
in Japanese

The Betsy-Tacy series was published in Japan but the books are not published there anymore. There are a few copies of the Japanese Betsy-Tacy books at the Kerlan Collection at the University of Minnesota. The cover illustrations pictured Betsy in the 1950s with a wide, flouncy skirt. The National Library of Japan still holds several Lovelace's books. It seems as if Lovelace's books are not popular now in Japan, yet they were well read in 50s and 60s.

  1. "Betsy no koukou sotsugyou ki" (Betsy's high-school graduation period); translated by Mihoko Onchi and published by Akimoto-Shobo in 1956
  2. "Betsy ha koukou ichinennsei" (Betsy's first year in high-school); translated by Mihoko Onchi and published by Akimoto-Shobo in 1957
  3. "Betsy ha koukou ninensei" (Betsy's second year in high-school); translated by Mihoko Onchi and published by Akimoto-Shobo in 1957
  4. "Betsy ha koukou sannnennsei" (Betsy's third year in high-school); translated by Mihoko Onchi and published by Akimoto-Shobo in 1957
  5. "Watashi ha kodoku deha nai" (I am not alone); translated by Yasuo Okubo and published by Akimoto-Shobo in 1965
  6. "Betsy to Tacy" (Betsy and Tacy); no info on translator/publishing date/publisher.

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