by Brian Clegg
Recently in the Halloween Party Forum at, the debate over what the rest of the world thinks of America and how it's run came up.  Well, I decided to post up what I personally believe when it comes to capital punishment and what I believe to be the ideal president.  Below are those two for your reading displeasure...
by Brian Clegg
     Being from Texas one might think I'm so partial to it I'd execute a jay-walker. I believe in it wholeheartedly, but ONLY after the accused has been found 100% guilty. No doubt must exist before ending one's life for doing the same thing to an innocent victim. "Eye for an eye", oh yes. McVeigh deserves what he's getting. Life in prison wouldn't have sufficed for what he did. Murdering someone is NOT something that you can sit back and think that the only punishment you'll get is 2 years and a year's worth of probation. Take a life, you should realize that your life is now forfeit.
     But personally, I think that what the murderer did, they should have the same done to them. McVeigh would go sky high under this. Women who drown their children should be drowned. Rapist/murderers should get raped then murdered in the same fashion.
     Eye for an eye?
     More like "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
     This whole situation with G. Bush...don't blame me, cause I didn't vote for the little sackless wonder.
     I would have voted if we had a guy running with balls the size of Jupiter. A man who'd go into office, and first things first, pull all of our boys in the armed services back home. Let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. And while he's at it, get those countries that owe us money to pay up NOW, that way the money could be funneled back into America's jobs and education like it should be.
     He'd have to be a business man, not a career politician. A business man would know how and where to use the money. Career politicians are only out for the key to the front door of the White House and really could care less about the rest of society. A business man would know what to do with the tax money, and not have it 'dissappear' in favor of $10,000 toilet seats and $5,000 hammers.
     Environment concerns would be on the agenda. Oil ain't gonna last forever, and everyone knows it. Some of that money we got back would go to finding something more viable and implement it immediately. Nuclear, solar, whatever.
     Education would be a top priority as well. Time for our school's to stop focusing on athletics and get back to academics (that'd shut down 90% of the colleges probably). Tired of being considered the stupid country. Government wants to do something about it? Then [censored] do it and stop planning to do something.
     Health care would get some of that money as well. AIDS,'d think that we'd have solved those by now. Which leads to the end of the FDA, which is payed off by those businesses who thrive on illnesses. Radiation is a cause of cancer, and yet they use it on cancer patients. And what happens? Do they get cured? No...they wind up dying. The FDA exists so that those companies can continue to make money on death. Get rid of them, get research on the incline, and health would get better.
     Justice system? Time for the biggest overhaul ever. Death penalty would still be implemented, but only used like I said in a previous posting. Put the police under military control, which would funnel more money into local law enforcemnt, as well as create new standards for training. Extensive background checks on all officers to weed out ANY suspicion of possible corruption.
     As far as the rest of the world goes? America needs to revert to the stance we had prior to our involvement in WWII. Nuetral, but don't mess with us. We've backed out of ALL of your problems and left you alone for once. [censored] with us, and we will retaliate.
     America is it's own country once again. It's not like we don't care, it's just that we're tired of sticking our nose in your business. Time for the world to know what it's like to NOT have us interfere over something so minor as a fender bender in Bum-[censored] Egypt by sending in 500,000 troops.
     America was once viewed as the Promised Land, and it's become a nightmare. Get some balls in the White House (and not ones to be stuffed in an interns mouth), and we could become just that once again.
     Of course, this is my opinion and I am always wrong.
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