God's Healing Hand

    I would like to share with you a miracle I experienced
this past summer. There were several witnesses to this miracle, 
some of them children, 4 of us adults. We all saw the healing
hand of God that day, and were in awe!

I am a photographer by trade, and some friends of mine from our church asked if I would take their family pictures after church one Sunday, since their daughter was home for a brief visit from her work as a missionary. I was happy to help them out, and following church, we went out to a local park to do just that.

It was a beautiful sunny day, and after a couple of hours of picture taking, we headed back to their van. The children piled into the back, and I began to climb into the seat behind Marianne, the Mom. What I did not see was her getting into the front at the same time. I had my hand on the door frame, and the next thing I knew, she had slammed the van door shut on 3 of my fingers! There was no pain at first, just shock at seeing my fingers trapped in the door. I very calmy said,"Marianne,please open the door." As she turned around and said "What's wrong?" her husband Bill saw that my fingers were trapped in the door. "Oh Lord! Marianne! Open the door!" he cried. She then saw what he was looking at, and quickly complied. As I pulled my hand out, I could see that the fingers were badly crushed, and one of them, if not all, was certainly broken. The ring on the broken finger was deeply imbedded into the skin, bent beyond recognition. Blood was beginning to well up around it. I had a cup of ice water with me, and as the pain came, I plunged my fingers into the water. The pain intensified, and all I could think of at that moment was the fact that I had several pieces of art to get out that week, and I could NEVER do it with broken fingers! I am an artist too, you see. Immediately Bill started to drive to the hospital. I was in tears from the pain, and Marianne, Bill and the childrenall began to pray for me. I also prayed with them. Half way to the hospital, the pain disappeared completely, and we began to laugh and joke about what had happened. When we arrived at the hospital, we went to the emergency room and explained what had happened. The doctor looked at the ring, and left to get pliers and metal cutters. It took both of us to pry the ring out of my finger. Once she had done that, I looked up at Marianne, and said, "Look! The Lord has healed me!" I held up my hand, and there were no bruises, no swelling, and no cut where the ring had been. The doctor raised one eyebrow, and said, "Let's get you into x-ray." Laughing, I replied,"There's no need. God has healed me." Several times she attempted to get me in to have x-rays, but I refused, telling her over and over that I had been healed by God. Needless to say, she must have thought we were all crazy, but we knew the truth! Once again, I say "Thank you Father! Hallelujah!"

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