene and time of action it’s treatments of life and it’s problems are realistic .thus it is realism which distinguishes novel from earlier prose, romances , novel reflects the very spirit of the age in which it is written ,it shows another view of life and at the same time problem of life .thus ,it gives another critism of life or his philosophy of life.


Pelares novel:

      In this novel the Hero goes from one country to another country are from one place to another place and explain the whole events and activities of tradition.


Novel is the realistic picture of life. Novel doesn’t have stage. Novel means new

Novelist  want collect or discuss all sight of life .     


Kinds of novel

Picaresque novel: the word picaresque has been taken from Spanish word (picaro) which means (roque).it may be defined as it’s a story of adventure or misadventure.

In picaresque novel hero or main character wonders from country to country ,town to town ,Inn to Inn ,in this way the novelist gets an opportunity of introducing a variety of characters and incidents of painting society as a whole realistically. the picture may be satiric but the aim of the novelists is to delight and entertain the readers with the help of his novel .but on the other hand he wants to reform the society and eradicate all kinds of errors ,defect,foible,short coming and weaknesses.


The Mas Nash was the first picaresque novel writer in it history.

The (unfortunate traveler) or life of jake witten

Henry Fieldy _ Tom Jones

 Charle Dicken_ Great exception. 



Who will believe my verse in time to come?            

2.        If it were filled with your most desert.

Though yet heaven knows it is but as tomb.

Which hides your life and shows not half your parts?

If I could write the beauty of your eyes.

And in fresh members number all your graces.

The age to come would say, this poet lies.

Such heavenly touches never touched earthly faces.

So should my paper, yellowed with their rage.

Be scorned like old man of less truth then tongue.

And your true rights be termed a poets rage.

A stretched meter of an  antique song.

But were some child of your alive that time.

You should live twice, in it and my rhyme.

About Shakespeare.

        Actually Shakespeare was a dramatist in the world of English literature. He was unsurpassable .he is and he will be. He has written hundred of dramas in his life time .it is an established fact that he was living a hand to mouth life. More than that he has also shown his ability in writing sonnets.



                     Here in this under discussion sonnet he says that I have written this sonnet about the beauty of my beloved. I have talked of those qualities which are clear in her body. But I am not sure whether the people in the coming age will believe it or not .because all of my poetry is felled with her praise and tails .

2: In the third and fourth line of the same sonnet he says that it is a reality that I have not praised totally the beauty of my beloved .therefore, it must be stated that there are some thing more to be told about the beauty of my beloved.

3: I have tried to show all those qualities of my beloved through my poetry but in reality I could not .in every line of my poetry there is special kind of admiration in it. So it is way I am not sure that whether people will believe it is crystal clear evidence in time to come


sonnet 2

1.                    Against my love shall be, as I am now

2.                    With times injurious hand crushed and over worn.

3.                    When hours her drained his blood and filled his brow

4.                    With line and wrinkles when his youthful morn.

5.                    Hath traveled onto age’s steep night

6.                    And all those beauties where of now he is king.

7.                    Are vanishing or vanishing out of sight

8.                    Stealing away the treasure at his spring.

9.                    For such a time do I now fortify

10.                 Against confounding age’s cruel knife.

11.                 That he shall never cut from memory.



Poet say here that smoothly and swift moving time will damage the attractive and beautiful youth of the poet’s friend and his face would be marked with winkles .the poet would defeat the ravage of all the conquering time .He immortalized the beauty of his friend with help of verses that he has composed about his beauty .He will live for ever in his poetry and here will be no fall season as for as his youth is concerned . The lines and wrinkles reminds one of betted and chopped with tanned antiquity transferring his age to his friend in future when his youthful morn has traveled to ages,s steep night .Fortify my self against this change in my friend. my memory will never blot out this image of beauty . I hold my friend ever when he grows old through times cruelty . Here he claims to show that poetry is the voice of poet’s heart . it is poetry which appears to be the only means of possessing the reality to future ages. Now it is enough to sum up our explanation by indicating it that


Oxymoron: is a figure of speech which means to bring to gather two words, phrase carrying opposite meaning for example.

    Ex: Ahmad is the wisest fool in the class.

Alliteration: is that figure of speech which brings sweetness OR may be defined as musicality of verses. Alliteration is common in use in poetry as compared to any other genre (kind, type)of literature. alliteration consists in repetition of letter, syllable or the same sound at the beginning of two or more than two words in a line .due to alliteration the language become diction which is called the most vivid and clear .alliteration has been divided in to two sub groups .one is called assonance while next is called consonance .the former shows the repeat ion of vowel sound in a line of poetry .while later one indicates the reparation consonant sound.

Consonant: How high his honor hold his haughty head.(full of pride)

           Water water every where not a drop to drink.

Assonance: The fair breeze blew while the farm flew


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