First of all, I would like to begin by saying that I was saved, or thought I was, at the age of ten. I never really did it from the heart, so I started living for myself and not for the LORD.

All this time, I was looking in the wrong places for happiness, when all I had to do was look to God! My Mom and her friends started praying for me to come to know the Lord, and it took about a year, but trust me, PRAYER DOES GET ANSWERED!

This week has been the best, and the Lord has done so much for me! Monday night, (Jan.27th,'99) Kerry (one of our internet friends)was talking to me, and led me to the saving grace of Jesus. Then Wednesday night, I went to church with one of my friends, and it was AWESOME! I have NEVER felt the presence of God as I did that night. The feeling overwhelmed me!

Now I have something to live for! I am filled with peace, joy, and happiness, not hopelessness like I was before. All I want to do now is shout, sing, read my Bible and share my testimony with everyone, and tell them about Jesus! I want to tell tell them that if the Lord can help me get out of my mess, and change me, then I know He can help ANYONE! It is the most awesome feeling anyone can have! God is so awesome and powerful!

The Lord has changed my life forever, and this Sunday morning, I gave my testimony in front of the church. It was WONDERFUL! God truly does work in mysterious ways! He has made me happy, and remember, if He can help me, then He can help ANYONE!

The Lord has also changed my outlook on things, such as my career. When I graduate highschool, I am going to become a missionary for Him. God is great!

That is how the Lord has worked in my life, and I pray you all will keep up the good work of the Lord.

Your friend in Christ; Brandy

I met Brandy online quite some time ago. She had many doubts about the Lord, but it was clear to me, and to others who know her and her Mom, that the Lord had His hand on her. His love for Brandy, for all of His children, is stronger than any doubts that Satan, the father of lies, can put in one's mind.

Brandy's salvation is proof that God indeed answers prayer! I have spoken to her since she has come to know the Lord, and she is a completely different young lady. She is on fire for Christ, and she is going to make a difference in this world!

Please pray for her, and ask the Lord to protect her, and to encourage her in her desire to become a missionary.

In Christ's love; Sally

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