These are my poems...the most recent are at the bottom.


I look at myself, I begin to cry
I feel lost, if only I could die
I shake my head in utter despair
I look into my soul, only to find that nothing is there.
I am trapped and I feel suffocated
I feel myself begin to let go, I am devostated
Look at me, who am I inside?
I cant figure it out, I am too tongue tied
I scream at God for allowing this to happen to me
Why I am this way and hurting and depressed constantly
If only there were someone here to see me through
But there isn't and I am lost and confused
What did I do to deserve this pain?
Is this my punishment because my feelings I cannot contain?
If there is anything I could do
I would make you understand me like I understand you.


Save me I am drowning in my life
I can not help myself, so I silently die
Inside I am nothing, just a lost soul
Someone who has lost all self control
I am crying, suffering with pain
Inside I hear voices screaming my name
I have fought enough, and I am out of tears
A lingering sadness,thats been around for years
There is no end to this torturous hell
Its an endless story I can continuously tell
This is an end to another meaningless poem
Another damn poem, I meaninglessly wrote


I sense when we're together
the electricity that is there.
There exists a sense of fuzziness
around us everywhere.
I know how you feel about me.
It's in the way you stare.
It's the way you look into my eyes, it's the way you always care.
I feel the same way about you,
my insides burn like fire.
I can't help but feel within my soul
the burning of desire.
But it can never be,
my heart is already taken
But in my heart I know,
this feeling I am not mistaken.
We belong together, forever meant to be,
But we can't allow ourselves to love,
because you're not promised to me.

love I had

A drop of tear came from my eye
It really hurts I want to die
I want to shout the loudest cry
I want to hear the reasons why
Why did it have to hurt this way
Why didnt I say the right words to make you stay
Why did i love you, you never loved me back
But somehow I was happy, Cause I love the love I had

I need you

They say in this world nothing lasts forever
but I don't believe that's true
cuz the way that I feel when we're together
I know that's the way I'll always feel for you from now until forever
that's how long I'll be true & I will make you this vow & promise you now
until forever I'll never stop loving you.
*If you're asking if I love you,
The answer is forever
And if you're asking if I'll leave you
The answer would be never
If you're asking what I value most
The answer would be you
And if you're asking if I need you
The answer is I do

New Me

I blink my eyes, I do not cry
I look in the mirror and I am satisfied
I am becoming someone new
someone I never thought I would turn into
I like who I am now, no second thoughts
I am not going back to the old ways, because in myself I get caught
I am surrounded by anger and hurt and neverending pain
But that is the old me, before I changed
I now find beauty in all I see
This is the good coming through me
I find serenity in the sky
Because I know there is someone up there who didn't want me to die.

Do you love me

written with a pen
Sealed with a kiss
If you love me
Please answer this
do you love me?
or do you not?
you told me once,but i forgot
so tell me now
and tell me true
so i can say i love you too
of all the people i ever met
your the one i*ll never forget
and if i die, before you do
i*ll go to heaven and wait for you
but if your not there, on judgement day...
i*ll kno you went the other way
i*ll give the angels back their wingz
and risk the loss of everything
to prove to you my love is true
i*ll go to hell, just to be with you.

Too many

Too many tears I have wasted
So many tears I have cried.
All for someone who never loved me
Whose feelings seemed to have died
So many lies, so much deceit
Too many broken hearts I can not defeat.
The new girl will never survive.
He is not even worthy to be called a man
But since I survived it...I hope she can.


Lost inside..without any hope
No one to see me through
Lost and hopelessly in love with you
I wish you might feel the same.
But you dont and that is ok.
I am stronger without you anyway.


Jealous, is all you are
You still hold on to me like I am yours
I am happy and that kills you.
Too bad for you...I am free
Your wrath has withheld me and now its been released
I am new and you are someone I put in the past.
Its just too bad...we are over, cuz our love could not last.
Its ok now...too bad for you
Now you know how I felt when I was with you.

A Bed of Roses

Lay you down in a bed of Roses�
Allow you to caress my soul�
Live for the moment�
When two parts can become whole�
I see me in you�
Feel you in me�
Twisted into one as only real lovers can be�
You are the wind of the hurricane�
I�ll be the eye of your storm�
You be the hills of the valley�
I�ll be the sun keeping you warm�
You will be in the places�I won�t allow others to see�
You fill my emptiness�my shores to your sea�
Needing you�like one needs breath to breath�
Enter into each other�with a spiritual ease�
Pick you up from the bed of roses�
Walk on a rainbow over the clouds�
Holding hands with one another�
Two lovers standing proud�
Just avoid the thorns on the stems�
Just avoid the crowd�
Keeping things silent�
That you want to shout out loud�
That I love you and that you love me�
Upon the bed of roses�is where we only find peace�


A lonely shade of grey lingers in my soul
I break down as I watch my life unfold
Such a sad little girl with no where to go
Anger flows inside her that she never shows
A constant burden lerks within
Shadows of a past life she can not forget
A search for an answer or even a friend
On a broken bridge, like a dead end
She has no one, not even herself
Inside she is silently pleading for help
She is no one, just a face in the crowd
Maybe she would feel better if she let some of this anger out
Maybe she is different, or even strange
But who are you to judge something you can not change?

In my heart

I just wanted someone to love me.
Someone to call me at night & ask me what I'm wearing just so his dreams will be perfectly real.
I wanted someone to hold me even when I push away.
I wanted someone who will keep believing in me, even when I'm ready to give up.
I love you and you should know it too.
That my happiest moments are those spent with you
For when we are together and when we are apart
You're the first in my thoughts and the first in my heart.

Dear Ex

Dear Ex,

It's been two months since I said Goodbye.
Two months since I made you cry.
What we had did not feel right.
My feelings inside, i could no longer fight.
I fell in love with someone new.
I'm so sorry I had to go and hurt you.
But the love that I felt, it's no longer real.
Try to respect this because, that is how I feel.
Please stop asking me to come back.
It makes me feel as if I am under attack.
So if you really care about me, let "us" go.
And if you ask me again, I am still going to say no.


Twisted thoughts, forgotten dreams
Unreal tears, that cause flooded streams
A little girl with unreal fears
She feels feelings that no one hears
We all wonder what goes on in her head
Because of the words she leaves unsaid
Lost in herself, she has no way out
She feels pain that is an unreal amount
Look at her its so so sad
This burden hurts her oh so bad
Can you understand all she hears
She is trapped in herself and drowning in her tears


Who am I, I do not know.
Can you help me let these feelings show?
Bring out the best of me...
Help me remember who I used to be.
Before this...I was happy and free
I didn't feel like I was not complete.
I used to know exactly who I was
But now...I dont even know my name
There is no need to save the me that I've made
Because I have become the one thing I hate.

Loving you

Loving you is the best thing to ever happen to me
Loving you is the reason I am me.
Loving you has been the greatest blessing I have ever received
I love you, and I hope to God you never leave.
I hope that you feel the same way about me
I want to spend my life proving my love to you
Dont one no one else, Nothing else I wanna do.
I wanna be your love, your one desire
Because the love I feel for you will never tire.

Not Good Enough

I am not yours or so that is what you said.
My mom always told me about you, and how you looked.
I imagined your touch, your warming smile.
But you did not want children for a longer while.
So since I was welcomed left us and never came back again.
We were so little, just little babies.
But all the answers you gave us were simple maybe's.
Dad you hurt me, and shattered my life.
I hate you, and nearly despise
Wish you never spoke to her, or went to see her.
But hey, its ok...I dont love you either.

What is Wrong?

I dont understand why you act like it is ok
I dont even understand the words you say.
You have become a stranger to me...I wonder who you are
We seemed to be close....but now it seems that you are very far.
Distanced in my mind, close to my heart
Still together, but broken apart.
Do you undersatnd what I am trying to say?
I am saying I love you and I want you to stay
I just want us to be like we used to be.
I want you to love me and only me.
I want us to stay just like we are
Just come back together instead of being apart.


Better off now, than before
Saved from myself within my inner core.
Holding in my one last breath
Safe inside of myself.
I am not afraid, I have no fears
I know you feel differently, I can taste it in your tears.
Dont let go, for I am still here
Close your eyes, to disappear.
You are completely overcome with fear
So you pray your dreams will leave you here.
Dont forget my words.

Little bit

Little bit of shelter
Little bit of pain.
No one can help her
Now she's gone insane.


Much pain
Very scared.
Too afraid
No one cared.


One breath
Had enough.
Cause of death
No one to love.

Not heard

All alone
Now I am gone
Cuz no one heard me.

Too much

Too many feelings
Too much pain.
No room for healing
Too much to explain.

Out of Time

Sad and in pain
Not worth a dime.
Everything stays the same
Out of time.


In love, what is that?
It is what I feel with you
You are the light pulling me through
I know you love I do
I know you are mine, and only mine.
I know no one will ever come between
What is between you and I

In Love
Tears and arguments, lonely nights
Little problems, dead stares, worthless fights.
Meaningless reasons, uncountable words
Screaming and yelling, furious hurt.
Passion, intimacy, best of times
love notes, letters, and lovey dovey poems, that sometimes rhyme.
Sweet conversations, sweet little words, shared thoughts
Feelings, expressions, and sincere apologies for the fights we have fought.
Shared plans, life long dreams, smiles, and past memories
The life that is unlived, future ahead, things we believe.
This is a couple's life...atleast one that is in love
This we, this is together, this is you and I, this is US!

Wrapped and Twisted
Wrapped and twisted, caught inside
Living a life in which I've almost died.
Tangled up, even more confused
Mentally distrought, Emotionally abused.
Wrapped and twisted, caught in love
Feeling a feeling of never being good enough.
Trapped and worn into another "misfit"
Just another target of everyone's hatred.
Wrapped and twisted in meaningless thoughts
Worn out and tangled into twisted knots.
Always left feeling rattled and shaken
Dreaming, sleeping, almost comatose, I never awaken.
Wrapped and twisted into something I can not be
Wrapped and twisted inside of me.

Silently Crying
Silently crying, playing the same game
Pleading and begging for things to change.
Pain and sadness is always around
I keep crying, but I never make a sound.
Silently crying, consumed with doubt
Silently trying to find my way out.
The presence of this hurt still knows its way
The way to my heart, in which it stays.
Silently crying, crying the pain away
Even though I am crying, the pain doesn't go away.

I am addicted to your kiss and your sweet taste
I am mezmorized by the touch of your hand
how it can touch me like noone else can
I am addicted to your sexy smile
I am addicted to you, but I am in denial
I am going to have to say, I have a confession
I must admit I have an obsession
I am addicted to your entrancing eyes
I am addicted to the way you tell no lies
I am infatuated by the scent you leave behind
I am addicted to the tears you've cried
I am hooked on your everlasting love
I am with the only one I will ever love
I am addicted, addicted to you
I have an addiction to being in love with you

The Real Me
When I was little, I was normal
Now I am older and I seem abnormal.
I cry so much and I don't know why
No one can understand me even if they try.
I seem strange, maybe even weird
But I am me, the one person I fear.
People judge me, almost every day
I try and ignore it, but I still hear what they say.
It hurts to know that I am hated
I smile and act happy, but I only fake it.
It's not real and it never will be
Only because I will never love me.
I am what I am, what I've become
I am me, I am just someone.
I am this, this person you see
I am this, this is the real me.

Oh Gherlie...don't try me

If there is another, another girl you see
Give her this, this little message from me:

Girl you don't know me, don't think you do
You try fuckin' with me, life will be hell for you.
If your messin with the man I love
You best be counting your lucky stars above.
Cuz girlie, you will soon see, I will win
He is mine, my man, aint no one gonna get with him.
Your love aint shit compared to mine
My love will beat yours, leaving you far behind.
Girlie, I just wanna teach you a lesson you see?
This boy is mine, I aint lettin' down cuz he's with me.
If he is fooling around then fuck his shit
I can get on with my life, and happily admit
that yes he cheated, and left me, left me for a bitch.
that he said he loved me and I fell for it.
I can honestly say it happened again.
But when he does it to you...I will be the one laughin'.
Don't come cryin' to me and bring me your woe
Cuz all I am gonna say is "Bitch, I told ya' so!"
I aint gonna let another girl win this time
But hey if he is kissin your ass, then he can kiss mine.

The Many Times

The many times you've picked me up
When my world was down.
The many times you've stayed
When I fought and pushed you away.

When I was least loveable
you loved me even more.
When I was crying
inside, you were crying too.

The many times I've loved you
the many times you wanted me back.
The many times I've held you
you held me too, but tighter.

When the world seemed to hate me
you hated the world for me.
When I hated myself
you showed care and love to me.

When I said I love you
You smiled and replied.
You said I love you too
I've needed you all my life.

What took you so long?

When I was young
and so naive
I prayed for you and me

But you never came
My love was in song
What I want to know
what took so long?

What took you so long,
were you looking for me?
Were you at every corner...
behind every tree?
Were you biding for us?
Were you busy preparing?
Were there obligations to carry?
What took you so long?

What took you so long,
were you looking for me?
Did you feel me in your sleep...
did you see me in your dreams?
Were you in my world?
Could it possibly be?
Did you never give up on finding me?
What took you so long?

The years, they were so hard
without you by my side
I prayed for you and me

But you never came
My love was in song
...what I want to know now
...what took you so long?

Pouring it Out of my Soul

I am coming out, coming completely clean
giving up my life dreams, my crushed fantasies.
I am with holding my heart from love and affection
I am searching for myself, in my imperfect perfections.

Here is a story, listen closely to this
I am revealing all, and this you dont want to miss.
These are my reasons for being me, and who I am
This is my legacy, my pride...if you even give a damn.

I once was a girl, living in pain and misery
An angel was sent, to save and uplift me.
He saved me in many ways unknown
I appreciate his efforts, for, he did it...all alone.

Bestfriends for a year, all the ups and downs
after loving him so long, and he never felt the same, I gave up.

Right when fate was all run out, my life turned around
He came, and took me in. He changed his mind, I am not just a friend.

May 20, 2003...he asked me to be his
Perfect and so much more
Ten months of perfection, and he said, "I dont love you anymore".

I never saw it coming. Not once in my mind
Because, for him I had done everything, or atleast I tried.
He tore out my heart, and broke it in two
I am almost incapable of believing or saying "I love you".

I am hurt, and my heart is incomplete
I am getting on with life, because I am strong.
Life continues, long after must go on
This is the cause...for my self discovery...I am finding me.

I am Rachel, I am undefeatable
No boy can get to me...I am stronger than him.
I love myself...and I am special...he did me wrong...
I need no one, I have me, myself, and I.


Can't Understand

Can you look through my eyes?
Can you see what I see?
When you look in the mirror
do you see a reflection of me?
You don't know me.
So don't pretend that you do.
You didn't go through
what I went through.
You don't understand me
or any of the things I do.
I do them for my own reasons,
I don't do them for you.
I want you to understand
but I couldn't ever teach you.
Because to understand me
you'd have to go through
what I have been through.

-- Written by Kari S..

Pull me so close,
Your chest against mine,
Lay there with me
as our legs intertwine.
Running my nails
softly down your back,
Oh god, stop me now,
before I attack.
The look in your eyes..
its driving me insane,
I want you so bad,
but I must refrain.
Ahh, but your touch,
your breath in my ear,
you are so addicting,
that I'm stuck here.
I can't get away,
I dont want to try,
I want every second
before we say goodbye.
Make them last forever,
at least in my mind,
as we lay here together,
with our legs intertwined.

-- Written by Kari S..

Copyright � 2003 by Rachel W.
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