Deixa la teva emprempta / Deja tu huella / Leave your footprint /

Ver�nica Varela (vv) - 11/14/00 18:23:29
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Mi aficci�n a la serie, un recorrido por los foros espa�oles, conocer a mviqui y apuntarme al Vilagate!
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Teal�c, pero prefiero al sg1 al completo.
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: DE MALAGA, Espa�a.

Hola Nausica! Ya s� que la p�gina lleva tiempo pero es CASI imposible encontrar nada en espa�ol de estos colegas. Los buscadores espa�oles son una pena!! �Esta serie es genial y ya va por la 4� Temporada!! �Y se espera una 5�!! Ojal� hagan otra peli. Un abrazo a todos los seguidores de esta maravillosa serie! A hug for everyone who likes this serie!

Julio Cesar Zan�briga R. - 11/08/00 19:02:36
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: curiosidad
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Danniel Jhacson
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Acapulco,M�xico

Muy buena, claro que podr�a mejorarse, pero fue bastante ilustrativa...

Dred - 10/29/00 20:45:16
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Noia!!! s�c el papa......
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Jack i en Tonane, jeje
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Girona

Com no?, deixo la meva marca en una bonica pagina web d'una amiga internauta.

mercherita - 09/10/00 12:18:47
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: navegant per la porta
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Teal'c, quin home m�s sexi!
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Barcelona

Poques fotos d'en Teal'c per� la resta est� for�a b�. Aqui tota la familia es seguidora de la s�rie. Episodi humor�stic destacat: Holiday (Vacances) 2� temporada. Seguirem tafanejant! Per cert, si busques informaci� gr�fica com revistes, per ex., pots trobar coses a la llibreria Gigamesh, Rda. de Sant Pere, 53. (tenen web per� ara no la trobo). A10

- 09/09/00 13:48:57


Tere - 09/07/00 23:20:59
My URL:no tengo
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Browsing around
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Daniel, claro!
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Cuba/Puerto Rico/Miami

Wow! Primera vez que veo un site en espanol. Perdona que no escriba con acentos y la ene pero no se como hacerlo en mi teclado. Deduzco que eres catalana? Yo soy hija de gallego y he viajado por Espana, estuve en varias ciudades, incluso Barcelona. Bu no, me alegro haber encontrado tu site. Ahora voy a "explorar"!

Faron - 09/03/00 22:17:36
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Link in personal mail from you... :)
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Jack...Of course! How can you even ask?!?
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Norway

Hi and thanks for mailing me. Your site is great! I hope I can ever run mine in three languages... but at the moment my German is to rusty and my Spanish even worse...LOL Lots of kewl stuff here! Keep up the good work. Oh, and I hope you get the show back soon! It's not even aired yet in Norway. May be in the Spring 2001. :)

Hammer (again) - 09/01/00 05:47:59
My URL: (the new RPG site)
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Time loop...I sign this every day, ya know ;-)
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Major Charles Kawalsky...who, might I add, is NOT DEAD! If you tend to agree...join the KAWFERs at egroups...all welcome (hehehe...shameless plug)
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: The Gutter, of course :-)

Nausica...couldn't help but sign again...:-) Suuuuuuuper cool page...feel free to use (and/or translate) any of my stuff to put on here :-) Hmmmmm...must follow Daniel clone...he's heading out the door...must...follow...Daniel... Toodle pip, thanks for all the fish and all that funky jazz!

Tryda o Viqui - 08/31/00 21:40:00
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Vilagate
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: En Daniel.... o en Jack?
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: De Barcelona

Trobo que t�ho est�s currant molt, molt�ssim. Enhorabona!! Ens parlem a vilagate. :D

Eva - 08/31/00 20:47:33
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Danielites message!!
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: what do ya think - DJ!!!!!!!!
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: AUSTRIA

the humor outside the eps - that's great stuff, hun! I love the pic with Apophis - street hockey! Gorillas in the mist - what an idea!! your's Eva

Rayner - 08/06/00 14:36:44
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: El teu missatge al f�rum de Batman
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Teal'c
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Barcelona

Felicitats Nausica tens una p�gina molt bona i en catal�.

Animetal - 07/28/00 17:49:46
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Tu
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Tilk
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Catalunya

Ta txula la tefa web, passat per la meva de Animaci� Japonesa

Hammer - 07/11/00 11:59:46
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Well, I just followed the yellow brick road...which my Daniel clone was following...
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: KAWALSKY!!!!
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Australia (G'day mate! Hee hee)

Yes Nausica, the insane one is here! I finally made it! LOVELY page m'dear...absolutely fabulous in true DANIELite tradition. For this WONDERFUL tribute to Stargate, I'm awarding you a VIP Gold Pass to Planet Kawalsky (1 Kawalsky Ave, Abydos, The Gutter) well as a free camel from Hammer's Camels (come on own!) and a super-duper mallet from Hammer's Mallets Pty Ltd (great for ISP's, modems and email with a special Egroups accessory). Don't mind me, I'm clincally insane...and I have Peter Pan Syndrome...I'll never grow up! Oh, and yes, I *can* act my age, I just choose to act an age I've already mastered! Toodle pip, see you when we're RPGing...CHECK OUT THE RPG SITE ALL YOU PEOPLE! Hee hee...

Mau - 07/07/00 15:17:19
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Qu�, voldr�s dir...
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Jack, Jack, Jack
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Barcelona

Per fi la puc veure!! Algo que quedi... el teu esfor�, el resultat, la gent que l'ha visitat i la nostra (meva) enhorabona ^_^.

QS - 06/29/00 19:04:34
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: A strange compelling feeling!!
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: DJ
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Mars

Who's a clever bod, then? From one DANIELite to another - congrats on a great site...

PK-Rach - 06/27/00 23:20:23
My Email:[email protected]
Qu?et va dur fins aqui? / Qu?te trajo aqu? / What brought you here?: Well, a lot of reasons, but I'll just pick- Because of my fabulous, sweet, passionate, lovely friend Nuria. *eg* Hey, bribe works, right? Right.
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Is that even a question? Daniel, of course. :)
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: A lot of places. Do I have to pick one? For now, Vancouver, Canada

Okay, girl, I'm here! I've been here before (as you know), but I'm just late with sign-up. *guilty* It looks amazing as always and I'm very proud of ya! *hugs* So, since you started to 'enlighten' people in your languages (two lanuages, no less. If I ever get to do a Korean one, you're signing up. *g*) I expect the show will be popular over there real soon? *eg* I'm sure Danielites will appreciate your effort. g* Alright, I'll stop mumble and let others enjoy signing the guestbook. Did I tell you Daniel is gorgeous? LOL. See I've been hanging out with you too long...:0

pepote - 06/27/00 21:31:20
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: ens vas cridar al forum
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: tots
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: barcelona

es molt bona la teva pagina, i es nota que t'agrada de deb� Stargate!!! Moltes felicitats per la teva feina y Molta Sort !!!!

Era - 06/22/00 16:15:12
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: la nausica
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: ???
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Barcelona

Molt b�, ja ho has aconsegit!

BUFFY - 06/22/00 11:31:11
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: la teva publicitat "descarada" al forum de tv3
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Mc... Vull dir O'Neill
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: BCN

Seguir� l'evoluci� de la teva p�gina. Ens seguirem trobant pel f�rum.

Mai - 06/22/00 11:14:19
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Jajaja.. tu i nom�s tu, t'ho asseguro!
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: d'Stargate? El noiet 'egipci-extraterestre' de la peli.
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Del Planeta Terra, i tu?

B�, espero que rebis moltes moltes moltes visites, p.q. tot i ser profana en la materia em sembla que de moment t'ho has currat. Molta sort!

APOPHIS QUEEN - 06/22/00 04:45:25
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: YOU TOLD ME!
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: MY LORD!!!! DEANNA'S IS DANNY!
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: PIERRE PART, LOUISIANA IN THE USA!!


FoS - 06/22/00 00:05:10
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: I'm a DANIELite ; ) Just had to take a look.
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Daniel...though everyone else is a close second.
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Tau'ri, Earth, Terra, Mom...

Am I the firt one to sign in English? Cool. I'm learning French so when I'm proficient enough, I'll come back and sign it again just to be different. Love ya Nausica :)

Dr. Felip - 06/21/00 11:47:32
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Na Nausica amb un subtil missatge...
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Ses Salines (Mallorca)

Enhorabona! Comen�ava a patir despr�s de tant de temps, per� finalment ho has aconseguit. Per� no et confi�s!!! Jo tamb� vaig crear la meva p�gina i fa estona que ha quedat congelada... Fins aviat!

Guro - 06/21/00 06:34:40
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: la Nausica, es clar.
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Cerdanyola del V. (Barcelona)

Molt maca la web. Felicitats per la teva currada!

KalEl el Vigilant - 06/20/00 21:21:48
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Una amiga, un fil daurat i una porta a la Lluna
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Samuel Beckett... ah, de Stargate? La Sam
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Barcelona

Hooola! Salutacions. I felicitats. Felicitats per haver aixecat aquesta porta que havia quedat enfonsada a la sorra. I que els viatges i els viatgers segueixin passant de banda a banda, de tot arreu (i tots els temps, si les taques solars ho permeten) i en totes ireccions. Que les vostres passes us condueixin pels camins de la Fantasia i de l'Amor, KalEl el Vigilant

Isil - 06/20/00 21:01:05
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: La creadora
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Personatge? La Porta
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Barcelona

Be, Nuria, ho has aconseguit... espero que quan estiguin totes les p�gines en funcionament ser�... i no et preocupis, seguir� corretgint errors tipogr�fics fins que aconseguiexis no fer-ne ni un

Ramon - 06/20/00 19:53:22
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: La teva nota a CatRol
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Teal'c
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Barcelona


Nausica - 03/11/00 17:10:23
My Email:[email protected]
Qu� et va dur fins aqui? / Qu� te trajo aqu�? / What brought you here?: Jo mateixa / Yo misma / Myself
Personatge favorit / Personaje favorito /Favourite character: Daniel!!! (DANIELite and proud of it)
D'on ets? / De donde eres / Where are you from?: Barcelona

Comen�ant... Empezando... Getting started...
Aix� del multilinguisme m'esta fent parar boja!! Esto del multilinguismo me esta volviendo loca!! This multilinguism thing is driving me nuts!!
Per� �s divertit. Pero es divertido But it's fun.

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