Cap'n Shell
My Journal
Talk like a Pirate Day
Marvel Comics
Avast me hearties, I be known as Cap'n Sanguine Shell.

(Also known as the Seductress of the Sofa, the Philosophical Pirate, and Giggles.)

If ye be looking to identify me I is 5'2", hair colour be dependent on what mood i be in, my eyes be brown and I be usually wearing
(a) black
(b) pirate gear,
Or (c) what the Yellow Dart would call "flouncy elvish stuff"

NOW, I be the Cap'n of this 'ere ship  - what I says goes. Savvy? Punishments for not following the orders of the Captain include:

1) Being keel-hauled
2) Being made to walk the plank
3) Having a Nine-Pounder tied to your feet and being sent to meet Davy Jones
4) 10 licks of the "Cat"
5) Being made to watch LotR or PotC over and over again with the Cap'n
6) 5 Duckings
7) Fighting Orcses
8) Singing "Bruces' Philosophers Song" to all of Pulsar
9) Being me butt-monkey I mean Cabin Boy for a week
10) Cleaning the Mess and the Head. Not pleasant. Just ask the Yellow Dart.
So, what be your Captain interested in?

Pirates, philosophy, reading, writing, sci-fi, movies, comic books... probably about sums up my interests/whats going on in me brain


Fav Colour: Blue, green, black

Fav Food: fishessess, bread

Fav Drink: Tea, rum

Fav Movie: Too many to list but includes Harvey, The Wicker Man, anything by Alfred Hitchcock, Jaws.....

Fav TV Show: Buffy, SG1, X-Files, Dr Who, Monty Python...

Fav Book: Really really too many to list but includes, "Boating for Beginners" by Jeanette Winterson, "Moby Dick," "Little Women," anything by J R R Tolkien, "Candide" by Voltaire.......

Fav philosopher: Kant, Berkeley, Descartes, Sartre, Nietzsche

Fav Comic Book: X-Men

Fav Comic Character: Rogue, Gambit
Me friends include:

Steve :) My boyfriend. I love you xxxxx

First Mate: The Yellow Dart
To find out what he likes read his Bio :)

Crewmen of the Goodship Pulsar; Mike, Paul, Jonno, Helena, Adam, Sven and all other Pulsar crewmen.

Crew of the GoodShip Kings: James, Matt, Steve, Dan, The Claw, Richard and Dan.

P.S. To the Big V, we love you :)
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