Page 2 of Quests
Yamcha's training

it a long summer day in east city.yamcha trying to make impression a woman (as usual) the pretty young lady tell yamcha he must do amazing task to impress her becasue love strong men.after thinking for a second yamcha agree what he must do she tell him he must  find the fattest person in town an try to lift him a hunder time his slacks.the a wide cheesy grin on his he yell OK!!after about 30 mins he find the biggest man in town after 20mins of nagging and beeging this man to lift him he  agree  after 95 squat thurst with this man on his shoulder yamcha face turns red.after done a total of 100 yamcha fall on the ground trying to catch his breath.the pretty young lady standing over she says your not done yet you need to do one more thing for me see these rock over there  i need those carried up that hill an then i need those huge barrel brought down if you can do that ill go out on a date with you. with a great big sigh he goes  an put 250 pounds of rock on his back an carry them up the hill as fast as he can. as he get to the top he put the barrels under his arm  as he start to make it down the hill he trip over a rock that he did not see and one the barrels slip from under his arm an it start to roll at massive speed.yamcha runngin as fast as he can.still with one barrel under his arm.the one barrel rolling down the hill crash and break on a car just as yamcha was about to grab.the pretty young lady her face red with anger tell yamcha that he need to be more careful she storms off yamcha  chasing after her all day intil he meet her dad a big 400 pound  man yamcha stop right in his tracks the man looking verry angery at yamcha.yamcha see the pretty young lady crying she telling her father that yamcha been stalking her yamcha make up excuse of why he was chasing her.he turns head home after doing all this work around town he need some food an sleep

exp earned: 2000

good but u made a lot of typos

Goku's trip to Yadratt.....

"wow look at these aliens!!!" goku said as he  awed in astonishment. Goku enters a city near where he had landed. Then he takes control of the city easily and forms a monacrchy and makes a army.After a 8 day war he takes control of yardrad. he is declared king of uniting the yardradd tribes. One day he walks in to wat seems to be a bar or restraunt and sits down near a old man. He starts a conversation with him and it goes on to be about a princess that had been stolen by bandits right before the war for control of yardradd happened. The princess is up for ransom and has beeen rapped many times. Goku is so disturbed and angry he goes on a journey to find this princess and to get a lil reward. he  goes to all the cities asking peeps. one day he gets a hint that there are soem bandits in the desert.sooner or later he finds him self fighting a organized mob of bandits by himself. using his destructo disc he cuts through them all.he finds the princess and gets a reward. Goku will always be a legend and a hero to the planet. he leaves with his reward and goes to namek.

exp earned: 2000

Trunks' Training in the Room of Spirit and Time

Trunks is flying towards the Room Of Spirit And Time.  He thinks to himself..." I wonder why this has to be so high up? Well that doesn't matter...'cause I get to train, and be even stronger!" While Trunks is flying, he senses piccolo, Dende and Mr. Popo up at the lookout.  "Heh almost there..." he says to himself, as he powers up and flies even faster towards the lookout.  When Trunks arrives, he is greeted by Dende telling him about many threats on Earth.  "Why is it such a big deal? I mean, I could probably beat them ya' know?" says Trunks.  "You should still could help you out in the future" after Piccolo was done saying this, Trunks walked away and towards The Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

" Why does Piccolo have to be so mean? I can go train, but it shouldn't matter when" Says Trunks.  He walks off towards the kitchen.  " I wonder how they keep this place so stocked full of food?" He sits down with at least sixteen bowls of steamed rice, two steaks, one whole turkey, and three glasses of milk.  " This'll be good!" He starts eating right away.  About an hour after he had finished eating, he fell asleep, only to be awoken by piccolo.  "Get up Trunks! You need to train!" "why?"Trunks says.  " Why? Because if you ever want to live up to your father's reputation, you will train"

Trunks wakes up.  " Alright I'm going"  Trunks walks into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.  "Wow, this place is huge...Well....I wonder how I start training here? I got it! I'll..."  He starts punching and kicking the air furiously.  "now...ha!"  Trunks fires a beam, and brings it back upon himself, so he can dodge it.  " No problem this is easy! Ha!"  He fires yet anoter beam, but this one is stronger and more fast.  After about a day, in the R.O.S.A.T. , he walks out, clothes are torn and he's a little bit bloody but fine.  " Ha! I did it! I feel stronger!" Says Trunks excitedly.  Piccolo walks up to him.  " Yes you do look stronger...but next time...if there is one, do better."
"Whaddya mean do better!? I am stronger isn't that what I came here to do?" Asks Trunks.

exp earned: 3500


the desert is hot today yamcha thought to him self man these trucks need to hurry as he sat on lookout rock waiting for the cargo trucks maybe he can get some money out of this load today.Yamcha tilts his head a little.they are the trucks blaze down the desert road.the driver see a huge rock blocking the road.he slams on his breakes almost hitting the rock an the other trucks hitting him.driver talking to himself who in the hell put this rock here.I did yamcha screams out before he drives his sword threw the man chest as driver cough up blood yamcha lets go of the sword and fly high up in the air landing on top of the other truck crushing the hood in the driver screaming he opens the door and runs for his life yamcha fly after him  grabs the back of his head and fly up high an throws him into the ground hard the mans neck snapping  yamcha lands on him  goes to the back of the truck and start grabbing crates an haul them behind look out rock he returns realizen that his sword is gone.yamcha know there must be one more person alive yamcha turn quick as he see a young man running at him with his own sword yamcha  moves out only getting his armed cut. yamcha grabs the hair of the man.  the man now in a state of shock drops the sword and smelling of pissing in his pant knowing what comes next.yamcha smiling to himself whisper to the man tell your corporatian that yamcha done this and will keeping on doing this intil they free the slave that make their products. yamcha let go of the man an watch him run  to the nearest town yamcha goes back to where he hauled the stuff an start to put in the back his car an drive off in to the desert


Supreme Kia's Training

Kaioshin was walking in a canyon when he decided that he needed to train. He began doing push ups and sit ups. After he did about 1000 of each he flew into the air and started rappidly punching and kicking to increase his speed.

He then wanted to practice some Ki attacks so with all his might he blew up the canyon and made a crater the size of a city.

Kai: Whew! What a work out. I'm not done yet though.

Kai then started punching and kicking rapidly again this time creating a self image and training with it. The other Kai backed off and shot a finger blast. Kai deflected it and flew towards his mirror and kneed him in the chin. Then punched him down to the growned making another crater next to the large one. He then flew towards his mirror and landed on him hard with his heels down, forcing him down into the earth even farther. The mirror Kai charged up and shot a Ki blast sending Kai flying into the air, riding his beam. Kai slowly started to tear the beam in half and then it flew in two directions. Kai looked at his hands, burnt and stinging. He looked down to see his mirror flying up at him. The mirror image disappeared and reappeared behind Kai and slammed him down to the earth. Kai stopped himself from falling and shot a Ki blast up at his mirror. Without warning it blew up. Kai let himself fall to the earth. Once he hit he said.

Kai: Ah... that was fun.

exp earned:2500exp

Yamcha's Hyperbolic Time Chamber Training

yamcha see kami's tower  ahead.yamcha speeds up to the tower with a big bag of rocks and rope around his he land he see mr po-po.hey mr.popo how have you been yamcha say landing in front the main building.i am fine mr.popo replys  i am here to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.yamcha walks past mr popo with a smile on his face still holding the bag of rocks and rope as he enters the chamber.ah home for the next year yamcha says.he put every thing down and  he start preping for training he takes some of the rocks out the bag and  throws them up really high and jump after them and start break them.after doing that he gets the rope and put ties it around the big bag of rocks and ties the other end to himself he fly up high and trys to max out his speed with  800 pounds of rock tied to him. he takes to of the rock he took out the bag and he throws them ann chase them to the ground and grabs them before they can hit the floor but cant stop before he can hit the ground crashing and 800 pound landing on top off him. he lift up with the bag tied to him grabs one of the two rocks and throws it up in the air and chase smashing it with his head.floating there he get a idea he rips some of his shirt he wrap it around his eyes and throws to rocks up in the air not able to see flys up and and trys to hit the rocks but miss he try and try for many month in the chamber after mastering with 8 rocks grabs 12 rice barrels and stacks them and put his sword in the top barrel he fly to the floor looking at the 32 foot barrel stacking job he has done he backs up and start to run up the barrels and trys to stand on the handle of his sword with out touching the top barrel but falls to the ground after 3 months of this he does but still wants to improve but thinking to him self theres not enough time do it now  so for the next three months he trys to master the ki blast and wolf fang fist attacks coming back to the real world beaten and bruised he feels much much strong ...

exp earned: 6000exp

Raven's Training

Single Training

He woke up from his bed and looked around. Not sure
were his parents or anyone where he hoped out of bed
and looked for his clothes to change into. He wore his
super weighted clothes getting ready to do a little
training till anyone got home. Running outside he dove
into the air and took flight up into the air and
circling the house and leaving a trail of white aura
behind him. Doing this for a good hour he stopped and
landed on his feet taking a deep breath. The weighted
clothes began to bring his endurance down slighty as
he looked around for a family member. still not seeing
anyone around he moved towards a tree and stood next
to it looking at his shadow. driving his fist forward
and legs up at different times, he began to shadow
box. he imagined his worse enemy infront of him and
pushed himself to punch harder and faster despite the
weighted clothes... caring only to become faster he
moved from side to side. looking almost like bruce lee
with his eyes squinting a bit. sweat now forming on
his face and his body he continued. a car slowly
pulled up to the house after 4 hours. the sun had
begun to go down. having started at 12 it was now 5 pm
and time to eat. like all saiyans he loved to it and
so he would do after he stopped training. seeing his
mother he stopped and flew in the air into the house
changing his clothes quickly and getting into new
clothes. walking outside he waved and smiled acting as
if he had been doing his homework or house chours the
whole day.....


Trunk's training

Trunks is doing: **Single Training**

While Trunks is searching for the dragonballs of Earth, he figures he should train, and so he does.  "Well, I guess...since it won't take that long to find these things I can train...becaus eI can't get weak...or dad will beat the crap out of me..." While Trunks is talking to himself, he figures that he should practice training with some rocks.  "Heh...maybe I can throw these babys up in the sky...if I can even lift 'em...and then go beat them senseless...even though they have no senses.." Trunks lifts up a rock, and throws it high into the sky, trying only to focus on the rock and nothing else.  He flies up after the rock and headbuts it breking the rock into millions of tiny pieces.  "Ow! I didn't know that these were so hard!"  Then all of a sudden, a beautiful meteor shower rains down upon Earth.  Many of the trailing meteorites manage to be heading straight toward Trunks.  Trunks, seeing this, figures it'd be good training, and so he starts blasting away at the meteorites, causing them to make smaller, more dangerous rocks.  Then he went head on and starting to punch the rocks, make them, again, form into smaller rocks.  He then saw a very large asteroid heading towards the Earth, this asteroid wasn't large enough to deatroy earth, but just big enough to do severe damage.  He figures it is time to do his special technique.  " Super Beam blast!" Trunks fires an extremely large Ki blast toward the asteroid, causing it to disintegrate into nothing.  The day was now beginning to end, and he figured he should go on looking for the Dragonballs.

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