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Virginia Airport

There was nothing but silence on the cab ride here and through the airport.  Scully was hesitant to speak with so many people around . As they approach the gate, she sees a tall, muscular man dressed in a black suit . She figures he is looking for them because he stands out like a sore thumb in the crowd.
"Hello, how  may I help you? "
The receptionist says, with a wide, unrealistic 'I've been doing this all day' smile as they approach the desk.
"Uh. . . hi , I'm here to pick up reserved tickets for Gillian and David. . . Chuvand? "
Surprised by the names,  Mulder approaches Scully fom behind with a laugh in his eyes,  "Who am I? " he whispers in her ear then lets out a little chuckle.  She immediately responds with an elbow to the stomach.
"Right. . . Chuvand , here we go, and here you are . The plane is now boarding, Gate 6267. Enjoy your flight! " As Mulder and Scully walk away, the mystery man walks up to the receptionist. She sees this and quickly pulls out two nice but. . . extremely colorful hawaiian shirts out of her carry-on bag.
" Fox ," she says in a whisper, "put this on!"  They both fling on the shirts and Scully puts a lei over his head.
Back over at the booth, "Excuse me ma'am, has a uh. . . Dana Scully? or a ur, Fox? Mulder come to pick up tickets? " The receptionist looking a little puzzled checks her books.  "Uh, no Sir!  Sorry, but there has been no tickets issued under either of those names. "
" Well, how about if you've seen a short red-head and a tall dark man?"
The mystery man now sounding agitated and a little frightening , the receptionist replies, "Well, Mr. and Mrs. Chuvand are right over there!"  She points in their direction and Scully immediately flings herself into Mulders arms kissing him passionately, non-stop. "They kind of fit your description." Sounding madder than before, the man croaks out a 'no' and walks away.
Meanwhile,Scully and Mulder are still lip-locked and backing into the plane. They hand over their tickets at the gate. Neither one of them wanted to break the kiss, so they backed all the way into the plane like this, that is until the flight attendant had to stop them. " Excuse me!" She said, while tapping on Mulders shoulder.  "Excuse me! Mr!!! " This stuns them and they unattach.
Still looking deep into each others eyes, as if mesmerized, the attendant
lets out another "Sir!"  Scully breaks the gaze and looks towards
the floor while licking her lips. Mulder glances away at the same time, but immediately returns his gaze while wiping his lips.  "I'm. . . I'm sorry about. . ."
" Nooo , don't be!. . . it was my. . . "
"Excuse me, I need to bump you two up because coach is now full !!! "She says, sounding annoyed and whinny.  "Alright!" Mulder says, finally turning to look at her.
"Please, follow me."  She leads him to the front of the plane. Scully noticing all of the staring eyes, secures her bag and hurries to catch up. They find their seats, avoiding eye contact.  "Uh, Enjoy your flight! "  She says, not knowing what else to say.
" Thank you!"  Scully embarassingly says, taking a chance at looking up at her.


Mulder of course, got the window seat but refused to open it. Scully lay halfway asleep on Mulders' shoulder, when she reached over and clasped his left hand into hers. In this half sleep daze millions of questions ran through her head < Why did it take so long to break that kiss? - Why hadn't he said anything? - I've never felt anything like this before, why now? Why Mulder? - DANA!! snap out of it !> She raises her head to look into
Mulders' eyes.  He then frees his hand, lifts up his armrest and scoots in closer to Scully wrapping
his arm around her as to cuddle.  She willingly cooperates with his movement and reaches her hand across his chest and lays her head on his 'pects'.  He gives her a soft kiss on the head that sends chills down her back.
At that very moment, the same questions began to run through his head, except he can't bring himself to ask them, so he decides to use Spanish for the hard words. Eventhough his Spanish was extremely rusty, he improvised by using made-up words <Incredible! am I in "el amore" with Sculley? - Why did it take so long to "parro" from "el bessame"? - Why am I sitting practicing fake "el espanol?" > He then decides to stop playing with himself
like this and leans his head back. After a few minutes, they both were fast asleep.


Mulder and Scully are startled awake by the sudden jolt of the plane. Instead of searching the plane in panic, they search each others eyes. Another jolt throws them apart.  "Uh, its probably just. . . turbulance!"  Scully answers noddingly, while returning to their initial position, but not losing eye contact. "ATTENTION ! Attention passengers! The plane is experiencing some mild turbulance. Please buckle your seat belts and remain CALM !!! "
A few seconds later after hearing the announcement,
the light began to flicker, sending Scully into shock , she had never really liked flying, but did because it was
part of her job description. " Mulder. . . what's going on? "
"If I knew, I'd tell you!. . . Scully? " Mulder looks down to see her flaming red hair buried in his lap.  "Scully?!!"  Mulder, refusing to panic and not realizing the ackward situation he's in, looks around only to see women running down the aisles and men stumbling
after them, in what appears to be a drunken rage. Suddenly, the oxygen masks fall from the ceiling, sending everyone into more of a shock. An automatic voice follows on the P.A, "Please remain calm,
stand and remove the safety vests from the overhead compartment.
Remain calm. After correctly securing your vest, resume the
seated position and attach chea...aaair. . ."  The voice begins to skip, making screeching, static  sounds.  "Air. .< CRACKLE> air. .<SNAP!> air. .<POP!>"  The pilots' voice momentarily patches through,
" We're. . . We're going down!!!!"  The voice was heard loud and clear despite the crackling interruptions and screams that
followed the automated voice. Looking back down at Scully, finally letting the panic rip through his vanes, he moves her aside and retrieves the life vests. Quickly he notices blood oozing from Scullys' head as he helps her secure her vest. The plane shuffles, tossing people around the room. The overhead compartments pop open at another jostle of the plane,
emptying its contents. The once foolish people decide to follow directions when the plane begins to tilt forward. Women and men scream
in horror while others seem to have passed out. Mulder looks
around disgustingly, trying to remember his F.B.I. training, but that notion fails and forces him to sit there and cower.
He glares down at the redhead clung to his arm and out of all things she's praying!!! Mulder tries to ignore the situation (of praying), but then decides if there were ever a time to believe in Him and ask for His help, it was now. He quickly brings his hands together and bows his head . "God, uh, I need your help. . ."
He pauses, then dropping his hands to his lap, rubbing furiously at his thighs, "Ok! enough Horse-shit!! Let's get to the point. . . I need your help . . . uh, I know it's been a long time since I've done this, well, prayed about anything and I know there is no reason for you to answer them . . . but I need you to!  I need you to help us get out of this alive! If not for me, do it for Scully . . .
Dana, she needs you too. . . so. . ." All of a sudden, the plane turns downward, tossing everyone and everything to the front.
Mulder grabs Scully andthey hold on for dear life as the plane begins to plummet.  Faster, faster, all of the lights go out and most of the screams stop. <SPLASH!!, SPLAT!!, BOOM!!, SMACK!!, PLUNK!!. The water filled the plane like a roaring river, the oxygen almost gone. Everything goes black . . .


         To be . . . Continued
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