Memories of a warm embrace
Memories of a smiling face
Memories of days with him you spent
Memories of the places you both went
Memories of when you first met
Memories you have with you yet
Memories refreshed with the touch of a breeze
Memories he wants you to keep, your heart to ease
Memories brightened with days of sun
Memories you have when you might've had none
Memories gathered in the boughs of trees
Memories waiting there for you to seize
Memories reflecting off water to your eyes
Memories to comfort you in your silent cries
Memories glowing in a fire's embers
Memories your heart remembers
Memories rooted and growing in the earth
Memories to give your soul rebirth
Memories to have and to hold
Memories that can never grow old
Memories of a love that will leave you never
Memories of a love you'll have forever.
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