These pictures are from the first evening. come suddenly everyone camera shy ah..
Xianqin cooking supper..
Hong Yi, Jeremy, Weilun, Hanqiang, Serene playing Taidi. (who's the guy in grey?)

The floor was dirty, so our *61 gentleman* Hailiang starts to sweep the floor...

Joc joins in the sweeping, Jinyi, not helping ah?
Hailiang starts to rock and roll..... Bon Jovi, anyone?
The Sweepers Gang.
Shilun singing love songs to Henry...
Still singing...
Henry trying preserve his modesty. Haha, forget it lah.
After doodling around, taking showers, etc., everybody settled down in the bedroom to play a game of charades...
Xiangqin explaining the rules...Jinyi meanwhile trying to jiao1 huai4 Peishan.
mmm...cannot guess leh!
Shilun's turn to *perform*.
After that, ZZZZzzzZZzz time......
Yaohui (aka Bayde)...The most *powderful* performer!
Joc looks very sian..

Last updated 11 Sept 2000

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