My Summer 2003 Road Trip

My summer vacation 2003

One flight easy and free,
next flight searched and detained,
the third flight within a huge bird,
the fourth on a coaster ... up and down.

Greeted by my dad,
visits to be had,
then off on a day's travel,
to a convention ... a meeting of many.

A gathering of thousands,
all focused on one book,
one purpose,
one mission.

The Bible,
God's Word,
Jesus can answer for Himself,
this is what the thousands are taught.

Many come forth to prove this truth,
to share their joy and experiences,
how a simple book, known or unknown to them,
became their awakening and their salvation.

I was also blessed with new friends,
one whom I met reminded me of one lost,
one whom my dad enjoyed very much,
a friend suddenly taken away by swift transport,
now in a new group, another one sent.

Off again I go,
traveling along the roadways,
time to meet more relatives,
more friends, new and old.

A visit to an amusement,
visits to a beach or two,
a trip made long by shortsighted weaver birds,
a stay at a cape created by lovingkindness.

The land of cold wires and hot chicks,
oops ... I should mean hot chips,
when virtual meets and greets the real,
a trip though the city of Ally McBeal :)

Swaying hips,
swinging hips,
laughing hips,
I am not that hip.

I give some lip,
make a few slips,
do not give up the ship,
and that is enough "ips".

Words can not share my full joys,
when my inner self seems to soar,
feelings and love,
inflamed ...
inspired ...

Words are but shadows,
of life itself,
capturing the outline,
but not the whole picture within.

Muches in travel,
muches in laughter,
many beautiful sights,
many enjoyed giggles :)

Internet friends,
for all the right reasons,
real meetings in the seasons,
blessings beyond all reason.

Time to relax,
time to reflect,
great moments,
great memories,
all within one super road trip,
all within my summer vacation.

To all my friends I thought deeply of,
those I met and those I could not,
enriching my life in all my heart and mind,
who have all been to me very ... very kind :)

Philippians 1 verse three says it best:
"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you"
I thank my Lord for giving me the inspiration of this scripture and outline of poem August 3rd, 2003, and being able to pass the very book I took it from to a friend who spoiled us, enriched us, and blessed us very much :)

I thoroughly enjoyed my trip even though it took in four flights and over 4500 road miles within fourteen days. I enjoyed the beauty of the Mohawk Valley area, stayed at wonderful Cape Cod and Virginia Beach, and visited many relatives and many more friends. The clam bake at Cape Cod was a true gift and blessing. Healing stones intrigued my spiritual side. Virginia Beach was brief butt I would long to go there once again for a stay this time, when the sand is warm and the streets come alive in song, in music, and in laughter each evening. I hope to be able to repeat this kind of trip many times in my life. Before this trip I had actually thought I could die tomorrow and have lived it all. Now I better understand how precious each day truly is, how much they mean, and how much friends/loved ones mean to me, and a better understanding how much I mean to them. I had some time to read Ken Croswell's book "The Universe at Midnight". He states in the book how we each contribute 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000003 percent towards the Milky Way's mass, but I think the truly neat thing is we are a whole "1" to each other, which makes us very important to each other. There is always change to have to deal with, but I enjoy my friends, new and old. My hopes, prayers and thoughts reflect upon you, my friends, many times. God is the purpose of life and my cake, friends are the sweetness of life and my frosting :)

�YOUR� friend WayneKarl
Just a goofy male who adores you

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