Elizabeth Navah
Age: 13
Birth date: April 20 1991
Birth name: Elizabeth Navah Mickunas
Birth place: Palmer Alaska
Favorite acrtresses: Christina Ricci Allison Lohman
Favorite Actor: Johny Depp Ewan McGREGOR
Movies: Casper The nightmare before Christmas moulan Rouge Forest Gump Goodbye Lennon Broken wings Young Adam  Harold and Mod What lies beneath What dreams may come
Shows: ANTM Degrassi
Bands/music: Enya Green day My Chemical Romance <3 The beatles the Doors O brother where art though? soundrack The Dresden Dolls Fiona Apple The Winnie the poo soundtack (what?)
Nirvana AFI, ect........

Happy things
Mod jewlery, the 60's, The Beatles, Jim Morrison, Enya music, truffles, lace, neon everything, blacklights, bubble gum, making websites, moby (my pug), fruit,singing,  lolita clothing,  Nutella mmmmmmm, nutella!!!!!!! blackberrys, rasberrys, black, taking pictures, looking at pictures, my mom when shes nice, my dad when he's happy, Listening to the O brother where art though? soundtrack, ebay, bying stuff, eating white chocolate, making collages, foreign films, pencil drawing, charcoal drawing, meeting up with old friends, hair dye, bright lipstick, blue cheese salad sressing, rasberry red wine vinigarette salad dressing, baslamic vineger, red roses, rose oil, lavender oil, teetree oil, being in love, lust, Ewan McGREGOR, Jake the doggie,
vampires, fangs, , Rocko's modern life, ect.
Sad things
Pedjuduce, celebrity ubsession, headaches, F's, mean people, Judgemental people, prepies, pop music, Paris Hilton, Fear Factor, Brittany Spears, Kathryn Zeta-Jones, Avril Lavine,  orange/yellow teeth, not brushing my teeth, being scared, insomnia, OCD, fur, animal crulety, meat, road kill, ect.
This picture makes me crack up! (Its me and my sister)
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