People in my life. Click names for pics.

[Last Updated: March 22, 2004]



Allen-[a.k.a]Cuppy Cake: This is Allen. My Cuppy Cake. We are married..and he is my life!!! We have been together since July 6 2005...and we are totally perfect for eachother. He is my soul mate...and always will be.


Mom: This is my mom. I love her so much. She does so much for me. She never has let me down when I NEEDED SOMETHING. Its a different story with my She is a great mother, though at times I say I hate her. She is awesome...better than a lot of mom's I know.

Dad: This is the only picture of my father I have; it was taken when I was a baby. My dad is not a very big part of my life, but I love him very dearly. My dad does not live with me, but I see him every chance I get. Nothing else really to tell.

Jimmy (step-dad): This my mom's husband. He is my step dad. I dont exactly ALWAYS get along with him, but I make do. He is funny, and can be a MAJOR asshole at times. He buys me and Matt things. He is around more than my REAL dad, but he still isn't the BEST father figure.

Matthew: This is my brother Matt. He and I get along pretty well. He is helping me through a lot of my problems. He is a great big brother. I love him a lot.

Hayley: This is my little sister, Hayley. She is the sweetest little girl. HONESTLY. She has so much personality, and me in her. She can be a brat, but she is 8. So who can blame her little kid tendancies? She is a major sweetheart though. She is very cute, and adorable. People call her names, like fat, and stuff that makes her cry and tell me she hates herself...and it hurts me to see a little baby, going through that mess.

Jake: This is my little brother Jacob, but we call him Jake. He is a little lover boy. He loves the GIRLS. He is a big flirt. He is sweet as can be though. He can be mean if you make him angry...but usually, he just wants to kiss and hug you. He is my "Little Man".

Heather (step mom): She is a wonderful sweet woman. She is someone I can easily talk to and trust. She and my father married January 20, 2004. They are not living together yet. She is from Manchester England. She is so amazing. I can't wait to get her over here. She is a lot of fun. And dad truly loves her.

Andrew (step-brother): I have not "met" him in person. We have spoke on the phone, and dad tells me lots of him. He seems goofy and a lot of fun. I could talk to him easily. He is so funny. I am excited to meet him.

Ian (step brother): I have met Ian. He is very sweet, and is in the British Army. He loves to talk and share his opinions and beliefs. I love that about him. He is very very open minded and I like him a lot.

Angela (step-sister): I have never seen or spoke to her. I have seen pictures. She is very pretty. She seems nice, from what dad has told me. She cooks in the Army. She cooks for the soldiers. I really look foward to meeting her.


Tony: This is Tony. He is one of my bestfriends. But we aren't as close as we used to be. And I miss that. We used to be so close. But I still love him to death!

Kittie: This is Kittie(aka-SKY). She is my best chik friend. I love her to death! She and I are like sisters. I met her in 8th grade. Me and her, well we've been through some shit. She is an awesome person. One of the best I know. She is so strong...and very loving. Her heart is so big, and she just craves love. I admire her for so many things...and I always will. She is very strong willed. I will fight for this girl. She has been there through it all.

Michelle: This here, is my girl, MICHELLE. She is an awesome friend. She is one of the few people I trust my feelings and secrets with. She and I have been friends since 8th grade. She is really an amazing person. I look up to her, not just because she is tall (LOL), but she is smart and very wise. She is my chica.

Shauna: She and I used to be worst enemies. I saw her in Algebra in 9th grade, and said hi, and since then, we have been the best of friends. She is like my sister, and I would do anything for her. She has a son named Braydon Ry'lee Trinkle. He is gorgeous, and he was born December 7 2006. I love them both to death!!

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