Quests to be Done

Here's the quest....if a quest has an ** by it that means you have to write a story for it. Send all quest to [email protected]

All Planets:
** Single Training- The better the story, the bigger the stat boost. Can be done twice a month
Capsule Corps Training Center- Train in the gravity machine to gain 2x stats, can be done once a month, cost $5,000 to enter each time (unless your a CC Scientist or if you have a CC membership pass)

Planet Vegeta

** Kill the invading army on Planet Vegeta!!!A alien army has invaded Planet Vegeta and its up to you to save the planet.can only be done once.The better it is the more exp u get.

**Take over a planet to be sold. Do so by deafeating all the warriors and armies on the planet. You will recieve a percent of the profit


**travel to guru and get your powers unleashed. 1000 to every stat. day journey. Please make it good story.can only be done once.


**Travel to Kami's tower and train in Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Adds exp. depending on how good the story is. Before you can make a story you must travel.


**A wise man tells u about a prinncess kidnapped and a reward.The better the story the more exp u get.You also get $5000
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