The Story behind Batman...
So, a few people have wondered, why did I name him Batman?  Since my husband was away on deployement and couldn't be here to pick him out with me, I told him he should name our new puppy.  I told him what he looked like including the fact that he had HUGE ears for such a little body, and the it looked like he had a mask on because his head is black and his body is white.  He was also REALLY fast, even at a young age but when he ran, he more like...hopped!  After telling my husband these things he came up with the name, "Batman."  It's also one of my husband's all time favorite movies!  I swore to him that people were going to think I was crazy when I was outside walking him with a name like that, and I think some people do!  But, as we've spent more time with him we realize that the name is perfectly fitting!  It really does fit his personality, as crazy as it sounds! 
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