Linguistic Jokes


Whats the opposite of Gopalakrishnan?                                       Comepalakrishnan.

What is the opposite of Subramnium Swamy ?                             Subramanium Didn't See Me.

How do they start a road race in Tamil Nadu?                               Ready....Steady.....PO (Go in Tamil)

What do you call a really colourful  Tamilian?                                Rangamannar Rangarajan.

How does a Tamilian introduce the tennis superstar  Lendl?          ivan Lendl (Ivan 'he' in Tamil).

What is the Tamil name for the tallest  building in  Japan ?             Nikkumo Nikkado (Will it or wont it stand?)

What is the difference between Kunakudi  Vaidyanathan( A great violinist in south india) and Gandhiji ?
One is a voilanist, the other is a  non-violanist !


What do you call an amazing Malayalee?                                          Pheno Menon.

What do you call a dashing Malayalee?                                             Debo Nair.

What do you call a Malayalee drunkard?                                             Kutty Sark.

Why did the Malayalee cross the road?                                              To join the trade union on the other side.


What is a gay Maharashtrian called?                                                   Deccan Queen

What do you call a Maharashtrian tailor?                                              Sadashiv.

Which Maharashtrians wrote the book  'Apartheid in South Africa?'       Dhaval Gore and Krishnakant Kale.

What did Bruce Lee say to the  Maharashtrian?                                    Tumhi Marathe, Aamhi Karate.

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