Done Quests
Gohans Training quest.

  Gohan awakens from his resting spot under a large tree in the forest where he is doing his survival training. "Gee I'm hungry" he says to himself and laughs. He puts his sword on his back and runs into a field. He starts to do flips and cartwheels and yells "Yippee!" and "Wee!" as he does them. He runs and runs as fast as he can across the field, he can tell he is getting faster than he was a couple days ago. He finishes he race as he comes to a nice pond with a cliff beside it. He looks around in awe of the beauty of the landscape around him. He looks in the clear water and sees some fish. "Oh that looks yummy!" he says. He stripes down to nothing and dives in after the fish. He swims down deep after the school of fish. The fish swim deeper to get away from Gohan. Cohan swims after them and starts to gain on them. Suddenly Cohan sees a shadow come over him and he stops to see what it is. From out of no where, a gigantic fish swallows him whole. And it swims down deep into the water. The fish stops and felts something explode in his gut. Gohan suddenly bursts out of the side of the fish. Gohan grabs the giant fish and pulls it to the surface. A short while later Gohan is put sword on his back and is preparing to eat the fish which is now roasting over a fire. "This will be really good" says Gohan. He pulls a chunk off and licks his lips. Just as he is about to take a bite, a starving blue  T-Rex with a scare on his face stomps up and roars at Gohan. Gohan sets the piece down and pulls out his sword "No way, this my breakfast," he declares. The T-Rex roars at him with starving rage. The hungry dino lunges at Gohan to shred him to nothing with his razor teeth. Gohan flips to the air to escape death, he the darts down and slashes the T-Rex's shoulder. The now extremely mad dinosaur spun around to devour his prey but Gohan had already taken off running into the field. Gohan ran faster than he ran before. The T-Rex was no slow poke either he kept his pace with Gohan so well that Gohan could feel the dino's heavy feet smashing the ground behind him. They were getting close to where Gohan had slept the previous night and Gohan got an idea, so he acted on it fast. Gohan dashed up the tree and when he go to the height of the T-Rex's head he flipped back and kicked the T-Rex as hard as he could between the eyes. There was a loud crack and the the animals in the area looked to the direction, curious what had happened. Gohan bent over to look at the fallen T-Rex. The T-Rex's eyes were x-ed out and his tongue was hanging limp. Gohan stood straight up and scratched the back of his head with his right arm and let out a laugh. Then ran back to the pond and had his breakfast.

earned 3000 exp  good job!!!!!

Nail's Training Quest

nail decides that he wants to be the best fighter in the universe and that he
better start to train now and get ahead of everyone...he then runs to the
forest and encounters a big grizzly bear...nail not ready for such a task
decides to take a shot at it..he uses his blue knee to the bear barley even
moving it..the bear takes a swipe at nail knocking him back threw several
trees knocking them over nail...blood all over his clothes and his
face...scraches over his eyes..but he can still see...even tho he is in
severe pain..nail gets up and attacks the bear rapidly with his fists full of
blood from covering his eyes...this time knocking the bear over...then he
runs up to the bear and looks into his eyes seeing fear and pain..and runs
off....he then goes to heal his wounds at a river not too far away...then he
gets hungry and jumps in to catch him some fish...chasing them all over the
river with absoulutely no skill he decides to use a different
approach the the bear that he had attacked was useing down the river a
ways...he catchs several trout and cooks them on his fire.....then he goes to
practice his endurance by trying to swim up the fastest part of the doing this he succeeds and has become even more endured for his
hard work ahead...then he goes into the forest where the thickest trees
grow....he approaches ten of them running full speed and kneeing them into
two pieces..then he decides that it is a day and returns home feeling the
power encrease in side of him

earned 2000exp

Goku's Training Quest

   One day while Goku is hunting for food. A girl in a car rides up..."wow ive never seen a girl before" "hi my names bulma" bulma says " o hi"   Bulma and Goku go on an Adventure. They camp out in the wild and in the morning Bulma is takeing to long getting ready so Goku goes out to explore and train.Goku starts climbing cliffs and Jumping from trees. Not noticing how much hes gotten stronger from when he fought his son gohan. "yes!!!!this is fun" Im going to be the best fighter ever!" Goku Starts throwing Boulders. "BOOOOM" as the boulders landed.  He then starts making a bridge across the river out of the boulders. "yes its Done! now i can cross the river!!" Goku gets half way across when a giant octopus emerges from the water! Goku reacts immediatly! "power pole extend!!!" he shouted smashing one of the octopus' eyes. Then the octopus grabs Goku!!! "AHHHHHH" he shouted "Dam it!!! FUCK U!!!!!"  Goku has a sudden burst of energy and burst out of the octopus' grasp. He then begins jumping up and kicking the octopus many times , with a combonation of bitch slaping. "RED KICK!!!!!" shouted goku as he kicked it as hard as he could, then he started head buting it. The octopus died. " yes!!!i was starting to get hungry." he said "Bulma will love this!" He began carrying the beast home. "OHHHHHH im soOOOOO hungry!" he groaned " its so heavy" HE pushed on thinking of being the best fighter. The octopus weighed more than Goku weighed. And 10 times wat the boulders had weighed. When he finnally made it to camp he saw bulma utside waiting. " wat the hell is that?" she shouted " EWWWW GROWSE NEVER BRING IT NEAR ME AGAIN HERE ME GOKU???" Bulma began chasing goku. Goku ran faster than he ever did before and as fast as he could! "AHHH dont hut ME!!!" he cried  " Im sorry i didnt know . wats rong?!"Got kicked in the shin and Bulma was over with it. Bulma turned arouned and screamed. "ahhhh!! help!!" Goku looked up and saw a bandit kid napping Bulma. "Ha HA HA" said the bandit. "Stop" goku said. "I Kick ur ASS!!" "RED KICK!!!!!" The bandit fell in shock!! Bulma Siad she was sorry to Goku. Goku cooked his Giant Octopus. "yumme!!" Goku fell asleeep feeling stronger than the morning...


Bardoks War against the Invaders

Bardock flies as quickly as he can to the attack site only to find a barren
land. Everything has been destroyed in the progressing battle. In a flash,
Bardock was engaged in battle. Firing ki blasts left and right, he was
almost untouchable. Once that first blow landed, he was quickly overcome by
the alien warriors. From his impatience and annoyance, Bardock blasted all
of them off of him. In a blinding flash of light that engulfed the entire
area, the battle ended. Now standing there alone and wounded, Bardock limps
to the nearest area with a rejuvenation

Good but too short.

exp earned:1000

Nails quest for Guru

nail wanting to be the most powerful soul in all of the universe decides it
is about time to see the all mighty guru....he knows about where the building
is but does not know what it looks like considering he has never visited guru
at his humble home...nail starts on his way to the home of guru when he sees
a small village and decides to stop by for a nice visit...he comes into town
and everyone looks at him in amazment ..little kids run up to him with mouths
open wouching kid says "wow!! your nail...the ultimate fighter who
now owns namek and is a namekian guard for us!!" nail smiles and says "yes i
am...but i am not THE strongest yet...but i will soon be" he then walks into
a small cafe place for a drink and a bite to eat...he orders a namekian
beverage and a sandwich calld the "namekian beef patty" he chomps down on his
burger..then he asks the shop keeper where guru's home is ...he points and
says only a couple miles that way...nail starts back on his way and reaches
guru's home...he walks inside and sees guru sitting in his throne..."aahhhh i
have been expecting u to come here considering u want to be a all mighty
warrior" guru says...."yes i would be him" nail replies..."could u please
help a fellow namek out so i can protect u and your planet and destroy the
ginue force in a week by unleashing my powers inside of me?" nail
pleeds..."yes i will do that for u if u promise to protect this planet from
evil" guru places his hand on nail's head and lights start to
shine ever so brightly blinking white and multi colors....then the lights
stop and nail opens his eyes..."holy shit i feel a sooooo much stronger than
i did just three minutes ago...thank you for your help guru now i have to
keep my promis and protect the planet from evil" says nail....then he runs
out the door and goes to his hiding spot in the mountains.... the end

nice job. except Nameks dont eat.They only drink water.

exp gained:1000 to all stats.

Gotens Training

Goku: come on Goten you have to become stronger, faster, and most of all
smarter, now try again remember the people that are dying down there think of
the children they did nothing to deserve this if you don't make it to the
next level everyone's gone you your Mom and the Universe now go!!!!!!!!!!
theres a moment of silence then Goten appears powering up pushing, thinking,
trying to make it to super sayin 2. While in side Gotens head he can hear the
children calling out his name begging for mercy and being killed by majin buu.
Then it happens something clicks the thought of Goten losing his Mom and
brother triggers something, something that has only been accomplished by
Goku, something extrodanry.
Theres a big burst of light and then he appears hair spiked up lighting
clashing around him and those blue green eyes that strike fear into the
opponents as Gokus did to Frieeza.
Everyone backs up in fear while all Goku does is sit there and smile for he
knows his son has a achieved to the next level and at such an early age.
Goku walks up to goten and starts talking to him, Goku: I'm very proud of you
you have done something that has taken all my life up to this point but you
are still not ready for before I let you go off and fight Majin Buu you must
complete one more obstacle you and trunks always fight hard but this fight
will not be with him it will be with me it will be the hardest fight that
your going to face because I'm not going to go easy on you just because your
my son I want you to fight as if you were fight to save the whole planet and
for you life.
Goku: Are you ready goten
Goku starts to power up. Goku:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
after about 10 seconds goku hits super sayin jin two
Goten : but how did you do it so quick, Goku:I thought off all the children
screaming out in pain and in horror, calling my name and then it clicks
Goku: are you ready Goten
Goten: ready
Goku goes at goten hard and fast and gives him a knee right into the face but
then Goten counter acts by using hyper speed and coming at Goku with fist and
feet flying. Goten lands five hard blows to Goku then shoots a mosenko at
him. It hits Goku with incredible force after the dust settles and the air is
clear Goku stands up clothes torn and bleeding on the arm.
Goku: good you are very good you have proven yourself that you know how to
control your body and fight but I have only one more test for you lets see
how you do against and energy attack called the Kamehamaeha. Gotens smile
drops as he prepares to fight the attack.

Goten has also powered up and shoots his Kamehamaeha at Gokus
They collide with a huge ball of light. Goku and Goten are pushing as hard as
they can and it looks like its going to be a stalemate until Goten has a
Inside Gotens mind he sees himself shopping with his Mom and Gohan until
theres a big explosionand Majin Buu appears, they children are running in
fear and Majin Buu kills them without thought. Goten jumps in to save them
but is to weak and witnesses his mother and brothrs death then his own. From
that Goten pushes unbelievably hard and his beam overcomes Goku's and beats
it after the explosion Goku is given a Senzu bean and his health returns.
Goku: Man do I fell better now lets go get something to eat for Goten you are
ready to fight Majin Buu, I can't wait till you and Trunks

exp gained 2000

Goten's Training after the Radditz battle
   Goku: I want you to train Goten for me ok he needs to be strong for the
fight with the sayins. Piccolo:All right Goku I �ll teach him every thing I
know. Goku: thanks. Right after Goku says thanks he disappears to the next
dimension, Every gasps(Bulma, Krilin, Master Roshie) and then the gasps turn
into tears. Bulma: No!!!!! Goku!!!!!. After everyone leaves Piccolo turns his
attention to Goten who is crying for his dad. Piccolo: Shut up you should not
be crying you should be proud that you have such a brave dad that was willing
to make the ultimate sacrifice to keep us alive so that we could train.
Goten:( weeping as he talks) but I didn't want him to die. Piccolo: I know
but know we must concentrate on our training. Goten I'm going to leave you
out here in the wild for about five months it will make you stronger and
tougher for your training with me but I will be checking in on you every once
and a while ok kid. Goten:Yea ok. Piccolo leaves Goten in the middle of no
where and takes off to go do some training of his own. Gohan: man am I
hungry. So Goten goes over to a nearby stream and catches some fish eats them
then decides to take a nap.............Five months have passed from the day
of Goku's death and Goten has become a lot stronger and older than he was
before. While Gtean is going for his daily fishing he runs into piccolo,
Goten: oh hi Piccolo how are you doing, Piccolo: just fine, Goten are you
ready to train with me its been five months now. Goten: really wow it sure
did go by fast I had a lot of fun but I really miss my Mom and most of all my
Dad. Piccolo: I know kid we all miss your dad but now we must move on to your
training are you ready? Goten: Yes. Piccolo: all right then lets go. Piccolo
does a quick dash at Goten and lands a hard right hook to Gotens face. Goten
jumps back and is in serious pain. Then Piccolo comes up on the right side of
him and kicks him in his side very hard. Goten:owwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Piccolo: I
thought you said you were ready? Goten: I didn't know you were going to come
at me so fast and so quick. Piccolo: You should always expect things like
that from your opponents these sayins will do anything to win, look at your
dad that proves it they'll even die to win. Goten: don't talk about my dad
like that Mr. Piccolo it makes me angry. Piccolo:hmmmmm...... Your dad is
nothing but a huge pile of trash the only thing that he's good for is being
used for a doormat. Goten: I'm warning you Mr. Piccolo stop. Piccolo: I don't
even know why I'm even bothering to train you Goten your just going to follow
in your fathers footsteps and be nothing but a big fat loser. Goten: I warned
you, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!. Goten goes flying at Piccolo with enormous force
punching and kicking in nothing but rage and all that Goten remembers during
this whole ordeal is that he remembers that Piccolo was the one that killed
his dad it wasn't Radditz it was Piccolos beam that went thought his dad and
his uncle and by remembering this Goten breaks out erupting with rage all of
a sudden Goten is throwing punches and kicks faster than he ever has and he's
beating the crap out off Piccolo. Piccolo: stop, good, good you have fought
very well but tell me what made you speed up the pace? Goten: all I had to
remember was my dad laying there in pain with a big hole in his chest on the
edge of death, and those words that you said to me really got to me and made
me very angry. Piccolo: good, you must understand Goten I did not mean those
things your father is a great man I just needed to motivate you so that I
could see what you got so that I can find your weak points and improve them.
Goten: did you find and weak points yea I found a couple the first one is
that you always need to be on your toes and ready or else you opponent will
sneak attack you then you'll be in real trouble. The second one is that you
need to stop after a attack and rest don't keep on going or else you'll wear
you energy level down and then you'll be screwed. The third is try to get to
the sides and the back of your opponent don't always attack them head on
especially if their stronger than you are and forth we need to teach you and
attack or else you'll be beaten every time you fight. You trained good
tonight Goten lets go get some rest what do you say. Goten: ok. Piccolo:
we'll continue this in the morning................

exp earned:2000 not very original.
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