AUTHOR: [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: All the characters (except 2) are owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemies, FOX, and anyone else with copyrights. I’m only borrowing them for the fun of writing and reading, no copyright infringement intended.

SUMMARY: complex fiction that deals with a few different realities and time travel simultaneously. It's base on the notion that the Oracles lived in a place called "The Pantheon" which is the center of the universe, is also a gateway to all different dimensions and times. So what happens when different realities and times mix together? might be dangerous ;)


SPECIAL THANKS: Cim & Kim, my plot & grammar betas.

DEDICATION: To the B/A Shippers. It’s *never* over!



The bright light reflected over the walls and for a moment it seemed to have disappeared in the glorious marble periphery. After a moment that seemed endless the light glowed so brightly it flashed through the whole room.

The two bronze figures of a man and a woman blinked their eyes as they were woken from their sleep.

Looking confused, they turned around to meet their visitor.

From the triangular hallway, a boy of about 12 years old stepped out of the light. His hair was light brown and messy. His clothes were black. He stepped in, until he was standing right in front of the two figures and the light disappeared behind him into blank darkness, putting out all the light that used to shine within the walls.

The bronzed man and woman exchanged stares quickly before looking back at the boy. Their eyes narrowed as the man started to speak,

“How dare you come here? We have not summoned you, lower being.”

The boy widened his eyes in surprise for a second, his face twisted into a satanic grin and he chuckled, “Lower being? I’m insulted.”

“Evil is not allowed in this sacred place,” The woman spoke.

“You should have put a sign in the entrance. How the hell should we know what you allow in,” The boy looked around him. “Man, it’s boring here. Needs some color.”

“You are not of this reality. Leave now.” The man demanded.

“I’m making myself of this reality.” The boy walked away from the bronzed man and woman and started wandering in the large empty hall.

“We do not council your kind. You should know that.” The woman said.

The boy raised his head to meet her luminous blue gaze. “You should know what I’m going to do to you. Just look at the auguries.” He smirked.

“We shall turn you into a toad for interrupting our sleep.” The man threatened.

“Oh please do try.” The boy chuckled. “Though I think you should invest your powers on redecorating the place. You don’t want to spend eternity in this boredom”.

The man and woman raised their hands, pointing their forearms at the young boy.

He laughed and just sent out his hand, holding it in the air.

The man and woman were pushed back, their bodies starting to crumple and the bronze color started to melt off their skin. Their eyes glared at the boy, horrified in the realization.

Within a few countless seconds, for time did not exist in the hall, the man and woman popped, their bodies exploded into pieces, squirting red blood, golden and blue liquids all over the place.

The boy looked around at the marble walls, now covered with the different colors as if it was sprayed on them like graffiti. The blood where the man and woman were standing started to bubble.

The boy looked into the dark hall and it was suddenly illuminated.

“You can come out now,” The boy said.

The dark figure stepped out of the hall into the bluish dim light of the once sacred hall.

Angelus looked around at the colorful strings spread over the walls. “Nice job, son.” He smirked, looking back at the boy.

The boy smiled back at him.

“But it lacks poetry.” Angelus pondered, stepping aside from the boy. The boy’s happy smile was replaced with a disappointed frown. “You don’t like it?”

Angelus touched a spot on the wall that was covered with bronze and blue paint. He smeared his finger in the mixture and then raised it to his nose, sniffing it.

“You should have left their mutilated bodies on the floor. In a tragic pose.” Angelus turned to look at the child.

The boy looked down, clasping his hands. “How’s that?” He asked and Angelus looked as the pool of bubbling blood started to whirl around, and the bodies of the Oracles rose from it. The bodies were laid one against the other, covered with cuts and bleeding wounds. The colors were gone from their faces. Their bodies were bleak white. Their eyes colorless and opened widely in horror.

Angelus smirked and went to pet the boy’s head. “Now *that’s* what I call redecoration.”

The boy leaped with joy and hugged the vampire’s waist. Angelus pushed him aside in obvious aversion of the boy’s show of affection. “I told you—“

“Sorry,” The boy apologized. “No human gestures. I forgot.” He looked down, embarrassed.

“Let’s go now. I don’t like being in holy places for that long. My body starts to tingle and I’m getting hungry.” Angelus started walking. “And we still have work to do, save your powers, boy. We’ll use the front exit.”

The boy walked behind the tall vampire, running to catch up with his big steps.


In the hall a light flashed, from the other side this time. Angel, wounded, bruised and distraught stumbled into the room, nearly falling. He gasped when the strong aroma of fresh and holy blood welcomed him. He gazed down at the deformed, lackluster bodies of the Oracles.

“It’s too late then…” He whispered dully and stepped back into the whiteness behind him.


Angel walked down the steps to his apartment. His face was gloomy. He saw Buffy pacing in the apartment. Her arms were wrapped around herself and she was rubbing her folded arms in concern and anticipation. She heard his steps and turned to face him. She looked at his anguish face.

“I’m guessing that expression isn’t because they were all out of fresh OJ at the deli…” She let out an uneasy smile. “What happened?” She asked.

“Nothing happened…” Angel continued walking down the stairs. He avoided looking at her and walked inside the room. She stared at his back. He turned to look at her, his face despondent. “I just…” He stammered, not sure how to go on.

“Where have you been?” She decided for him.

“I went to see the Oracles… I wanted to ask them to turn me back.” Angel didn’t look at her face.

She felt betrayed. “What? Why?”

“It doesn’t matter now.” He shrugged and rubbed his eyes. Buffy approached him.

“You wanted them to turn you back into a vampire?” She looked at him in disbelief.

“Yes.” He looked away.

“Why? I don’t understand… You’re not… happy?” Tears filled Buffy’s eyes.

“It’s not that…” He brushed his hand through his hair. “You saw what happened last night. I’m no good to you like this.”

“In case you were in another dimension for the past 3 years… You’re not good to me as a vampire. You remember? With the curse, the immortality and the daylight thing?”

He sighed, walking towards her. He lowered his gaze to meet her eyes. “I can’t protect you like this.”

“I don’t need your protection. I’ve never asked for it.” She protested, tears started to stream down her face.

“But now I can’t even help you fight.” His voice hoarsened.

“I don’t need you to help me fight. You didn’t in the past few months. You know the deal, one girl in all the world, she alone will fight the forces of darkness, yadda yadda yadda.”

“Buffy,” Angel cupped her face, forcing her to look up at him. “How can you expect me to sit quietly and watch you fight, and maybe die, alone? I can’t handle that. I know what’s going on at nights in the streets, I know what danger lies outside. I’m a liability for you right now, you’re taking chances to protect me. I will not allow it.”

“Xander is human and he’s helping me fight just fine!” Buffy moved away from him. “You just don’t want to be with me. Admit it.”

“It’s not true. You know it’s not true.” Angel looked at her, tears stinging in his eyes.

“Prove it.” She wiped her eyes and looked sternly at him.

“Buffy…” He whispered.

“Fine, then.” Buffy walked up the stairs. She looked down at him asshe reached the top. “Have a great life. Goodbye.” said and disappeared.


“So you just let her go?” Doyle looked at Angel. They were sitting in his office. Angel had his head on his hands, he looked even more tired and wounded than after the Morah demon whipped his ass.

“She doesn’t understand… I can’t let her fight alone… no matter how much I want to be with her… It was my calling, Doyle. The powers that be took me to see her and help her.”

“But you’re released from your fealty now, man. You should go out and have fun while you can.”

Angel sighed. “I was released from my fealty by whom? By a demon. By a warrior of darkness.” He looked over at the Irish man. “Do you know any other channels to the powers that be? Besides the Oracles?”

Doyle shook his head. “I’m just the messenger. I don’t get a lot of the information. They only give me what I need to know… with the visions.”

Angel got up and looked around the office. “That’s it then. I’m stuck as a helpless human.”

“To be fair, being human is not such a bad thing. I enjoyed it for 21 years.”

“There’s no point of me staying here anymore. I better just do my best to help her in Sunnydale.” Angel said quietly.



“Buffy?” Willow entered the dorm’s room. She saw Buffy spread on the bed, her face buried in the pillow. “Is everything okay? Did Angel…” Willow hesitated. “Did he go ‘grrr’ again?”

Buffy sat up. Looking at her friend with red bulging eyes. She’s been crying for some time now. “Angel is… is human.” She started crying again.

“Human? You mean, human like us?”

“Yes. He breathes, and eats, and walks in the sunlight…” Buffy sniffled and looked at the window.

“Wow. How did it happen? Magic? I mean… wow!” Willow sat next to Buffy.

“He was fighting a demon… and their blood mixed and he turned human. The demon came back and Angel couldn’t fight him and it wigged him, so now he wants to be a vampire again so he can kick the bad guys ass.”

“What a loads of horse crap!” Willow called and Buffy glared at her, surprised.

“I mean… he leaves for your own good because he’s a vampire, and now he’s not, and he wants to be a vampire again? I don’t get it.”

“I don’t get it either.” Buffy looked down.

“Well, we don’t need him. Let’s go out to the Bronze tonight and have fun. Maybe riley will be there.” Willow suggested.

“No, riley is probably still in Iowa.” Buffy shrugged. “You go, have fun. I’ll stay here and cry myself to sleep.” She wiped her eyes.



Buffy woke up at once when she heard the door open. She jumped, looking at her visitor with bleary eyes.


He moved over and pulled her into his arms, she felt his warm breath close to hers.

“You’re still human.” She whispered, touching his face. He winced when she touched one of his more sensitive bruises.

“If I’m stuck in a human body… Might as well spend the rest of my human life with you.” He whispered, smirking as much as his split lips allowed.

She glared at him, not liking the statement. “You don’t have to, you know.” She huffed. “There are a lot of other girls out there.”

“Don’t be silly. You know I want only you.” He pressed his warm lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and drawn into his kiss that grew more hungry and passionate as he slowly laid her down on the bed.


“This is it.” Angelus looked at the closed gate. The boy looked at the gate. “This is what?” He asked, confused.

Angelus looked at the map he was holding. Two big stains of dry blood were ornamenting the scroll. “This should be the final resting place of the warriors.”

“How do you know she’s here?”

Angelus looked down at the boy. “We walked past the hall of Ta-Krim, the hall of the Warriors. According to the map this should be the right place.” Angelus tried to touch the gate in order to open it. He was thrown back by an invisible force.

“dammit!” He cursed getting up. He looked around at the empty marble space around him. “You try it, kiddo.” He said after a moment, rolling back the map. “I guess I should have asked the guard before killing him.” He shrugged.

The boy looked at the gate. “Okay, I’ll try.” He reached for the gate and without any physical effort, the gate opened widely. Revealing even more marble walls.

“Could this place be any more boring?” The boy huffed stepping inside. He looked back at Angelus. “Are you coming, dad?” He asked.

Angelus tried to walk in and was thrown against the invisible barrier. “I can’t.”

The boy raised his hand. After a long moment he looked at the vampire. “I can’t break the barrier for you. The forces are stronger than me.”

“Evil is not allowed in this place.” Angelus hummed. “You’re on your own then, son.”

“I’ll bring her back for you. Don’t worry.” The kid nodded and disappeared into the marble wall.

The boy gasped when Angelus disappeared behind the marble wall. Now he was surrounded with so much marble it made him want to crack a hole in those damn walls and tear them apart watching them crumbling all down like Domino.

“Why don’t they have some colors here!” He muttered, kicking the wall as he walked by. As he spoke the walls started to change into all kinds of colors. A rainbow of different lively colors glowed at him as he walked through the hall.

“Wow, cool.” He whispered. As the walls opened before him, he found himself in a beautiful green garden. The bushes were decorated in all kinds of shapes, and flowers were spread around.

The boy walked through the garden, stomping the flowers on his way.

“Where can I find her…?” He hummed. The skies were blue and bright. He saw people walking around. He remembered dimly her face on a picture he’d seen. Angelus was obsessed with her. He said it was unfinished business, and he needed his help. He was spending time drawing sketches of her.

The boy walked around the garden until he reached the river. He looked at the lucid water, seeing his reflection. His hair was getting longer and messier than usual. He sighed and brushed his hand through his hair. He looked away from the water and jumped aside, startled to see the young woman standing next to him.

“You don’t belong here.” The brunette woman stated.

“Mind your own business.” The boy muttered, trying to walk away.

“There’s evil in you. I can smell it.”

He sneered. “Some developed sense you’ve got there. Didn’t help you much when you DIED, did it?” He tried to push her away.

“You can’t stay here.”

“Don’t worry, I’m just visiting.” He managed to push her away. “If you touch me again I’ll show you how much pain you can feel even when you’re dead.” He warned her.

She laughed. “You have a lot to learn, little boy.” She laughed. “I can help you find her.”

“You know where she is?” He was suddenly intrigued.

“She likes to spend time by the fountain of ma-mon. if you hurry you might catch her. But, she might be trouble. She’s not like the rest of us.”

“Why not?”

“She chose to come here. It wasn’t the way it was supposed to happen. But it doesn’t matter now.”

The boy didn’t waste time on another word. He followed the river until the stream got smaller and smaller, and disappeared into a stone wall. He climbed the wall and saw the fountain. He spotted the lonely figure sitting there, her hand splashing water.

He looked at her face. Serene and divine. She was looking a lot better than the picture he saw.

He paced towards her, and she looked up at him, with a questioning look in her eyes.

“Buffy?” He wanted to make sure.


“Yes?” Buffy raised her head when she heard her name.

“Can I come in?” Angel was standing at the door, a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

“Of course.” She smiled. “I was wondering where you were.”

“I was making a few arrangements…” He explained, looking shyly at the flowers. “And… got you these…” He walked over to her bed and put the lilies in a vase that rested on the near desk.

“Did they let you see him, Angel?” She asked.

“Yes, I was there with Dawn. She’s very excited. She’s still there I think.” He smiled.

Buffy smiled back at him. “I wish mom was here…” Her smiled faded into a frown.

Angel’s face softened and he walked over to her, sitting on the edge of her bed. It was a little bit over a year since Joyce had died of complications. Buffy had been devastated, but at least she had Angel and the comfort of knowing her mom was alive tsee their wedding.

“I know, I know, love. But you have us now.” He leaned and kissed her forehead.

“I checked out with Giles,” Angel deliberately changed the subject. “They want to visit you.”

“I imagine Faith is glad. She had to do everything on her own while we took time off in the country.”

“She managed fine. She was happy to be trusted to go back to duty.”

“Yeah, I miss it myself… It’s in my blood.” Buffy sighed.

They were interrupted by a knock on the door. They looked over at Dawn walking in followed by the nurse.

“Someone misses his mommy.” The nurse said and laid the small baby in Buffy’s arms. Angel looked amazed at the baby that cuddled like a kitten in Buffy’s arms. He’d never thought it could happen. That he would sit here with Buffy, the woman he loves, and they would not only be legally married, but also with a child. He was truly happy, and there was no curse to be broken.

“Have you decided on a name already?” Dawn asked, looking at the sweet baby. The infant yawned. And Buffy touched gently his soft, dark hair.

“Michael,” She said smiling. “We named him Michael.”


“Who are you?” Buffy looked strangely at the young boy.

“I’m Michael.” He introduced himself. “I… uh, I came to take you back.”

She looked confused. “Back where?”

“Back to Earth.”

“No.” She stood up.

“No?” He looked at her confused.

“I can’t go back… They will kill Dawnie. I died so she could live.” Buffy explained.

“No, it’s okay. You need to go back with me, because I made a promise to someone.” Michael insisted.

“But I like it here. Everything is so quiet. And if I look at the water long enough, I can see them.” Buffy smiled brightly.

“See who?” Michael looked down at the fountain. From the water he could only see his own reflection.

“My friends... my family... my life…” She looked down at the waters and smiled, “My memories.”

“It looks boring here to me. There’s nothing fun.”

“I have a lot of fun here. Everything I ever wanted is here, if only I wish it to be. How can I go back and leave all this fortune behind? If I had known about this place, I would have stayed dead years ago.”

“Well,” Michael decided to try another tactic. He raised his hand, but slowly he realized he was powerless.

Evil is not allowed in this place. He couldn’t use his powers and he couldn’t be evil in the Warrior’s resting place. Frustrated, he tried to think of another way to get Buffy to come back with him.


“Angel, go open the door!” Buffy called. She was cradling her 6 months old baby boy. He has been crying hysterically for hours.

“Just a moment!” Angel called, he had to rush out of the shower and put on his robe. He glanced at Buffy and the baby on the way to the door. “What’s wrong with him?” He asked.

Buffy shrugged. “I don’t know, he won’t stop crying.”

“Maybe it’s his teeth…” Dawn offered.

The doorbell rang again. Angel went to answer the door. He looked at the young man standing at the door. He seemed like a typical college guy.

“Hello,” Angel greeted the young man.

“Hi Angel.” The young man said.

“Do I know you?” Angel eyed him suspiciously.

“Not yet, you don’t. I’m Kitaro.” The man offered his hand and Angel shook it. “May I come in?”

“Still need an explanation,” Angel closed the door behind him.

“Well… I’m a demon.” Kitaro looked around the house. “Nice place!” He whistled.

“Let’s get back to the part of you being a demon.” Angel folded his arms. “You don’t look like a demon to me. Do I need to kill you?”

“I’m a messenger breed. Like your old friend Whistler.”

“I see.” Angel nodded and became alarmed.

“It’s about your son.” The demon said.

“Angel? Who is it?” They heard Buffy call from the other room.

“It’s uh, just the neighbor!” Angel called back and pulled Kitaro by his sleeve into the kitchen.

“What is it?” He asked in a low, dangerous voice.

“I came to bring you the Prophecy of Aslan.” Kitaro said.

“No, no. I don’t want any prophecies. I want you to leave us alone.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t do that. Your son has a great destiny.”

“My son will grow up as a normal boy and will be a normal boy, and you’re gonna leave him alone. He’s not gonna be a player for the powers that be. Leave us alone already!” Angel tried hard not to shout. “Now get out of here.” He ushered the demon out.

The demon who looked like a young college boy shrugged and walked towards the door. “You know there’s nothing you can do.” He said before walking out.

Angel sighed and returned to the kitchen. He saw the scroll lying on the table and opened it.

"A child with powers of the stars, angel of darkness and light. The Chosen One will be born into the third millennium of the one known as Christ and 760 years into the sixth millennium of the ancients count. The child with the blood of the slayer and the bicentennial human, born of light in unity with darkness…"

“Angel?” He heard Buffy’s voice and looked up. She reached him and stood above him. He rested his head on her stomach and hugged her waist. She caressed his hair softly.

“I love you.” He whispered.

“What?” She looked down at him.

“Uh, how’s Michael?” He asked.

“He stopped crying. Dawn is playing with him.”

“Good…” Angel whispered and got up. He touched Buffy’s face and leaned to kiss her. She moaned against his mouth. “We can’t now…” She sighed. Angel didn’t listen, just continued kissing her, spreading kisses all over her face and her neck, then went down to her chest. He got up and carried her over to the table, tossing aside the scroll he received from Kitaro. Their mouths met again and she opened his robe quickly, puling his smooth body over hers. She wrapped her legs around him, moving her hips in a grinding motion.

When her breath returned, Buffy fixed her dress, glancing over at Angel. They were both on the floor. Her gaze stopped on the scroll. She walked over and picked it up.


Angel groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

“What is this?” She waved the scroll. He gazed at it. “Shit…” He cursed under his breath.


“It’s a picture he drew of you. One of a million.” Michael said. Buffy looked at the picture with teary-eyes. “I didn’t say goodbye…” She mumbled.

“He’s so occupied with your death. We fear he has gone insane. He stopped feeding… and, and he’s suicidal. He doesn’t care if he dies. He’s became *so* careless in his fights. He blames himself for not being there for you when you needed him.”

“But there was nothing he could have done!” Buffy held the painting Angel drawn of her in shaky hands.

“I know… but he’s convinced he could have saved you. He doesn’t think straight when it comes to you.”

Buffy sniffled. Her face was already wet from tears. “I don’t want him to blame himself. I didn’t want that at all…”

“He needs you. Come with me, Buffy. You’re the only one that can save him.”

Buffy nodded. “Okay… take me to him.”

Michael held out his hand and Buffy took it. They started walking out of the garden. Michael looked behind him at the bushes and flowers that suddenly wilted and died.


Angel rocked Michael in his arms. It was late at night and the baby was still crying.

Michael was usually a charming friendly little tot, loved by all his surrounding.

Angel knew something bugged the boy, and he knew it had something to do with the
growing powers of the child. Both he and Buffy noticed their baby was not
like the other toddlers. The change started around the time they found out
about the prophecy.

The baby suddenly stopped crying, clasping his small fists on Angel's chest. Angel looked over at the door. The door opened and Buffy walked in. She wasn’t too surprised to see Angel standing in the living room.

"You're up." She walked over to him.

"You went patrolling again with Faith?" He asked quietly, walking towards
her. The baby let out a squeal, happy to see his mother.

"There isn't much demon activity lately. Seemed quiet." She smiled at the
baby who reached out his chubby little arms for her.

"I don't like you going out fighting." Angel muttered, he let her take the
baby from his hands.

"I can't just shut my slayer se, Angel. It's driving me crazy. I *have*
to go outside." Buffy was tired of the same old argument she had with him
ever since she allowed herself to go back on active duty when they returned to
Sunnydale, shortly after she recovered from Michael's birth. Angel was supportive and understanding, but he was overly protective and preferred Faith to do the slaying gig.

Buffy smiled down at the baby, and Angel looked at them, his heart melting at the
sight. Michael with his soft brownish-gold hair and deep chocolate eyes, was a mixture of both of them. Angel’s heart started aching in actual pain. He was cursed with their supernatural powers as well. Pinocchio will never be a real boy.

"Dawn and Kitaro are sleeping?" Buffy woke him from his thoughts.

"Yeah..." He nodded. Kitaro was already family for them, ever since Angel
threw him out of the house and Buffy brought him back. He was supposed to be
Michael's guide on behalf of the powers that be and the demon really hated
when Dawn nicknamed him 'nanny'.

"Let's go to bed," He said softly, and pulled her over to him.


As soon as Michael and Buffy left the Asgard gardens, they seemed to be released from the serenity that controlled them earlier. Michael felt his forces recharging. He looked over at Buffy. She looked around, seeing the pantheon for the first time, after being awakened from her rest.

A shadow fell on her and she turned around to see Angelus’ smiling face. Michael looked at him, surprised to see his face so brighten and angelic, as if his soul was intact.

Michael watched as Buffy turned around, looking at Angelus. For a moment her eyes lit up, but then grew bigger in fright.

“Angel?” Her voice was merely a whisper.

He smirked down at her. “I missed you, lover.”

Buffy turned sharply to look at Michael. Her face was pale and weary, expressing the betrayal she must have felt as her eyes pierced into his.


Angel woke up in haste, jumping into a sitting position when he heard a loud noise outside. He panted and looked at Buffy who was still sleeping peacefully next to him. Her body cuddled close to his.

He reached out his hand to stroke her hair, but he heard the loud noise again. He looked at the clock beside the bed. It was only about an hour before sunrise. He became alarmed and got up and dressed. He took a sword out of the weapon stock that was hidden in the closet.

“Angel…” He was startled by Kitaro in the hall. The young demon with the human appearance looked as if he had just woken as well.

“What’s going on, Kitaro?” Angel asked him, heading to Michael’s room.

“I don’t know… But it doesn’t look good.” Kitaro whispered. “Demons are coming. I sense them…”

Angel rubbed his forehead. “Do we have time to get out of here?”

Kitaro glanced at the opened door to the master bedroom. “Maybe Buffy can chase them off.”

“Maybe it’s nothing. I can handle a few demons.” Angel pondered, looking at his sword.

“Are you crazy? Last time you tried to fight demons you ended up in coma for a few days. Angel, buddy, unlike Xander, when you fight, you think you can actually win. You think you’re still a vampire.” Kitaro told him bluntly.

“Gee, thanks.” Angel muttered.

“Buffy will be so angry if you go out and fight alone, *she* will put you in the hospital next time.”

Angel rubbed his forehead. The baby started crying and Angel walked to his room.

In that instant the door was kicked open, and two demons invaded the house. “Shit… Kitaro, help me!” Angel called and lunged at the demon. He managed to kill the first one with his first stroke, decapitating it. He then went to kill the demon that clawed at Kitaro mercilessly.

The demon let go of Kitaro and attacked Angel, throwing him to the floor. Angel tried to push the demon away, when suddenly the demon was kicked off him. Angel shook his head, feeling the throbbing pain in his temples as he watched Buffy kicking the demon and nailing it with the sword to the wall. She rubbed her hands, cleansing them from the green goo and looked over at Angel.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

He nodded, and got up. “Can’t say the same for Kitaro…” He walked over to the bleeding demon. His torn shirt revealed nasty cuts. The demon got up dizzily.

“Michael…” Buffy’s attention was diverted by the baby’s cry. She looked at the open door. “More are coming…” She whispered, looking horrified at Kitaro. “What’s going on?”

Kitaro was still holding his head. “Uh… You can’t let them have Michael… You have no idea what destruction he can bring if he falls to the wrong hands.”

“He’s not falling anywhere. Don’t talk about him like he’s a weapon!” Angel snapped.

Buffy reached out her hand to stop Angel from approaching Kitaro. “Angel, please.” She said quietly. She looked over at Kitaro. “We need to get out of here before the others will come,” She ran to the wall. “Angel, grab weapon!” She called.

“Dawn… Dawnie, wake up!” Buffy shook her little sister. Dawn groaned before waking up.

“We need to get out… we’re being attacked,” She told her. Dawn woke up at once.

“Get dress, quick!” Buffy urged her and walked over to the baby’s room. Michael was standing in his cot, clutching the bars, leaning on them, and crying loudly.

“Sheesh, sweetie, it’ll be all right…” Buffy whispered and caressed his head. He stopped crying and looked at her with his big teary brown eyes.

She took the silver cross necklace from her neck and put it on him. She picked him up and walked out of the room.

She saw Angel and Kitaro were fighting another group of demons. Five, this time.

A demon jumped on Angel’s back and the tall man crouched under the burden.

“Angel!” Buffy called. Two of the demons turned their attention to Buffy and walked over to her. The baby squirmed in her arms. One of the demons suddenly dropped down as if something hit him. The other demon seemed surprised, but kept closing on Buffy.

“Buffy?” Dawn walked out of the room. “Dawn, take Michael and run… go through the back door…” Buffy put the baby in her sister’s arms. The baby started crying again, but Dawn kept running.

Buffy faced the demon and let him jumped on her, only to be stabbed by her dagger. Buffy reached Angel, tearing the demon off his body, in the corner of her eye she saw more demons entering.

“I’m okay…” Angel gasped, getting up slowly. Kitaro managed to free himself from the demons. “I’ll go get help…” He whispered and ran outside.

“Buffy!!” Angel and Buffy had no time to follow Kitaro’s steps, when they heard Dawn’s scream from the other side of the house.

“Dawn, run!” Buffy pulled Dawn’s arm. The girl was pale and horrified. Buffy pushed her away.

“Where’s Michael?” Angel called, stepping closer.

“Dawn, go call Faith!” Buffy shook her sister’s shoulders. “Dawn!!” She tried to snap the girl out of her shock. Dawn suddenly came back to life.

“I didn’t mean... They took him… I didn’t mean to…” She started crying.

“Dawnie, go call Faith, we’ll get him back.” Buffy tried to hide her own panic. The girl nodded and ran towards the door.

She saw the herds of demons coming in from the front. Some of them were entering through the windows. Dawn took a turn and jumped through another window, shattering it into million of pieces.

Buffy and Angel were standing in the hall, blooded swords in their hands. They looked at the demons coming in from everywhere.

“Angel, jump through Michael’s window,” Buffy said, positioning herself in a fighting stance.

“I’m not leaving you here alone.”

“Angel, there’s no time…”

“Come on… let’s get out…” Angel took her hand and they ran into Michael’s bedroom.

“We have to find him…” Buffy whispered.

“We will, don’t worry. Jump.” He opened the window and motioned with his hand.

“You first…” Buffy said, looking as 3 demons were already showing at the door.

Angel jumped on the window, getting ready to pull Buffy with him, when they heard the baby’s cry coming from inside.

“He’s still here…” Buffy mumbled and rushed towards the demons, slashing all three of them with the sword.

“Buffy!” Angel yelled after her and jumped back into the room.


Buffy saw a large pinkish demon holding her baby with two clawed hands. “For Zadon!” The tall ugly demon ca.

“For Zadon!” The demons screeched in union.

“Sorry to interrupt your chanting…” Buffy said while beheading 4 demons that were standing in a row with one stroke of her sword.

“Buffy, look out!” Angel called behind her. She turned around and reca blow from one of the demons.

She staggered backwards, but recovered quickly and managed to jump and grab her sword from the floor, spreading herself on the ground and sending out her sword up high, gutting the demon.

Angel was busy fighting another group of demons. The big pink demon was starting to leave.

“Hey, big guy.” Buffy somersaulted and landed in front of the demon. “You’re not leaving this place with my baby.”

The demon snarled, gripping tight the baby. “Look around you, Slayer. You think you can win this time? The baby will belong to Zadon.” He laughed a metallic horrendous laughter. “Look behind you, as your lover dies.”

Buffy turned around sharply. She saw Angel cornered by a mass of demons. She wasted no time and rushed to help him.

“Leave.” The pink demon’s voice roared and most of the demons started to leave. The demons cleared the way and Buffy reached Angel, kneeling beside him. He was on his hands and knees, defeated. Buffy saw his own sword piercing his body. Angel coughed and spat blood. “Go…” He whispered. “Angel… no,” She whispered back, she pulled the sword from his body and he screamed in agony and collapsed. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder and brought her lips to his forehead. “You’ll be fine… Faith will be here soon… We’ll be okay…” She stroked his damped hair softly.

“I…” Angel tried to talk, sinking into her arms. “Thank you… love…” He managed to whisper, smiling at her faintly. “Angel…” She was still holding him, feeling the life slipping from his body. She heard the steps behind her and turned around to see the demon, holding Michael in one hand, the other hand was now reaching out for her, and then it was over.

“No!” Michael gasped as he woke up. Cold sweat covered his face. He was now awake, but he could still see vividly his mother’s limp body falling against his father.

The boy got out of bed and paced around the room nervously. He felt pain. His whole body was aching. He raised his hands to his eye level and watched the blood dribble from his wrists. He panted, and jumped over to the closet. He opened the door and looked at the mirror that was planted on the interior side of the door. His face was bleeding from horizontal cuts in his forehead, and his white clothes were soaked in blood from a big spreading stain in his abandon. He looked at his reflection, completely shaken.

“Whistler!!” He started screaming in utter panic. “Whistler!!!”

“This is it? She’s here?” Angelus asked the boy, grabbing Buffy’s arms. “She feels real. Not a spirit.” Buffy turned to look at Angelus, still not talking.

“She left her resting place. I think it’s enough to wake her up.” Michael said, looking away from Buffy.

“Let’s hit the road, kiddo.” Angelus smirked, gripping Buffy’s hand. She tried to resist, but she was still weakened from the sleep her body was put into.

“Soon we’ll continue what we started, lover.” Angelus touched her face gently and pulled her with him into the rip in reality that Michael has created.



"Nice place."

Cordelia heard a voice coming from the entrance and turned to
see a funny looking man. He was looking around the hotel and whistled. "Great upgrade."

"Do I know you?" Cordelia asked, for some reason, looking at the man with
the weird clothes, reminded her of a funny Irish man she used to know.

"Is Angel around?"

"Angel?" Cordelia seemed hesitant.

"You know.. Tall and broody? Not big on lively colors?”

"Oh, so you know him. You're not a client," Cordelia sighed. She looked up.
"You can try the basement he spends a lot of time there."

The basement was a dump. Broken furniture, papers were torn, crumpled and
spread all over the place.
Angel emerged from the shadows. He looked strangely at the man.


Whistler grabbed a paper from the pile on the floor. "Ah, she has grown and
bloomed into a beau-" Whistler stopped talking when he looked up to see
Angel's strict face.

"What are you doing here? I haven't seen you for 5 years."

"Well, remember when I told you if you see me it means there are troubles?"
Whistler walked to the center of the room, looking at the nearly torn, worn
out boxing bag.

"What's going on?"

"Michael had a few weird occurrences. The last vision was accompanied with stigmata..."

"Who's Michael, what’s it got to do with me?" Angel questioned him.

Whistler glared at him for a moment. "Uh, I'm such a blabbermouth..." He took out a PDA from his pocket. "Right, no Michael." He looked back at Angel. "But the blonde Slayer is dead, right?"

Angel lowered his head.

"Memory starts playing tricks on you when you're over 1000 years old." The
demon apologized.

"So, who's Michael and why should I care?" Angel took the painting he made
of Buffy from Whistler's hand.

"It's a little complicated, but the cosmic balance was disturbed when his
evil self and... Well, your evil self, from a different dimension, kidnapped
Buffy from the Asgard Gardens-"

"Wait, what, Buffy?" Angel looked at him.

"Okay, to make things more simple, let's just say that Buffy’s alive and if we don't bring her back to her resting place, the walls between the dimensions
will collapse and the whole universe might fall under the pressure."

Angel was still staring at him. "Let me get this straight- Buffy was brought
back to life… Buffy is alive?”

Whistler grimaced. "Good catch. Well, kinda. You see, it’s-"

"Why don't you explain this to me and my colleagues." Angel seemed alive
again and headed towards the stairs.


“Let me get this straight… Buffy is alive and we need to find her and kill her in order to save the world?” Wesley looked at Whistler, shocked.

“Yes,” Angel rushed to agree, but then looked at Whistler. “No!”

“I’m still stuck in the part where Angel and Buffy had a baby and now he’s evil and helps Angelus.” Cordelia said.

“What baby… where… how did you get that?” Angel was confused.

“Okay, one last time,” Whistler sighed. “There was supposed to be only one parallel dimension, where you did not turn back the time when you were human. And only one child chosen to carry the powers of the stars. You and Buffy in that dimension were killed, the child taken by demons. I thought Kitaro came to you for help in saving the child and bringing him back to the pantheon, but I just realized it is more complex and the Buffy Angelus chose to possess was of this reality.”

“Explain, possess-“ Angel leaned forward, but stopped talking when he met the stern looks of his friends. “Okay, go on.”

“I actually like this ‘Sliders’ thing. You think that in some other dimension I’m a big Hollywood star?” Cordy asked, looking at Whistler. He sighed and looked at Wesley.

“Anyway, a twist happened, a breach in time and space, you may call it, and Zadon did not follow his path, he did not kidnap the baby into the right dimension the second time he tried to get Michael, and the boy grew in evil hands. Now, abusing his powers, he invaded the Asgard Gardens. An eternal resting place for the Warriors, and created another rip in the atmosphere surrounding the Pantheon. As long as the cosmic balance does not return, the breach will grow wider until the Pantheon will collapse.” Whistler took a cloth from his pocket and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

“We can’t allow this to happen. The walls between the dimensions will break down and the entire universe will collapse into a black hole.”

“Oh God…” Wesley gasped.

Angel looked away, still digesting what he just heard.

“How can we stop it?” Cordelia asked.

“For a start, we have reason to believe Angelus chose this dimension to go to, since Buffy of this reality was the one to be taken.” Whistler looked over at Angel who seemed to be deep in thought.

“You said there were two boys with powers, instead of one.” Wesley pointed.

“Yes, but the boy of this time is safe at the Pantheon. He’s just a baby.”

“Of this time… you mean…”

“The evil boy I’m talking about has also abused thtunnels of time, of which only messengers demons, like yours truly, are allowed to use.”

“Can he be stopped?” Cordy asked. “Can you get the other boy with the powers… or maybe, the adult version of him from the future and use his powers against this evil kid?”

Whistler glared at her, shocked.

“Wha?” Cordy asked and her hand automatically flew to her hair. “Do I have something on my face?”

Angel and Wesley both blinked, glaring at her as well.

“He’s not allowed to cross time and dimensions, and at the delicate stage of the Pantheon’s atmosphere it will only get worse.” Whistler explained.

“So how *do* we stop him? You know, without dying.” Cordy insisted.

“We’ll find Buffy first.” Angel said and got up. “We’ve wasted enough time on small talk… Buffy is in my demon’s hands and I don’t even wanna think of what he might do to her.” He turned to leave.

“I’d say we follow.” Wesley got up as well.

“I have to go back.” Whistler said and walked into another direction.

“Should we call Gunn?” Cordy asked, following Angel and Wes. “Where are we going?”


“Sunnydale. Home sweet home,” Angelus grinned looking around him.

They were in the Mansion on Crawford Street.

Buffy looked around the mansion, feeling a bit more oriented. Her life and
memories started to flow back into her mind. With the memories, returned the
horror. Angel- Angel was gone. His soul was lost... did he find someone who
made him happy? Or was he successfully robbed of his soul by magic?
Not again... she couldn’t face Angelus again.
She looked at the boy at the vampire's side. There was something about
him... something familiar.
She couldn't put her mind on the exact thing it was, but she knew there was

Angelus turned to her. "You thought you outsmarted me, huh? Remember this
place?" He shoved her in front of the fireplace. "This is where I drained
your blood... The fight... You pissed me off, lover. Breaking Acathla
with a sledgehammer... but I had you... I fed off you..." Angelus' fingers
caressed Buffy's scar and she backed away. "And then when I was about to
turn you, you killed yourself. The victory was nearly mine." He snarled at

She looked at him, confused. "Excuse me? You’ve got delusions of
grandeur? That’s not how it happened."

Angelus looked at her so sharply she could feel pain.
"I mean..." She hesitated. "It was a long time ago, but I remember it
differently... maybe I'm still disoriented..."

Angelus looked at Michael. "What is it?"

Michael looked at Buffy. "She is fighting with you... there's a sword stuck
in a demon's stone chest. You pulled the sword and you fight with her... You
got her cornered... She escapes... you fight again with the swords..."
Michael looked away from Buffy. "It's a painful memory... she tries not to
think about it..."

"About what? That's not how it happened!" Angelus roared, vamping out.

Buffy swallowed, looking at the boy who could read- or see- what she was
thinking about.

"I don't understand it... she’s saying something about your soul... she
remembers Angel is back, you know what she's talking about?"

"The soul..." Angelus sneered. "Is long gone."

Buffy made a step back.

"Now she thinks of running away!" Michael called, and Buffy tried to make a
run for it, but was stopped by an invisible force.

Angelus reverted back to his human face. "Can you tell how she died?"

"She's not thinking about her dea- wait, she does now. She... she jumped.
It was some kind of mystical portal. She saved her sister from a hellgod named

"Glorificus? Can't be..." Angelus pondered the pieces of information he
received. He looked at Buffy. The girl cringed inside her invisible cell,
crouching down in fear.

"You've got me the wrong girl!" Angelus turned to face Michael. The boy
lowered his eyes.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." The boy apologized.

"I bet you even took us to the wrong dimension..." Angelus said sternly.

"I took us to her dimension..." Michael whispered. "I'm sorry..."

"Ah Well, she’s still good ol’ Buff. It’s quite all right son. She will do just fine..." Angelus looked at Buffy and smiled evilly. "And if what she says is true, then the soul... that pathetic soul is around..." Angelus moved over to touch Buffy's face,
but she was behind the invisible field. "Release her, midget." He growled.

Michael nodded and Buffy fell back on her behind. Angelus grabbed her arms,
bringing her close to his face. "What would make soulboy more angry than
watching you suffer..." He laughed. Buffy let out a frustrated groan when
Angelus ran his long fingers over her features.

"Are we going to the Bronze tonight?" Xander asked Willow and Tara.

They were all helping Giles pack. The ex-watcher decided to return to his
homeland of England. There was little they could say or do to argue his
decision. Without a Slayer, there was no need for him to be there anymore,
and he seemed anxious to leave.
The girls looked at Xander surprised, then turned to look at Giles. He took
off his glasses.

"You can go," He nodded.

"But what about-" Willow looked over at Tara, hoping for sympathy.

Xander didn’t take his eyes off Willow. "We haven't gone to the Bronze since-"

"What about Dawn?" Willow cut him out, she didn't like to talk about *that*
event, which happened a few months before.

"I'll call Anya and tell her to bring her over," Xander walked towards the

"Who's performing at the Bronze?" Willow wondered out loud.

"Some new chick... country music... Lindsey something..." Xander replied as he
picked up the phone.

"Giles! Giles!" Dawn and Anya burst in to the room. Xander dropped the
phone, looking at them.

"What's going on?"

"Buffy's disappeared!" Anya shouted.


"Buffy disappeared from her grave?" Xander tried to understand.

"Her grave..." Dawn uttered, "Her grave disappeared!"

"What do you mean her grave disappeared?" Xander looked at his girlfriend
for explanations.

"It’s not there anymore," The ex-demon said.

"And how can that be?"

"You think someone..." Willow looked at Xander with big puppy eyes. "Dug up
Buffy's co- ...her?" Willow could hardly form the words in her mouth.

"Maybe someone is raising an army of zombies..." Anya offered and was
rewarded with stern gazes from Giles, Xander and Willow.

"Like that never happened before..." Dawn huffed. "We gotta find whoever did
it and make them pay!"

Giles fixed back his glasses on his nose. "Are there any signs of digging? Is
the grave open?"

Dawn and Anya exchanged looks. "It just wasn't there." Anya said.

"Why did you go to the graveyard anyway?" Xander asked. "It's not a safe
place at this hour."

"I asked her... I wanted to go there," Dawn admitted. "But there weren't any

"No, it was as if they all had something to do elsewhere... maybe a ritual
or something," Anya said.

Ever since Buffy died the vampires number in the streets of Sunnydale
increased gradually but persistently. The scoobs tried their best to
continue Buffy's fight, with the help of Spike they've chased away demons
and staked newly risen vampires, but they could only replace Buffy's job for
that much.

The gang found themselves again at the graveyard. Near Joyce Summer's grave,
the place where Buffy's granitic headstone used to be, there was nothing but
green undisturbed grass, the way it has been before the entrails of the
ground were dug up to bury the Slayer inside.

"No signs of digging..." Xander was touching the ground with his bare hands
looking for any clues. "The grass is not new or flattened... this is totally
wiggy." He got up from ground.

"Someone stole the headstone. It cost us a lot of money!" Anya pouted,
folding her hands.

"No, it's like it never existed..." Tara pondered. Xander looked down at the
ground for a moment. "Giles, the grass wasn't planted here... it grew here..."

"Maybe we got the wrong place..." Willow said. "I... I can't imagining
someone wanting to violate..." Her voice trailed off as she tried to find an
escape from the awful thought.

"We should dig and see if the body-" Xander silenced before he could finish.
Everyone was staring at him. They have never talked about Buffy like she was
dead before.

"We shoudo that..." Giles husky voice was the first heard after several

"You're not gonna dig up my sister!!" Dawn burst in shock. "You can't! I
won't allow it!"

"Dawn, I don't think she's there..." Xander said quietly.

"But what if she's still there? What if they only took away the tombstone?
It was a pretty stone! Maybe someone wanted to have it..." Dawn started

Everyone was quiet again.

"If someone took Buffy..." Giles was the first to talk again, "We need to
stop him and bring her back to her final rest."

"Zombie Buffy must be hard to fight," Anya wondered.

"She's not gonna be a zombie!" Willow was horrified. "We're gonna bring her

Xander got off the grass, brushing his pants. "We have to check if she's inside the grave first... Maybe we're-"

"She's not there." They all swung around abruptly, hearing the voice behind

"Spike!" Dawn smiled, wiping her tears.

"How do you know she's not there?" Xander asked the bleached vampire.

"There's no one at the bloody ground, I can smell that." Spike stepped
forward. "But it's more than that... It smells like she was never in

"How can that be?" Willow's voice trembled.

"Well that's the million dollar question, isn't it?" Spike huffed.

"You know what big plans I had for you?" Angelus pressed his thumb on
Buffy's cheeks, running it down to her clenched lips. 

He could feel her tension and smelled her fear. Her breath was quick and she tried to avoid looking into his lustful eyes. The eyes that looked nothing like the eyes of her Angel. They might have shared the body, but both entities made it look so different as if it were two different bodies.  

"Did you really think death was your last resort?" Angelus continued with his husky, deep voice. He sounded aroused. "You can never... escape me..."

Buffy unwillingly let out a groan as his thumb drew blood from her cheek. 
She tried to get away as he licked the thin trail of blood off her face. His strong arms grabbed her, bringing her closer as she watched his human face changing into his demonic game face. 
Buffy could feel his fangs grazing her neck, the raised skin on her jugular.

"Did I do that, in this world?" He asked, his yellow eyes flickering at her as he caressed her scar.

"You wish..." Buffy hissed. "In this world, I did this!" She raised her leg with all the power she could forge, and kicked him midsection, right in the groin. 

As Angelus grabbed his aching loins, moaning. Buffy collected her 
Strength and got up on her feet, she managed to make only a few steps before the invisible chains forced her backwards.

"Fool... this boy has powers you can't even begin to understand..." Angelus hissed as he got up. 

His face was human again, but the look in his eyes, together with the sinister smirk that was spread on his face, twisting them, made his face look somewhat more inhuman than his vampire face.   
Buffy swallowed as he moved towards her. 

Michael sat indian style on the floor near the fireplace. He could hear the girl's scream. He his hands flew to cover his ears. "Shut up bitch!" He cried out and jumped to his feet. He glanced up at the stairs, then headed out of the mansion.

"Look, we're obviously not going to find anything... I suggest we just go to
the Bronze." Xander slammed the book shut. 

Willow, Tara and Anya raised their heads to look at him. 

"Buffy disappeared and you want to see some country chick in the Bronze?" Willow glared at him.

"Buffy would have wanted us to go on with our lives, It's been 8 months, Will. She's not coming back, she's gone, dead, passed away, kicked the bucket-"

"Don't talk about her like that!"

"Like what? Like she's dead? Will, we gotta move on *sometime*. You wanna know what I think?" Xander eyed her.

"Oh, all mighty Xander, enlighten me with your wisdom." Willow rolled her eyes.

"I think," Xander ignored her mockery, "That it's a Slayer thing. Like Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda disappeared into thin air after they died? So maybe it takes some time with Slayers. And maybe it was a sign."

"A sign? That you watched Star Wars too many times?" Willow sniffled.

"Yeah, I'm with Willow on it. It's either a grave robbery or black magic," Anya said. 

Her words only caused Willow to sniffle some more, and Tara pulled her into her arms, for a warm hug.

"Look, all we've been doing since she died was acting like she was still alive, visiting her grave every day, and not doing what she wanted us to do- live. So now her grave is gone like it never existed... maybe she's trying to tell us to move on."

"Thank God Dawn's not here to listen to this!" Willow frowned.

Xander sighed, "Look, Will, I loved Buffy just like you, and she means a lot to me. I will never forget her, but life gotta move on. We should cherish the time we had with her while she was alive, not get sucked into a sad, pathetic life surrounding her grave. It's just a headstone. It doesn’t mean anything."

"It means we spent $1200 on nothing," Anya remarked and Xander gave her a look.

"Her real memorial is in our hearts." Xander finished.

"He has a good point," Tara whispered.

Willow straightened up. "All right, we'll go to the Bronze. But only for an hour, and then we'll join Giles, Dawn and Spike in the searches."

Buffy felt her arm burning and throbbing with pain. Angelus took pleasure in slow torture, enjoying her face twisting in agony. At a snail's pace, he rolled a burning cigarette butt over the length of her arm. As he reached her wrist, he lifted the stub to his mouth and took a drag. Buffy was shaking uncontrollably, her body covered with sweat. Angelus threw the stub to the floor, stomping it.

"Do you remember our first time, lover?" Angelus picked up her shaking slender body, cradling her into his lap. Buffy tried to escape his touch.

"I will never..." She hissed.  

He laughed. His laughter was harsh to her ears. 

"Buff, you really gotta lose the tension. Let me show you some relaxing techniques... did Soulboy ever made you... excited?" A malicious spark twinkled in his dark eyes. 

He laughed. "The one time you got to show your pathetic performance was the last time he got to see the world... you were *that* good..." He smirked as he watched the girl trying to swallow her pain and shame, avoiding to look at him. "At least in my world, don't know how the story goes around here, but by the look on your face I can see you were a pro in this dimension as well." He laughed again. Buffy managed to free herself from his hold and moved quickly backwards until her back was pressed against the wall and she couldn't escape. 

"You keep me here with magic... in the real world..." She gasped, looking at him with hatred. "In the real world I would have kicked your ass all the way to hell."

He laughed. "Nice try, funny I remember how you got that scar over there," He got up on his feet and stood above her, casting his shadow on her body.

"We were fighting to death, and I bit you... You were wriggling underneath me... and I bit you... your blood... it was pure orgasm, lover. Better than sex."

He crouched, keeping his face close to hers. She dropped her head and he forced her to look at him, putting his hand under her chin. 

"I was about to let you drink my blood, make you eternally mine," He removed his hand from her face and Buffy started to pant as he caressed the long bleeding burn on her arm. "But you managed to take your own life." He grabbed her wounded arm, making her unleash a yelp as he dug his fingernails into her open wound. "You seem to follow this pattern in every dimension. You like teasing your big bad until the end, eh?"
He released his grip on her sore arm and she collapsed against the wall. 

"Let's renew your mark..." He whispered, vamping and moving towards her. 
Not taking her eyes off him, her hand flew to the scar on her neck. 

"I'm sorry, but this mark is courtesy of *soulboy*... He got his soul back about
6 months after he lost it. Your reign in this world was a short one." Buffy tried to keep her voice as firm as possible.

"What?" Her words left the demon confused for a moment. "He would never have bitten you."

"I forced him." She looked strinto his feline eyes. "Good things come to those who wait."

"You lie." Angelus got up, clasping his fists. Buffy smiled at her small victory over him. 

"You lying bitch... your boy won't know what hit him... you know the kid? He's your son from the future, and he will destroy you both."

Buffy's smile disappeared. "I see insanity runs in your family... and 're not just insane, you're delusional too."

Angelus just smirked and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. 

Xander joined the girls at the table, putting down the tray with the drinks.

"Your country chick is pretty hot," Willow smirked at him, as she reached for her drink.

Xander glanced up at the stage. A young man with a cowboy hat was on stage singing and playing the guitar. 

"What kind of a girly name is Lindsey?" He huffed.

"You think he's hot?" Tara asked Willow. The redhead looked at her girlfriend, her amused expression changing. "Oh, no, no. He's not hot at all." 

"I think he's hot." Anya said, staring dreamily at the singer on the stage. "Look at his hands, I wonder what he can do in bed-"

"Ahem, do I have do remind you you're engaged to be married, young lady?"
Xander interrupted her line of thought.

The singer finished his song and they all clapped their hands. He got off the stage, heading for the bar.  

“Hey cowboy, great show,” Anya said as he walked pass them.

“Thanks,” He smiled.

“Yeah, that was a great performance. You uh, perform quite well,” Xander jittered. 

The singer looked at him, still smiling. “Thanks man.”

“I mean, you were *really* awesome up there… I’m a big fan of yours,” Xander got up from the chair, approaching Lindsey. “Well, it’s the first time I heard you, but I just know you’re gonna make it big time.”

“Xander, back off.” Anya pulled her fiancé. She smiled at Lindsey. “He’s starstruck.”

Lindsey smiled and continued walking over to the bar. Surprised, he saw two
men in tailored suits, sitting at the bar. The chair between them was empty.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as sat in the chair between them. "Beer,
please." He asked the barman.

"An enthralling performance, Mr. McDonald, I must say." The man on the right

"Thanks, so why are you here?" Lindsey sipped on his beer mug.
The man on his left took out a sealed envelope from his inner pocket. He
handed to Lindsey.
The ex-lawyer took one glance at the printed letters of his name and handed
it back to the man. "No."

"I think you would want to read that letter, Mr. McDonald." The man replied.
He put the envelope on the bar and got up. The second man got up as well,
fixed his suit and headed out of the bar.
Lindsey watched them leave, drinking his beer. He took the letter back to
his hands.

The swing swayed back and forth slowly. Dawn sighed, feeling the tears
choking her, forming a lump in her throat. The playground was deserted. It
wasn't late at night yet, but no one was walking the streets freely after
dark. The only lively place at the early hours of the night was the Bronze.
Dawn lifted her head, surprised, when she heard someone walking by. A young
street boy looked at her.

"It's dangerous outside at this hour." Dawn stifled her tears.

"So why are you here?" The boy asked.

Dawn rubbed her eyes. "I'm looking for my sister."

"So why are you here?" He repeated his question.

Dawn shrugged. "I don't know... I don't know where to look..."

The boy looked at her. "I'm sure you'll find her."

Dawn shook her head. "She's dead."

The boy was quiet for a moment. He stepped closer to Dawn. Now she could see
his face in the dim moonlight.

“You’re not…” The boy started saying.

“I’m not? Huh?” Dawn asked, confused. “You’re not from around, are you? Who are you?”

The boy looked away and then back at her strangely. "I'm sorry I gotta go.... He’ll be angry..." He turned to leave.

"Wait-" Dawn started saying, but the boy already ran away from there.

"What's your name..." She whispered, getting up from the swing.

"Dawn, there you are!" She saw Giles heading her way. "Let's go back and see
if the others found anything. There's nothing out of the ordinary in the
streets," He said.

"Except there are no vampires. Willy's pretty much out of business tonight."
Spike muttered behind him.

Giles turned to him, fixing his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Yes,
yes, quite unusual, really."

"A lot of weird things happening." Dawn agreed.

"Come on, it's getting late, let's go back." Willow got up from her chair.

"Already?" They heard a familiar voice behind them. "It's only the encore,"
Angel smirked at them, moving by the pool table.

"Angel!" Willow stepped towards him but Tara pulled her back.

"You're evil again!" Xander called angrily.

"And you're- hmm, you're not smart. Wise? No, not that either." Angelus rubbed
his chin, pondering. “You’re just going to die, then.” He smirked. “How’s that?”

"You better watch it dead boy. You're gonna get it." Xander hissed.

"Xander," Anya tugged on his shirt. "I don't think it's wise to anger him... he's all big and muscular."

"Thank you!" Angelus flicked a pool ball, as he scanned the room, looking for something, or someone. "I don't have time for you, anyway." He huffed, and walked out of the nightclub.

"That was morbid." Willow said, looking at Xander.


“Where have you been?” Giles inquired as the group burst into his apartment. “I thought you were researching.”

“We were,” Willow eyed Xander angrily. “Until someone had better ideas.”

“Screw that, we have bigger prob-“ Xander stopped when he spotted Angel walking into the room, followed by Dawn.

“Dawn, look out!” Xander yelped.

He grabbed a stake from his waistband and ran towards Angel. The vampire looked at him surprised, but before Xander could stake him, Angel grabbed the stake, and smashed Xander’s back against the wall.

“Xander, are you out of your mind?” Cordelia reached them. Xander looked at her confused, then at Angel. Cordelia looked angry.

“Cordy? What are you doing here?” He was stunned.

“What are *you* doing, trying to stake Angel?” She folded her arms. “Once a loser always a loser. And hi, by the way!”

“You’re not-“ Xander looked at Angel. “I thought you were-“ He was lost for words and looked over at Willow for help.

“Aren’t you suppose to be evil? Or is it on and off, like a switch?” The help came from Anya.

“Huh?” Angel looked at the young woman.

“Angel’s not evil,” Cordelia dismissed the accusations. “He hasn’t been evil since he got groiny with- Oh wait, there was that one time the actress drugged him. And last year when he got all insane, killed a bunch of lawyers, fired us and gave away my-” Cordy noticed Angel did not like her sharing and was gazing at her. She flashed him a smile. “But he’s all good carebear now, complete with the fangs.”

“Gave away your what?” Xander looked at her, as Angel released his hold. “Is it kinky?”

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “My clothes! Geez! Are you stuck at 17?”

Wesley stepped over to Anya and Willow. “You saw him-“ He turned to point at Angel, “Evil?”

“Yes, he was. Right, Tara?” Willow turned to her girlfriend.

“Yes. His aura was all evil,” The blonde witch agreed.

“They saw Angelus…” Angel exchanged stares with Wesley.

Xander released himself from Angel’s grip. “Would you mind telling us what’s going on, or you like us going on a blind date with your demon?”


“Where have you been?” Angelus looked sternly at the young boy.

“I… I went out… for a walk…” The kid gulped, lowering his head. “I- I saw a girl… It was wei-“

“We gotta move on before sunrise. They will be here soon. They’ll come looking for her.” Angelus looked at the boy again. “I gotta prepare. You get ready, we’re going to be on the move soon.”

“You’re not angry?” Michael looked hopeful.

“Why would I be angry? You’re still here,” Angelus snorted and patted the boy’s shoulder. “Now let’s move.”


Lindsey stared blankly at the letter. Damn Wolfram & Hart and their stupid tricks and mind games. He read the letter over and over as he went back to his crummy room at the Sunnydale Hotel.

He unlocked the door and walked in, crumpling the letter into a small ball.

Walking over to the mini-bar, he took out can of beer, popping it open. Taking a few sips, he suddenly spotted a small video camera on the antediluvian TV.
Suddenly his palms started sweating. He reached for the television, clicked
it open.

"As you can see," Nathan Reed's voice was heard as the picture focused on a
window. The camera panned around to see a big dining table. Nathan sat at
the head of the table.
Lindsey hissed and gritted his teeth as the camera zooout to reveal two
women, one aging southern looking grayed hair woman and in front of her a
young woman, in her late teens or early 20s. Both women looked down, ashamed
to look at the camera.

Lindsey looked aghast at the screen. The color ran out of his face and he brushed a hand through his hair in despair.

"We care about the benefit and welfare of our employees' families," Nathan
put his hand on the older woman's palm and she pulled her hand away.

"You dirty ol' bastard..." Lindsey snarled.

Nathan laughed. "I hope you enjoyed your long vacation, Lindsey. Now we have
a special mission for you in Sunnydale. We'll be waiting for your call."
The camera panned again across the women at the table before the screen
blacked out.

“Dammit!” Lindsey slammed the TV before turning it off. He paced around the room, nervously, clasping his fists. He picked up the phone by his bedside and dialed.

"Hello, Lindsey." He heard Nathan’s voice on the other side of the line. “How’s your evil hand doing?”

"Dammit Nathan, if you hurt them-"

"No one is going to hurt them if you cooperate with us," Nathan cut him out. "Threats won't do any good."

"Let me talk to them." Lindsey demanded.

"Hold on," Nathan surprisingly agreed.

"Lindsey?" A woman with thick southern accent took the phone.

"Mom..." Lindsey let out a sigh. "Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did
they?" Lindsey's fingers tightened around the earpiece.

"No, but they kidnapped us... they said something bad will happen to you if
we didn't come... what's going on Lindsey?"

"Listen mom, I can't explain, but you've gotta trust me. Don't tell them
anything if they talk to you, keep silent. I'll get you back home soon, I

"He wants to talk to you," His mother replied.

"Okay, give him to me. Tell Katherine I love her, and don't talk to them."

"Why your mother and sister are delicate ladies," Nathan was on the line

"You don't need them, let them go." Lindsey demanded.

"Are you back working with us?" Nathan asked.

"For you, you mean."


"What do you want me to do?"

"On the table, there's a package," Nathan instructed him.

"The mansion looks normal." Xander said, following Angel and Wesley closely.
"In a creepy, ghostly sort of way."

"It smells..." Angel stopped to consider as they reached the front door.

As soon as they walked into the mansion, a dark cloud landed on Angel. His
temperature remained steady, always keeping the room's temperature, but he
could swear he felt cold. It was chilling.
The living room was silent and eerie, but most of all, Angel was overwhelmed
by the smell that surrounded his nostrils. The mansion soaked in the smells
he already forgot. It smelled of chaos, death, lust, fear, anger, betrayal,
evil, good, love, Buffy...

Are you still my girl?

Drink, drink me.

It is never over. I won't let you die!

Angel closed his eyes, letting her scent wash through him. Then he opened
his eyes in terror. He could smell her fear, her scorched and bleeding skin,
her confusion.

"She's here," Angel said quietly, turning to face Xander and Wesley. "Or was
here very recently."

"How do you know?" Xander asked.

"I smell her." Angel withheld the details. The boy shouldn't know about the
horrifying images his vampiric brain translated from the sensations.

"O-kay... I'm not saying anything," Xander looked away.

"I suggest we search the rooms," Wesley said, but Angel started walking as
if he were hypnotized.

Xander and Wesley exchanged stares and rushed to join
He walked quickly up the stairs, and reached a closed oak door. He pressed
on the heavy knob and the wooden door creaked when he opened it.

"Dear God..." Wesley covered his mouth.

"What the..." Xander stared at it.

Angel walked slowly into the center of the room. In front of him, a large
thick dark red cross was sketched on the wall. Above it one word was smeared
in blood, just like the cross; MARTYR.

"Is that..." Xander asked and stopped, feeling suddenly sick to the stomach.

Angel walked to the wall, touching the dried blood. "Less than an hour ago."
He whispered. "They shouldn't be far."

"Doesn't the cross burn you?" Wesley approached Angel.

"It's not holy, it's impure." Angel kept touching it. “He…”

"Dammit, it's always you!" Xander snapped, moving to stand next to them.
"It's always your fault, even in other worlds!"

Angel didn't respond, just bit his lips, taking in the blame.

"Angel is not to blame for this!" Wesley defended his boss.

"Sure he is," Xander sneered. "He's always the one. The damn demon
intertwined in Buffy's life so profoundly... she can't escape him even if
it's in another dimension, if he's miles away or if she's DEAD. You never
give her any peace! DAMN YOU!" Xander shouted. Angel and Wesley didn't say a
word, letting the angered boy cool his outburst. "Okay, I'm not feeling any
better now." He said. "Let's go, we're wasting time."

They all turned to leave. Angel stopped midway and looked back sharply. His
face scanning the room. He walked inside again, and crouched to pick up
something from the floor. He looked around strangely before walking out and
joining the two others.

"That was close..." Michael gasped, as he became visible again.

Angelus laughed evilly, glancing down at Buffy, she was sleeping, her sleep was not
peaceful, but he enjoyed watching her nonetheless.

"He could feel us..." Michael said, looking over at the sleeping girl. "Or her... I can't read his mind."

"Oh I know what he's thinking..." Angelus smirked, turning his head to the
blood-painted cross.

Buffy moaned in her sleep and the boy looked at her.

"You should catch some sleep, boy. It's getting late. I'm going out for dinner." Angelus walked out of the room.

Michael looked at Buffy again. She was shaking. He crawled over to her and
watched her for a moment. Hesitantly, he put his hand on her forehead. She
stopped shaking and seemed to calm down.

"Angel..." She whispered and Michael cringed and moved away from her.

He huddled in the corner and tried to go to sleep himself. There was only one
bed in the mansion and of course Angelus used it, while the boy took the
hard and cool floor. But it was better than the slimy pit he was sleeping
in, before Angelus killed the demons that held him since he could remember.
The demons could control and negate his building powers with some device
they had put around his neck. He was nothing but a tool and a slave until
Angelus took him under his wings like he was his own son. Michael seldom
wondered, as he watched the demons whoring, feasting and torturing humans,
what his own parents looked like. Sometimes when he had good dreams he could
see some blurry vision of his mother. White and pure, but it faded quickly
as he woke up in the dirt.

Both Michael and Buffy slipped into dreamland.

The cool air of the night didn't have any effect on him, as he walked down
the street. The college was just a wall away from the cemetery.
Angelus smirked glancing at the girl beside him. He’d already fed on two girls
just outside the Bronze, but he was still hungry. He knew the reason. No
blood was as satisfying as the Slayer's. Buff's in particular. He was never
obsessed with the other Slayers as he was with her. They were enemies,
hunters, the rule with them was kill or be killed. But with her it was
different. It probably had something to with the curse. Destroy the things
the soul cared most about. And Buff made him feel human. And much more...
He wanted to drink her… he remembered clearly her blood floating on his
lips... filling him with energy and he was about to make her his own. Angelus
touched his lips absently. He was hungry for her, but it was not the time to
take her yet. He could wait. And the will keep her warm for him, until
it's time. The boy will help him open the gates to hell, bring chaos and
agony to the world. He will rule it, and the Slayer will be at his right
He faced the girl at his side, ready to claim her life to temporarily satisfy the
hunger, when he heard someone stepping behind him. And he knew who it was.

"Well, well." Darla smirked approaching the two. "Look who came to
Sunnydale. Are you following me?"

Angelus looked at her strang. She moved pass him, glaring at the girl.

"Saving souls still? It's nice how you fill your cheerleader's duty. Your
heart still stinks of her, months after she's gone. Disgusting."

"My, you’ve got an extraordinary sense of smell," Angelus said dryly. "But I
don't remember you being so boring”.

Darla gazed at him angrily, clenching her jaw.

“Guess perspectives change over the centuries." He laughed. "I thought you died." He mentioned and grabbed the girl next to him.

"Angel, what's-" The girl started asking but Angelus vamped out.

His feline eyes twinkled evilly as he looked at Darla. "You know, I didn't even miss you."

Darla’s face twisted in fury. The girl's breath was faster and heavier, but she was too shocked to make a sound. To Darla's astonished eyes, Angelus sank his fangs in the girl's throat.
His sire looked as the girl's limp body fell to the ground, next to Angelus' feet.
She raised her head to meet his eyes.

"My boy... you're back..."

Angel clasped the small piece of material. Everyone went to sleep, deciding it will be easier to locate the vampire when his space and ability to move is limited. Angel couldn't even close his eyes.

Buffy is alive. Buffy is nearby. He clutched the cloth, a small piece of Buffy’s clothing, tight in his fist. If only it were different circumstances. Not like this. The first person she saw on returning to life was the evil psychopath that runs loose in a familiar body

The first feelings she got to feel again were those of fear and pain... and hatred.
And what about the boy? If Whistler was telling the truth, Buffy was in the
presence of a child that could be considered as her son. Their son. And he
was evil. Their love spawned evil, but also good, there was another child.

"I can amend this," Michael faced Whistler, putting his white toga over his bandaged body.

At 18, Michael was standing 6 feet tall, his body started to shape from a young lad to a man. And he was possessing powers no other human could even conceive. Whistler shook his head in disapproval and turned to the beautiful girl that was present in the room.

"You tell him, Akmav. I think he was sleeping in my class.”

Michael and Akmav exchanged looks. She stepped forward and took his hands in hers.

“Michael, no.” She said quietly, teary eyed.

He sighed. “Okay,” He looked at Whistler. “I won’t interfere for now. Let’s see how it’s evolves.”


Darla circled around Angelus, not taking her eyes from his.

"How can it be?"

He grinned. "Do you want to know?" He grabbed her shoulders, bringing his
face closer to her. "Didn't I stake you in this dimension?"

"Don't you remember, lover?" Darla placed her fingers on his face. “The soul?”

"I remember," Angelus said nonchalantly and pushed her away from him. "Now,
if you don't mind, I've got better things to do than chit chat."

His disinterest left Darla surprised and mostly unpleased.

"That's it?" She walked after him. "That's all you've got to say?"

Angelus turned around, smirking down at her. "Not really, I've got a lot of
things to say, but not to you. You're just-" He scanned her and shrugged.

"Boring?" Darla's eyes flared up. "We've spent 150 years together! We shared-"

"Geez, stuck in the past, much? It's over, Darla. Move on. We had a good time, but I've found my perfect happiness. I'll see you around."

Darla huffed, running after him when he walked away. She grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to look back at her. "I have tried *so* hard to bring you back and save you from that sickly soul, and this is the thanks I get?" She hissed.

"You know, for a pro, you’ve really got a lot to learn. Maybe you should take lessons
from Buffy." Angelus scoffed.

"Buffy?" Darla released her hold. "She's dead."

Angelus smirked in satisfaction. "Not anymore. She brought me back and I returned the favor. Now if you'll excuse me... I’ve got some mouths to feed. I'm a family man now," Angelus chortled.

He walked away, leaving stunned Darla behind. This time she didn't follow

"" Michael groaned in his sleep. "No!" He screamed.

"Shhh... it's okay..." Buffy knelt next to him and stroked his hair.

He woke at once and moved away from her. "Don't touch me!" He gritted his teeth.

"Sorry..." She apologized. "You looked troubled... I was wo-"

He sneered. "Don't pretend you care about me. I won't release you from the

"Why are you doing this?" Buffy asked, feeling the invisible chains tightening around her limbs to a point of pain.

"I will not help you escape." The boy rubbed his eyes.

"Okay, can you please tell me your name, then?" Buffy said sweetly, ignoring
the pain caused by the tight chains.

"Don't you remember? When you were in the gardens?"

"Gardens?" Buffy looked at him. "I remember waking up from a good sleep to
this nightmare." Tears floated in her eyes. "Can you just-"

She felt the chains loosen up, but not gone. She rubbed her wrist. “Thank you.”

"Michael..." The boy said. "That's my name."

Buffy smiled at him. "That's a pretty name, I like it. Like the angel...." Her voice trailed off.

"You miss him that much?"

"You can read people's mind. Must be a pain."

"It's not what you're thinking. I can control it. Shut it off, or channel it. It took me some time to learn how, but it's easy."

"Don't you think it's invading people's privacy when you do that?"

Michael lowered his head. "I don't get to meet a lot of people. My dad usually eats them."

"He's not your father, why do you let him-"

"He IS my father! he treats me better than anyone else ever have!" Michael got angry and stood up. "I won't help you kill him! Never!"

"He is evil! He's using you!" Buffy got up as well. She felt the chains tightening again.

"No!" Michael rushed to the door, opening it and bumped into someone.

The child looked up to see Lindsey. Before he could react, Lindsey put something around his neck.
The boy fell down, grabbing his head.

"What did you do to him? He's in pain..." Buffy was finally free of her chains.

"I'm just taking precautions, the pain will stop soon". Lindsey looked at the kid, who was squirming on the floor. He crouched and picked up the child in his arms, tossing him over his shoulder.

“Where are you taking him?” Buffy asked.

“No where. You’re free to leave, ma’am. I don’t need you.”

“You know I’m not gonna let you take him.” Buffy said. “Not until you tell me what you’re doing with him.”

“Sorry ma’am. I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Lindsey turned to leave, shifting the child to a better position on his shoulder and the child’s shoe fell off.

Buffy saw the silver cross necklace falling from the shoe and picked it up, staring at it in amazement.

“Take me with you.” She demanded, clasping the necklace close to her heart.

"Hey midget, I got you some food," Angelus hummed, walking into the mansion.
"The baker was very generous... and delicious too." The vampire carried the
paper bag upstairs.

He opened the door, expecting to see Buffy and Michael sleeping, but the
room was empty.

"Midget?" Angelus turned back to the hall. He sniffed the air and took one
step towards the stairs.

"Dammit!" He threw the paper bag on the ground and stomped it, proceeding to
kick it all the way down the stair. "Damn you kid. I give up the fun life to take care of you and you run away..." Angelus snarled, stepping downstairs. "You think someone will ever treat you better, you little sponger." He muttered.

"Are you hungry?" Lindsey asked Buffy once they were in his hotel room.

Buffy could suddenly hear her stomach growl. "I haven't eaten since I-" She
looked at Lindsey, "Yes please..." She wrapped her arms around herself.

"I don't have much... some breaand peanut butter will do?"

Buffy nodded eagerly, walking after him to the table.

Lindsey watched as Buffy devoured the sandwich. His stare wandered to her
torn shirt and the healing long wound on her arm.
Buffy finished eating and got up, looking at the boy who was cuddling on the
bed. Sporadic shivering crossed his body.

"It would stop soon." Lindsey stood next to her. "Here," He handed her one
of his shirt.

She looked shyly at the shirt and back at the boy. "It won't kill him?"

"No, but without it, he will kill us."

"He's just a boy andhe was in bad company," Buffy protested.

"You're too kind, he would have killed you without thinking too much. I've
received his profile." Lindsey took a sip from the bottle he was holding.
"The kid's dangerous."

"Where did he come from? Who is he?"

"Are you pumping me for information?" Lindsey grinned, walking away. "It's classified information."

"You know, I've been dead for a while, and I'm not sure how my combat skills
are, but I don't mind testing them on you."

He laughed. "Seriously ma'am. I don't know everything. They don't tell me
everything anymore." He smirked. "They don't trust me."

"The law firm you mentioned?"

"Yeah. Wolfram and Hart. Lawyers from hell."

"So why are you working for them? You don't look like a bad guy for me."

"They hold my family hostage, okay? If I don't give them the boy, an accident will happen. I've seen them do it before with others."

"Okay, here's a thought. If the device they gave you can control the kid's
powers, why don't you use it against them."

"Because they're-" Lindsey stopped mid-sentence, digesting the idea.

There were only a couple of hours left before sunrise, but Angel didn't
care. He needed to go out, he couldn't stay put, doing nothing but torturing
himself with thoughts.
He got up from the couch, trying to make a stealthy exit. He stumbled over
one of Giles' packed boxes.

"Where are you going?" Wesley got up in haste.

"So much for stealthy exit..." Angel muttered, and got up.

"Too scared to compete me in a dart game? That's understandable." Wesley
continued and Angel sighed, realizing Wesley was talking in his sleep.

He waited for the ex-watcher to lie back, before finding his way out of the
boxes maze.

"I think I'll be heading to sleep now... If the boy wakes up, don't hesitate
on waking me." Lindsey said. Buffy looked at the boy, and back at Lindsey.
"You still haven't told me your name," Lindsey reminded her, before heading
to the couch.
"Bu- Linda." Buffy decided he was still not trustworthy. "My name's Belinda."
Lindsey smiled. "Well, that's a nice name."

Angel ran all the way to the graveyard. Time was too precious, two hours to
sunrise were hardly enough if he didn't know where to begin. But his mind
and senses were filled with her. After 8 months, he suddenly felt alive. If
that were shanshu, he wouldn't mind staying like that forever. If he could
see she's there. Alive and well. Even just a glimpse will last him for a

Angel's pace slowed as philosophical muses started to gush in his head.
Is Buffy alive now? Flesh and blood? Is she the same Buffy he knew? His
senses screamed yes. Her dried blood on the wall told him everything. But is
she gonna disappear again once he stops this child? He wasn't sure he could
go on if she wasn't there. He didn't know how he survived so far. Everything
in the past 8 months since she died faded into oblivion. He could remember
explicitly every single day since 1753. Little bits of memories since maybe 1731, and yet his mind couldn't bring up anything that happened since he watched Buffy's casket embraced by the ground, watching from the shadow like the creature of the night that didn't belong there.

"Bloody hell, poof! Watch where you're going!" He bumped into Spike.

"What are you doing here?" The thoughts cleared up.

"The exact thing you're doing."

Angel eyed the bleached vampire, feeling the anger rising up and boil in his

"Just cut the crap already Spike! It's been long enough!" Angel burst out on
his grand-childe. "You may have fooled those kids, but you don't fool me."

"Right, you're wise, Mr. I can't make her happy without losing my soul I
better dump her and hurt her feelings maybe she'll find a nice cardboard
hunk who turns out to be a walking vampire buffet wanker while I cry in self pity for all my sins. Yah! I forgot that!" Spike scoffed.

Angel sneered. "You're pathetic. She would’ve never loved you as a man."

"Yeah, mate. Well at least I was at her side when she died."

Angel looked down, biting his lip.

Darla was still shocked and angered by Angelus' insurrection. It was
upsetting enough to have his ensouled body running around, having her killed
for the Slayer, it was even more upsetting to hear Angel disregard their
time together, her inefficiency to bring back her boy, after learning the
key to breaking the curse. But Angelus staked her heart without using an
actual stake. Even when he was obsessed with Drusilla he still had time for
her. He *always* found time for her.

She looked up at the brightening skies, sensing the forthcoming dawn. As she
decided to leave and find a safe place for the day, she spotted Angel and Spike.
She became giddy, her boy has returned for her.

Both vampires stopped talking- or arguing. When the vampiress approached

"You came back," Darla said sweetly, looking at Angel.

"What are you doing here?" Angel's stern face greeted her with hostility. She
looked into his eyes and could not mistake the soul reflecting at her.

She took a step back. "What is this? Some kind of a practical joke?"

Angel stepped forward. "I told you if I saw you again-"

"Lighten up, mate." Spike pushed him aside. "You've seen his Mr. Hyde? Walking about with the leather and being all I'm going to destroy the world hype?"

Darla rolled her eyes. "More like Buffy hype." She huffed. Looking back at
Angel, she grinned. "Seems like the cheerleader is up and working again...
in good hands."

"Bloody hell!" Spike stamped his feet in anger. Darla raised her eyebrow at
his reaction. He spat, "He better not touch a hair on her head, or-"

"Oh, stake me!" Darla grabbed her temples. "Don't tell me you fell in love
with the Slayer too!"

Angel huffed in displeasure when Spike uttered, “Head over heels”.

Darla then unexpectedly started laughing, her laughter became bitter and forced.
"What is this joke?" She called in disbelief. "Everybody loves Buffy?"

Angel and Spike remained silent.

Darla snorted. "Someone should create a documentary TV show for her! Maybe
give it some nifty title like- Buffy, The Vampire Slayer! That would be
fitting." She glared at both Spike and Angel. "Or maybe, when you think
about it- Buffy, the vampire layer."

"Oh shut your gob bitch!" Spike protested. "She never gave in to me, give her

Angel clenched his jaw, trying to cool down his anger. The short time he had
left until the sun came out was too precious to waste on fighting with Darla and Spike. They will have to look for a place to hide from the deadly rays as well. He had to find Buffy. Without saying a word, he left them both standing there.

"Maybe you should write her a poem, since you're so good at that," Darla
kept spitting venom. "Stand outside her window screeching your throat out
with serenades." She laughed.

"Jealous are you? Because your boy- Angelus had more fun out with the ladies
back in the days... can't blame him, old and grouchy just not a man's desire
to come home to."

He smirked as he saw Darla's expression turning dangerously angry. He’d sure
stepped on a sore spot.

"And maybe I should just take you out of your misery!" Darla snarled and
drew out a stake, stabbing Spike's right in the heart. He looked at her
shocked for a moment and exploded to dust. She threw the stake on the earth
and puffed the dust from her hands.

"You better be worth all this humiliation, Lindsey." She muttered before
walking away.

"Where did Angel go?" She wondered suddenly, looking back at where Spike's
ashes now blew away with the morning breeze.

Buffy looked over at Lindsey. He seemed to be deeply asleep. She walked away
silentlyto the bed the boy was thrown on.
He was lying on the bed, looking paralyzed. His eyes were opened and he
breathed slowly. When Buffy reached him, his eyes widened in sheer horror
and he flinched when she touched him.

"Are you in pain?" Buffy was surprised at his reaction. His breath became
fast and strenuous.

She sat on the edge of the bed, putting her hand on his shoulder. "I'm not
gonna hurt you," She whispered. "I'm going to help you."

The boy's breath got steadier as his silent panic calmed.

"But first I need to know how you got this," She opened her palm revealing
the silver cross.

The boy tried to grab it from her hand but Buffy's instincts were faster and
she took her hand away.

"So you can move," She pondered, looking over again at Lindsey.

"It's mine... give it back..." The boy whispered.

"It's not yours, it's mine. I want to know where you got it... did you see
my sister?" Buffy asked quietly but sternly.

"I didn't steal it... it's mine..." The boy cowered, covering his hands with
his hands.

"Come on..." Buffy whispered and grabbed the boy.
She managed to leave the room unnoticed.

When they reached the street, the horizon was already lighted by the first
rays of the coming dawn. Buffy knew her strength was back, she was carrying
the 12 years old boy in her arms all the way down the street.

"I can walk..." He finally said after a while. She helped him on his feet.

"So, this thing really makes you powerless?" Buffy asked looking at the
strange device locked around the kid's neck, like a fancy high tech

"Just contained," Michael looked at her. "Eventually I'll find a way around

"Well, I'll take it off if you promise not to kill me," Buffy played with the cross between her fingers. "Or chain me and hand me to my enemies."

The boy's eyes were fixated on the cross. "Please... it's mine."

"Why did you keep it in your shoe?"

"I live with a vampire, what do you think?" The boy sneered.

"Just tell me-"

"It's the only thing I have from my mother..." Michael interrupted her.
Buffy looked at him, stunned. She looked again at the silver cross.

'He's your son from the future...' She heard Angelus' voice again.

"Hmm... this may sound strange, but are you from the future?"

"Yeah... I've stolen access to the time passages..."

"Oh God..." Buffy stared at boy in shock. "How can it be..."

"It's real easy, I just-"

"Who... do you know who your parents are?"

The boy's face darkened and he looked away. "They died when I was a baby."

"No..." Buffy gasped.

They were both silent for a moment, mourning.

Buffy dared look at him, not sure of what to say or do next.

"This..." She finally talked, showing him the cross again. "This belongs to
me... I'm your mother... somehow..." Tears already streamed down her cheek.

If in the future she had a child and she gave him this very necklace...
maybe it meant that Angel-

"Liar!" The boy snatched the cross from her hand and started running away
from there.

"Michael!" Buffy called after him.

A pickup truck stopped right in front of him, the headlights blinded both of them. Lindsey got out of the truck.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lindsey grabbed the boy, putting him
inside the van.

"Wait!" Buffy ran after him.

"You think I'll let you in again?" Lindsey said, closing the door on the kid. "I tracked him easily with the device... it beeps once it's 200 feet away from the controller."

Without wasting any more time he pulled to reverse and drove out of there,
leaving Buffy in the street. She spotted the silver cross necklace on the asphalt and picked it up.
Clasping the cross in her fingers, she looked around her as the darkness slowly slipped away.

"Buffy?" Buffy jumped away when she heard the familiar voice calling her
She saw Angel coming towards her.
Buffy positioned herself in a fighting stance, clasping her hands into
fists, threatening to bring the approaching vampire to the harsh light of
He didn't show any fear. "Buffy..."
She looked at him suspiciously, unsure. "Angel?"
"Buffy, stay away from him!" Buffy looked to see another Angel approaching
Confused, Buffy looked at the two of them.
"Keep away! Both of you!" She gritted her teeth.
"Buffy, he's evil, you know he is..." The other Angel said calmly.
"Buffy, don't listen to him... it's me."
"Stop it..." Buffy grasped her head. "Stop playing with my mind!"
"Buffy-" one of them made a step towards her and she jumped back to defense
"Don't trust him, Buffy."
"Why are you doing this to me?" Buffy felt the tears stinging her eyes again.
At that moment one of the Angels jumped on the other throwing him to the

Buffy watched as the twin vampires slammed each other furiously over and over.
At first, they seemed to be matched in strength. Each slam was rewarded with
a powerful fist. Every kick was blocked just the same.
As she looked at the massive hand to hand combat, she wondered if one of
them will win at all, and how long will it take them.
Just as the thought crossed her mind, one of them seemed to be getting the
upper hand. One of the Angels collapsed to the floor, grabbing the other one
with him.

"Get me a stake!" The vampire who kept the other one plastered to the
ground, barely managed to called out to Buffy.

The girl looked back at him, and then at the semi-conscious vampire he was
holding. She walked over to him.

"Get this," She kicked him in the face as hard as she could. The vampire
dropped to the floor next to the other one.

For a few more minutes, the two identical twin vampires were lying exhausted on the ground. Buffy looked at them, hesitantly as they started to come back to their senses.
The sky was almost totally light now, soon the deadly rays would reach
the vampires and set them both on fire.
The two vampires seemed to notice as well, they got up, looking at each
other somewhat diplomatically and nodded, as if agreeing to renew their duel
on another night.

Angelus growled and grabbed Angel's lapels. "It's not over yet..." He hissed
and slammed his fist into Angel's face, dazing the ensouled vampire.

Buffy quickly positioned herself in a threatening pose. He grinned at her. "And
don't you know it, lover." He sprinted away from there.

"Angel..." Buffy finally allowed herself to show vulnerability and reached for Angel who sat up.

He lowered his hand from his head when she jumped on him, kneeling down and
placing her arms around his neck.

"Buffy..." He whispered in disbelief.

She was so real. Her touch, her body pressed against his, her scent... "It really is you..." Angel covered his face in her hair, breathing in her scent, air he did need for survival. He felt the tears in his eyes. Alive, he was alive again. If this was shanshu…

"Buffy..." He said again and cupped her face, locking his eyes with hers.
His thumb caressed the trail of her tear softly.

"It's me..." Her voice betrayed her and she could hardly speak.

"Are you okay? He didn't..." Angel's hand moved to caress her cheek softly.

"Just a little... Angel, there's..." Buffy started saying, but her eyes wandered up to the bright light.

"Angel, the sun... you have to hide!"

He looked up and somewhere inside the demon screeched for him to hide from
the approaching deadly rays. But he didn't mind dying when looking at her in
the sunlight. The memory was so strong in his head. He wanted to see again the green-blue of her eyes in the full bright sunshine.

"Let's go..." He nodded, helping her up on her feet as he rose.

He spotted a manhole in the road and opened it. "Come on..."

"Oh sewers... I missed running into one of those..." Buffy whispered as she
followed him.

"How did you know it was me?" Angel asked when they started walking in the sewers, their feet paddling at the shallow waters.

"Because he was kicking your ass..." Buffy giggled.

Angel smiled at the sound of her voice. "Thanks."

She stopped walking and looked at him. "I could feel you, Angel. I just looked and knew who was who..." She smiled softly at him. "Does it make any sense?"

He smiled back at her. "It does... Because I can feel you too."

She made a move towards him.

"Hopefully I don't need to tand identify you out of two Buffys." He still smiled at her.
"Nope. I think the Buffybot is a total loss... also, the operating system is not big on func-"

"Buffybot?" Angel interrupted her, a confused expression on his face.

"Oh, hmm, uh, never mind!" Buffy flashed a smile and made another step towards him. "Just one Buffy here- uno Buffo!"

Angel let out a laugh. "Do you know what's a buffo?"

Buffy raised her eyebrow and smiled sheepishly. "Do I wanna know?"

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. He could feel her body relaxing in his arms as she responded to his kiss hungrily.
He stopped after only a few seconds. "I'm sorry...." He whisper.

"Angel, please... just kiss me," Buffy pleaded.

"I can't, Buffy." Angel's voice was hoarse. "I don't want to kiss you..."

She looked down but he lifted her chin with his thumb, forcing her to look
at his eyes.

"I want more than that...” He admitted, feeling ashamed.

"Suddenly, so happy to be alive..." Buffy muttered.

"Yeah..." Angel suddenly seemed very distant.


"I'm sorry... there's... there's something I gotta tell you, but perhaps here is not the place."

"Why not?" Buffy shrugged. "Sewers seemed perfect for you to break my heart


"No. Whatever you have to say just say it." She demanded.

"You..." Angel hesitated, licking his lips. "You died..." He cringed.

"Are you okay?" Buffy reached for his bruised face, but he flinched.

"You were brought back to life out of whim... but it wasn't..." Angel couldn't look at her and locked his stare on the ground. "You weren't supposed to come back..." He whispered huskily.

"But it's okay, I'm here now," Buffy paced toward him, but halted when he raised his head and she could see his red, teary eyes.

"If you don't go back… the entire universe will be destroyed..."

"What are you saying? That I have to go back? To die again?"

He just swallowed, and looked at her. A single tear ran down his cheek.

"Maybe there could be a way around it..." His voice trembled slightly.
"Maybe I could make a trade."

"A trade? You mean, you'll offer your life for mine." Buffy stated.

"It's not the first t-" Angel bit his tongue before he spoke any further.
"It's the only way I can think of, I won't be able to survive without you again. I don't know how I have so far."

"Angel, no. There must be some way..." Buffy opened her palm, revealing the silver cross to the pained vampire. "The child who brought me back..."

"I know. He's ours. But he's evil."

"He's not ev- How... how do you know he's... you mean, you..." Buffy's voice trailed off as she tried to search for the answer in Angel's anguished face.

"We should get out of here..." Angel changed the subject, looking around.

"Vampires are roaming these tunnels during the day."

"We can't go out into the daylight... unless you want to become a human torch and I will not allow it."

Angel let a wry smile on his lips. "Not like I haven't done it before."

"You will have to tell me about your life in L.A some time, Angel." Buffy said seriously. "I never asked you how you were when you-"

"You had better things to worry about than me." Angel reached out for her and touched her cheek. She was so warm, how he missed the feeling of her warmth flushing through his body, banishing away the cold.

"Still, I want you to tell me... I want to know everything."

"Everything?" Angel smiled softly.

"Well, you can skip the parts with the chicks..."

"Hmm..." Angel released a mysterious groan.

"Look kid. I'm not going to hurt you, but I don't know what they'll do."
Lindsey looked over at the kid. "Just talk to me."

They were still at the pickup truck. Michael refused to talk to his captor.

Lindsey sighed. "You don't get it, do you? If you don't talk to me, the only
choice I have to save my family is by giving you to these people. They're
not very nice. Do you want me to take you to them?"

The boy still didn't respond. Lindsey sighed and pulled the car to a stop.
Michael watched as he rolled down the window.

"Chelsea’s Donuts, can I take your order please?" A voice announced from the
speaker outside.

“Yeah, hmm, I want a pack of 6, 3 jelly donuts, and um, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate. “

“Anything to drink?”

Lindsey glanced quickly at the boy. “Yes, please. One coffee, black, no sugar. And one hot chocolate.”

Michael watched curiously as Lindsey spoke to the microphone, placing his
Lindsey gave him a quick look before confirming his order and drove forward
to the window where he paid. He drove away, and parked not far from there.

"Are you hungry?" Lindsey turned to face the kid as he turned the engine

The boy looked away, fixating his stoic expression in the windshield.

Lindsey took out a steamy plastic cup from his paper bag and handed it to
the child.

"Hot chocolate," Lindsey said. "You like?"

The boy just looked at it, baffled. He brought it to his nose and sniffed.

"Taste it, it's good." Lindsey took another muggy plastic cup from the paper
bag. “You never tasted hot chocolate?”

The kid darted out his tongue to taste the steamy liquid.

“Be careful, it’s hot. You’ll get a burn.” Lindsey warned him and showed his how he cools his coffee with a few blows.

The kid imitated Lindsey and then took his first sip.

Lindsey took another short sip from his coffee and watched amused how Michael slurped in excitement, relished on the taste.

“You like it, don’t you?” Lindsey smiled and bent to take out a jelly donut from the small box. He handed it over to the boy.

“You’ll like this as well, I promise.” He smiled at the child’s skeptic look.

Michael devoured the donut with a few bites.

“Want another one?” Lindsey asked, seeing the boy looking at the box.

The kid bit his lip.

“You still don’t want to talk to me.” Lindsey was amused. He took another donut from the carton and handed it to the boy.

Lindsey looked at the kid. “You need new clothes, and an haircut, and a shower.” He glanced over the dark rags the child was wearing. The kid’s face were dirty and his hair messy and longer than ought to be.

The boy looked away, turning his back on Lindsey.

“I won’t let them hurt you. I’m on your side, trust me. I need your help, then I could free you.”

That captured the boy’s attention. “You’ll take me back to my dad?”

“You’ll be free to do whatever you want.” Lindsey promised.



“…And then we came back, and I was *so* happy… I was about to say home sweet home, we were safe. And then…” Angel paused, looking over at Buffy.

“And then what?” She raised her head from his shoulder. She didn’t know how long she was sitting there, leaning on him, exactly like that night of her mother’s funereal. Only this time Angel was the one to do the talking. And she was listening. He told her everything that happened to him, his downfall, the cold, the despair, Darla, Pylea.

He’s been through so much pain. She could feel it in every muscle on her body.

“And then Willow was there and my entire world collapsed.” Angel uttered.

“Angel-“ Buffy started saying but was interrupted by a low growl.

Quickly, both Buffy and Angel jumped on their feet, preparing to defend themselves from their attacker.

Two vampires barged into the tunnel. “Buffy, stay back!” Angel said as the first vampire lunged at them.

Buffy ignored him as she kicked the second vampire away. Angel was indulged in a series of death kicks to the head of the vampire.

He looked over to see Buffy receiving a side-kick to her ribs by the vampire.

“Buffy I said-“ The vampire took advantage of Angel’s distraction and knocked him to the ground, dazing him.

Buffy was getting into the fight, her skills did not disappoint her and something in her was happy to kick some bad vamps ass again.

The vampire threw her into a pool of still sewer water.

“Ugh…” Buffy was standing on all fours in the shallow dirty water. “That,” She grimaced, getting up. “Was a mistake.” Her right fist was clutching a piece of wood that she picked up in the water. The vampire that approached her with a victorious smirk spotted the wood too late and she plunged it with all her might into his heart.

She got out of the waters, waving herarms to shake away the water, when she heard the thud. Angel was smashed against the wall.

“Angel catch!” Buffy shouted, picking up the piece of wood from the floor and throwing it to him.

Before the vampire could understand what was going on, Angel reached out to grab the wood in midair and stabbed the vampire.

He exploded into ashes and Angel sighed, brushing quickly his clothes, he looked over at Buffy.

“I’m okay,” Buffy answered the question before he could ask. “Only two little vamps. That wasn’t that bad. We finished them with no problems.” She smiled, her smile then faded faster than it had appeared when a bunch of vampires, a whole flock, came into view behind Angel.

“Okay…now that’s a problem…” She said as thvampires started to close in on them.

Angel grabbed her hand. “Run!”

Buffy felt the claws on her still healing arm… she let out a yelp as she stumbled down. The vampire toppled on her and she used the opportunity to flip him over and stake him. As he dusted beneath her, strong arms pulled her up.

With a look, Angel prompted her to keep running.

“There’s no use…” Buffy exhaled as they kept running. “We gotta…” She stopped running, looking over at the crossways in the tunnels. On her right, in the far side of the tunnel, she could see the dim glow of the sunlight making holes, reaching inside.

“We gotta separate… they need to go after me.”

“No.” Angel was shocked with the thought.

“I’ll take them for a walk in the sun, you can’t. Hide!” She ushered him as the vampire approached.

“I don’t like it…” Angel started saying, but Buffy pushed him.

“It will be okay. I’ll be back.. Possibly with dry clothes and a nicer smell.”

Without another word, Angel disappeared into the left tunnel, while Buffy stayed where she was, looking at the approaching vampires.

“Hey guys…” She smiled at them, waving her hand. “What took you so long?”

They roared and charged at her. She escaped them easily and started running into the tunnel, following the dim rays of light.

As she made another turn in the tunnel, she realized the dim rays of light came from a huge barred exit from the sewers. There wasn’t direct sunlight, and there was no way the vampires would be fooled into going outside.

“Damn…” The blonde looked desperately at the sunlight shining outside and shook the bars. Underneath her feet the water formed a waterfall of stinking sewer water and garbage, falling a few feet down.

The vampires closed in on her, she shook the bars harder, trying to force them apart.

Buffy pressed hard and managed to twist the bars, bending them. With her recharged slayer strength she tore one middle bar, and sliced the vampire that jumped on her first.

The others stood backed a little, seemingly frightened. But the first row of vampires were still licking their fangs as they walked closer.

They jumped on her and she lifted the metal bar- her new bayonet, and tossed all three of them outside.

Their screaming faded as the new wave of vampires reached her.

“Gotta do it the hard way, eh?” Buffy muttered, touching briefly her sore arm.

The next two vampires that launched at her were beheaded.

“And they never learn…” Buffy tsked, looking menacingly at the vampires that left.

A few cowardly ones ran away, but less than a satisfying number was still making their way to her.

Buffy made a step back, preparing to defend herself with the bar, but as she felt her leg slipping, she realized her mistake. She felt the cut from the remains of the gate on her chin, and the bump, and became aware that the scream she heard was her own shocked voice as she fell down with the small stream of waste.

When she hit the pool below with a big splash of water, she calmly realized she was still alive.

“Though I’m smelling like a corpse…” She muttered as she swam out of the pool.

She looked up at the sun, and wondered how far her home was.

Home… Dawn… she really wanted to see Dawn. Her thoughts shifted back to Angel. She couldn’t let him wait in the tunnel and wonder if she survived her ingenious plan.

“Great plan…” She mumbled, climbing a mountain of wet moldy cartons and other disposed garbage to get into the sewers system again.

She armed herself with a plank of wood she found and walked back into the sewers.

“Angel… where are you…” She whispered.

Suddenly the feeling washed through her again. He was near. She knew it.

“Angel!” She called.

If he could hear her, feel her, or most likely- smell her, it didn’t matter when he came running into view.


She opened her mouth to respond, to reassure him, but he just collapsed at her feet, his hands wrapped around her waist, and his shoulders trembled as he cried, much like the time Buffy remembered all too well, after he came back from hell, like a beast.

Slowly, she slipped down, sitting on the ground and pulling him to her. He continued crying into her chest, and she stroked his hair, soothing him. She realized he needed to get all those emotions out, he’s been holding the emotions locked in for so long it seemed. Maybe even ever since he left. He was like a walking dead, okay not the regular walking dead that he usually was, Buffy rested her cheek on his head, squeezing her arms tightly around him.

“I’m here… it’s okay…” She whispered.

“I can’t lose you again…” He whispered as the trembling subsided.



Buffy ran all the way to her house. It was hard convincing Angel to stay put until she gets him a cloak to get him from the sewers to her home.

Somehow, she doubted he’d be able to squeeze himself through the pipes in her basement.

When she reached her house, she gasped, looking at it. How long has she been gone? Her heart pinched when she thought of the warm smile her mother could never give her now, when she needed it most.

But Dawn... Dawn was here. Buffy started worrying that Dawn would freak out if
she suddenly saw her over her bed. It was still very early in the morning.
Buffy moved her legs that turned heavy toward the house.
Quietly, she lifted the window open and slid inside. She stopped to look
around her.
The living room was completely strange.
She wondered if she broke into the wrong house. Hesitantly, she walked to
the door, and to the closet next to it.

She took out a black raincoat that must have been belong to...
Buffy glared at the unfamiliar man's coat.
She grabbed it and ran back to the living room.
Above the fireplace, smiling faces greeted her from different sized frames.
Strange people. Not people she knew.
She looked at the pictures, her body shaking. It was her house, only it
wasn't hers anymore.

"Who's there?" She heard a man's voice coming from upstairs.

Buffy could hardly move her shaking legs to the door. She tried to open the
door, but it was locked.

"Who are you?" The man who walked down the steps, wasn't familiar in any
way. "What are you doing here? How did you get in? What's that smell?
Theresa! Call the police!" He shouted back up the steps, apparently to his

"I didn't mean to cause any trouble... I.. I thought it was my house..." Buffy
squeaked quickly.

"Who are you?" He repeated, approaching her.

"I just need to get out... and I... I need this coat..."

"Look, you've broken into my house!" The man's voice thundered.

Buffy watched as he reached the final step, and kicked the door open,
tearing it out of its frame.

"Ooops... sorry... didn't mean to..." Buffy apologized quickly before
running away with the coat.

Jumping back into the manhole, Angel was waiting for her just outside the
reach of the sunshine.

"Angel..." Buffy was breathless, throwing herself into his arms.

"Are you okay?" He looked at her concerned. "What happened?" He held one
hand on her shoulder and the other was caressing her face tenderly.

"My home..." Buffy uttered.

Angel's expression's changed. He looked... guilty.

"You knew." She stepped away and glared at him sternly.

"I'm sorry... I'm such an idiot... I forgot. It was so long ago it seemed
natural you would know to go to Giles' apartment."

"Why did they sell the house?" Buffy's voice trembled.

"It was too expensive to keep. I offered to pay all the expenses and bills,
but they refused. Dawn moved into 's place."

"All the furniture? My mother's-"

"Everything went to a garage sale."

"Everything?" Buffy asked gloomily "All my stuff? My mother's?"

"Dawn kept all the clothes... and all your personal stuff that was in your
room. and umm.. I bought all of your mother's artwork. It's in my wine

"Angel, how long has it been since I di-"

He put his finger on her lips before she could utter the words.

"It doesn't matter now, love. I'll get you back on your feet."

"We better go." Buffy whispered. She knew he was lying. It did matter. A
lot. The world was in danger because she was alive again, and she didn't
even want it. She didn't ask to be alive. She didn't want to see her house
belong to other people, everything she knew was gone. She didn't belonghere
anymore. She was the past.

Angel, tightening the coat over his head, knocked repeatedly on Giles' door.
His coat was already raising smoke. Finally, the door opened and he jumped

"Where have you been, what were you thinking- going out in pure daylight! I was worried sick!" Cordelia jumped on him with a hug. He let the coat drop to the floor.

He pulled away, smiling at her slightly. Tilting his head back to the door.
Wesley and Giles both gasped when Buffy entered and closed the door behind

“What’s that smell?” Cordelia grimaced.

"Buffy?" Giles scrambled to his feet and walked toward her, stunned.

"Giles!" She hugged him tight, tears stinging her eyes. It wasn't that long
ago, the last time she saw him. It didn't feel so long.

“You look…” Giles touched her face in a fatherly way and smiled. “You look great.” He sniffed the air. “But wh-what’s that smell?”

Buffy moved away from him in shame. “Uh, I had a swim in the sewers. I need a shower.”

She looked over and smiled politely at Wesley and Cordelia. She looked over
at all the packages.

"Giles, why are all your stuff packed?" She asked.

He looked down. "I was... I was about to go back to England."

Dawn kicked a stone on her way. She was going to be late for school again,
but she didn't care. She stopped at the mall. The shops have just been
Then she spotted him. That beggar boy she met in the playground. He wasn't
alone, he had someone with him.
To her amazement, the boy turned and looked directly at her. She must have
been imagining things.

She collected her courage and walked over to the boy.

"Hi," She said. The boy looked a lot more childlike and smaller when she was
standing close to him.

"Who are you?" The man asked and Dawn blushed a little, recognizing the
short man as the cowboy that performed in the Bronze for a few nights. And
he was very good-looking as well.

"I'm... uh, his friend, right?"

"Is that right, Michael?"

"Still looking for your sister?" Michael asked quietly, thoughtfully.


Lindsey started to feel threatened. He pulled the boy's back. Checking his
controlling device was still attached.

"Don't you go to school?" Dawn asked, still not moving.

"Look, we're busy here. You should go to school." Lindsey said.

"Or home." Michael offered attentively.

Dawn nodded.

Something about the boy was creepy.

"So he's not... he's not really our son." Buffy, already showered and cleaned, was sitting at the table between Giles and Angel. Wesley explained a few times the entire situation with the alternate dimension and realities.

"So how can..." Her eyes wondered to Angel. "Even in an another world... can
Angel..." She felt the flush in her cheeks at the thought.

Everyone suddenly looked away, uncomfortable.

“Everyone knows but me and I… shouldn’t know?” Buffy asked looking at the others.

“Exactly! Angel doesn’t want you to know he was human and you had a whole day together and he turned back the day in this dimension.” Cordy explained quickly, before anyone had a chance to hush her.

If looks could kill, Cordelia would have dropped dead on the spot.

“Cordelia!” Angel panted, angry.

"I was human." Angel looked over at Buffy. "She’s exaggerating. Uh, Something happened... it was a demon's attempt to take out a warrior from the powers that be. In the other dimension I...Um, he succeeded."

Buffy’s face were pensive. She was trying to digest what he said. He didn't want to tell her the truth. He was supposed to carry the burden alone. She didn't have to know how it felt... together...

"We need to think what to do. Get everyone back to their rightful place."
Wesley broke the silence. "The walls between the dimensions are getting thinner by
the minute.”

"Which means Angelus and the boy must go back to where they've come from."
Giles said.

"Not only them." Buffy said quietly.

Everyone was silent.

"Well, it's okay. It was probably a good place because I felt like waking up
from a really good dream that I can't remember." Buffy shrugged.

"We'll find a way," Angel said. "I told you."

She looked away for a moment, when they heard a knock on the door. Xander and Anya nearly falling inside, burst through the door.

“Demons… everywhere! I’ve never seen such…” Xander’s mumbles were cut short as his eyes fell on Buffy.

“Buffy?” He moved closer, but stopped midway, afraid to take another step further.

“Hey,” Buffy smiled and got up.

“You’re alive!” Anya stepped inside. “You’re not a zombie!”

Buffy smiled. “No, I’m not.”

Xander crushed her into his chest for a hug.

“What, what were you saying? About de-demons?” Giles stammered, approaching them. Xander looked at him confused.

“Oh. Yeah.” He remembered why he ran all the way there.

“I took Anya to the Magic Box-“

Anya nodded. “Because early in the morning it’s quiet and he likes to try the-“

Xander put his hand over Anya’s mouth. “Yeah, well, there were demons EVERYWHERE. Like, the kind that comes visit when the hellmouth is open, not the regular kind.”

“Must be a rip to another dimension.” Wesley pondered.

“We’re running out of time.” Giles took off his glasses looking over at Buffy.

“This kid, Michael, he’s controlled now. The guy that has him… put a thing on his neck and he has a remote. He’s taking him to a law firm called Wolfram & Hart-“

Angel slammed his fist on the table.

“Wolfram & Hart?” Wesley asked in astonishment. “Of course. I should have known they’d be interested.”

“Oh great.” Cordelia huffed. “Just what we needed.” She looked over at Anya. “So you’re still with Xander, huh?”

“We need to focus,” Wesley said, looking sternly at Cordelia.

“What are we going to do?” Xander asked.

“Where’s Dawnie?” Buffy asked.

“She’s at school.” Anya said.

“Does she know… that I?”

“She- She knows some of the story. Not all of it. We thought it would be too much for her to handle.” Giles explained.

“Frankly, I can’t think of anything more dangerous than this child in the hands of Wolfram and Hart.” Wesley hummed.

Buffy glared over at Angel. He seemed to be lost in thought.

“Then why don’t we kill him before they get him?” Anya suggested.

“You know, she has a point.” Cordelia agreed.

“We can’t kill him.” Buffy said quietly. “He’s…” Everyone was staring at her. “He’s just a kid. A human boy.”

“He’s much more dangerous than that, you must realize.” Giles looked at her. “You know he’s not your son.”

Buffy shifted in her chair uncomfortably.

Giles looked at Angel for help.

“I agree. The boy, and Angelus must be killed before more damage is done. Wolfram and Hart with such force… if Angelus using the kid and unknowingly destroying the universe, what they will do with him is unthinkable.” Angel said quietly.

“So how are we going to kill him? Does anyone have any idea where he is?”

They all started discussing the new issue, they didn’t notice that Buffy got up and left the room.

She walked away from them, walking up the stairs to Giles’ bedroom.

Just a few moments later the door opened and Angel walked in behind her.

He looked uncomfortable at Giles’ bed. The bed he once in his demon’s control, laid Jenny Calendar’s body.

He tore his eyes from the bed and his mind from the memory and looked at Buffy.

Buffy turned around, smiling softly at him.

"Why did you leave?" He asked, closing the doors behind him.

"You guys were too busy making plans to kill him..." Buffy sighed as her
betrayed her.

Angel sighed too and moved closer to her, resting his hand on her shoulder.

"Buffy, you have to remember he's not your son. He's not a part of you. He's

"Is that what you tell yourself?" Buffy looked at him.

"Yes," He admitted quietly. "You know, if there was any way I- we- could

"Angel, I saw him. I saw his pain. There's good in him. And, and... he

"Honey, don't do this to yourself." Angel whispered.

"Angel, he's a good boy. He just needs- he grew up in evil hands."

"Buffy, he's an anomaly".

"He is not!" Buffy burst out and walked away from Angel's range. He looked
down and then back to her, sighing.

"He's not meant to be. There's another boy."

"Another boy? I don't understand." Buffy was folding her hands.

"When they took you out from- from the Warriors resting place," Angel
equietly, not making another attempt to reach Buffy. "They've changed
reality. There were things that weren't meant to be. And he was born as a
result. There was supposed to be only one boy with these powers, a good boy.
Now there are two."

"It doesn't matter". Buffy shook her head. "It doesn't matter!"

"But it does," Angel tried to convince her.

"You take a look at him. See how he cries in his sleep, how fragile he
looks... and then tell me how it matters." Buffy wiped her eyes
frustrated. "I thought you would be on my side with this, not plan how to
kill him with the rest of them!" She waved her hand toward the door. "I
thought you felt it too..."

"Buffy..." Angel tilted his head, looking put down.

"Angel... when Glory was threatening to open a portal to hell. When Dawn had
to be sacrificed to close the portal... I couldn't do it. I would kill
anyone- my friends- but I wouldn't let her die. She's a part of me. I died
for her. And I will not let anyone come near this boy. Angel, if you put his
life in danger, I'll even kill you to save him." Buffy's face was stoic,
only her eyes were watering.

"Buffy, you need to see the bigger picture. The fate of the world- of the universe- is in question here. If he helps Wolfram and Hart, billions of people would die. Maybe more. There are sacrifices we have to make for things bigger than us." Angel said strictly, unafraid to face her. "We can't afford to be selfish."

Buffy looked at him. “It’s not selfish. He’s human like anyone else, you’re the one who’s not human.”

Angel huffed, looking away. "No I’m not. You know what… Two of us can play this

He looked sternly at her. She returned the look.

"So, you'll kill me." She said quietly.

"You threatened to kill me."

"But I wasn't the one who cried I can't lose you again." Buffy sneered.

Angel looked at her, hurt. Buffy lowered her eyes when he replied- "You've
brought me back, Buffy. Not for the first time. But I will do my job to
protect the innocent. This child is not an innocent."

"Yes. He. Is!" Buffy gritted her teeth.

"Buffy, not just this world, where the people we care about are, is in
danger. Demons from all hell dimensions breaking loose everywhere. All over
the universe. Your compassion for this child, will not get just you killed,
but everyone. I love you to death, Buffy, but I can't put other people's
life in danger because of you."

"I'm not asking you to. You'll have it your way, and I'll do what I think is
right. And I will not let this boy die. You didn't see him."

"Buffy, please. Be rational, you're too sentimental about this." Angel tried
to reach her, but she walked away.

"I'm sure there's another solution that doesn't have to include his death.
He's not a demon."

"He's a device, a deadly weapon, and right now he's a trigger, and Wolfram
and Hart will not hesitate on using him. Don't do this to yourself, Buffy.
Don't think of him as-"

"It's working great for you, but I already saw him, so this is moot. I'm not
having this discussion anymore." Buffy sniffed and walked proudly out of the
room, leaving Angel behind. The vampire just dropped his head, frustrated.

"Okay, kid. Show me what you got." Lindsey smirked, looking over at Michael.
They were still in the mall.

"You want me to set those people over there on fire? They will die slowly
and painfully." Michael said.

Lindsey looked horrified. "No, I don't want you to set people on fire!"

Michael looked confused. "Well, I can make their skin bubble and explode. I
can torture them in any way imaginable, or unimaginable." He said.

Lindsey shook his head. "Michael, all I meant was for you to show me your
new clothes. Like, turn around and all that, so I'll see if it's good on
you. I didn't mean maiming people."

"It's fun when they scream. Dad *really* loves that part."

"Just turn around, let me look at you." Lindsey pressed the kid's shoulder,
forcing him to turn.

"Your *dad* is a psychopath. You shouldn't do what he asks you."

"Why not? It makes him happy. And when he's happy he's really nice to me."
Michael turned back to Lindsey.

"Yeah, I had a father like that..." Lindsey muttered.

Michael looked at him. "You promised you'd let me go back." He reminded him.

"I did. You don't trust me?"

"No. I think you're afraid of me."

"Is that so?" Lindsey took another set of clothes, checking the price

"If you weren't afraid of me, you'd take the device off me. Dad isn't afraid
of me. He allows me to be free."

"Well, I’m not your dad. Maybe you need some discipline. Here, try this.
Take your shirt off." Lindsey prompted the boy.

"Here?" The boy looked around.

"Yes, what are you scared of? You don't have boobs." Lindsey smiled, handing
him the shirt.

"What is boobs?" Michael didn't take the shirt.

"It's uh... hmm.. a girl's thing. Um, didn't your father- I guess he's..."
Lindsey blushed. "Well, you'll know when you're older."

Michael took off his shirt. "Does it have something to do with sex? Because
I know about sex."

But Lindsey didn't hear him. He looked at the boy's bare body. The child's
chest and stomach was covered with deep ugly scars. He looked like he was
tortured for years.
Lindsey spun him around. His back was even more scarred, if that was even

"Who did this to you?"

Michael snatched the shirt from Lindsey's hand and put it on. "How does this
look?" He asked, ignoring Lindsey's question.

"Michael who gave you the scars?"


"Your father? Did he do this to you?" Lindsey pressed.

"No! I said no one!"

"What, you just tripped and fell over a huge pitchfork and then ran over by a


"Then who gave you these scars?"

"No one!" Michael insisted.

"Who did this?" Lindsey nearly yelled. Some people in the store raised their
heads in wonder.

"No one."

Lindsey shook him. "I'm trying to help you kid!"

Michael struggled to break free. "You don't need to help me! Dad already killed them!" The boy tried hard not to cry. "He killed them all. He saved me."

"Were they demons?" Lindsey asked, more softly.

"Most of them. There were humans there too. In nice suits."

"Dammit..." Lindsey gritted his teeth.

The sales representative approached them. "Is there any problem, sir?" She
asked, looking over at the boy. He wiped his eyes quickly.

"No, no problem. We're choosing." Lindsey smiled politely. She gave the kid
another look and walked away.

"The shirt looks good on you." Lindsey smiled at Michael. "Go try on the
pants, now, okay?"

The atmosphere in Giles' house was tense. Everyone except for Buffy decided
the best and quickest way to restore the cosmic balance was to kill Angelus
and Michael. They figured if they killed these two, Buffy's stay in this
world won't cause as much trouble.

"And it's not like Buffy is abusing time and space." Willow added

"Now, the walls are thin, and we know of one breach. But I'm sure Whistler
would have alerted us if the situation got more tense." Wesley said. "As for
that one breach, we'll have to bind it."

"I can do a spell." Willow suggested.

"I'm not sure," Giles hesitated. "It's powerful-"

"I've bind things before and I've cast more powerful spells. and I have Tara
to back me up." Willow disagreed.

"We need Buffy to kill the demons that managed to get out. Angel can't go
out in the daylight." Cordelia s.

Everyone looked over at Buffy, who was standing by the window, not paying any
attention to them.

"I'll kill them." Buffy nodded, proving that she has been listening. She
picked up a sword.

"We'll come with you." Wesley and Xander got up. Willow and Tara got up as

Angel reached Buffy before she got to the door.

"Be careful." He held her hand.

"Don't worry." She pulled her hand away. "I won't give anyone the pleasure
of killing me. It will come down to you and me."

"I don't want to fight you." He whispered.

"So join me."

"I can't."

"Well, if I can't convince you there's another way- I don't know who can.
Maybe Cordelia could, but then again, she wants to kill Michael too."

"Buffy, just make sure you get to this boy first."

Buffy locked her eyes with his. "I will." She said, determined.

"Take care of yourself." Angel whispered after she walked out to where he
couldn't reach her.

They reached Magic Box. Just like Anya and the Xander said, demons were
all over the place. Throwing and destroying cars. Scaring people away.
Willow and Tara started preparing the spell to bind the hole.

"Buffy... Dawn is there!" Anya stretched out her arm, pointing out to Buffy the
large nasty demon that was ripping a figure underneath it.

Buffy sprinted towards them.
Xander jumped, throwing Anya to the floor as a flying demon dived at her,
stretching its claws.

Dawn was screaming and struggling underneath the demon. It screeched at her
and tried to rip her off.

"Get off my sister you big ugly scum!" Buffy yelled as she kicked the demon
off Dawn.

Dawn propped herself on her elbows, looking in amazement as her
until-recently-deceased sister kicked the shit out of the demon like she had
never been away and it was the most natural thing in the world.
After several punches that didn't daze the demon but made it more grouchy,
Buffy pulled out her sword and with one angry swing, she beheaded the demon.

"Buffy!" Dawn struggled to her feet. "You're back! You're back!" She jumped
on Buffy, hugging her.

"Dawnie..." Buffy started crying, holding her sister. She saw the shining silver cross hanging on her neck.

“Dawn, where did you get it?” She asked, wiping her eyes.

“Oh. I took it from your stuff. I wanted to keep it close to me.” Dawn said quietly.

“Can I have it back?” Buffy asked, still hugging her sister.

“Of course.” Dawn took off the cross and Buffy put it on her neck, where it belonged.

"Look!" Dawn raised her head from Buffy's shoulder, looking away.

Buffy turned around. In the sky there was a big glowing blue whirlpool.
Both Willow and Tara were chanting in an unrecognized language. As they were
shouting- the vortex started to swirl and all the demons around- including
the flying one that kept trying to catch Anya- were sucked into the portal
until it closed on them and everything went back to normal.

"You did it!" Xander approached Willow and Tara. "You actually did it!"

"And you were so manly, the way you protected me from that flying thing!"
Anya smiled at him.

"I was going home-" Dawn started saying, then looked at Buffy. "I mean home-
uh, to..."

Buffy smiled tight-lipped. "I know, Dawn. Angel told me."

"We didn't want to, but there was no choice." Dawn apologized.
Buffy nodded.

"Anyway... the demons were there and that one started chasing me all the way
here." She looked at Willow and Tara. "That boy knew! He told me to go home.
Even though I was on my way to school."

"That boy... Michael?" Buffy grabbed Dawn's shoulder. "You saw Michael?"

"You *know* him? He's so creepy."

"Where is he?"

"He was in the mall. With a man. Not just a man. That hot country singer-"

"Dawn, did you go to the Bronze alone?" Tara asked.

"Uh, no. I didn't know he was playing there." Dawn wrinkled her nose,
looking busted.

"That singer has the kid... why??" Xander looked at Buffy with confusion in his eyes.

"Lindsey is a singer?" Buffy was surprised.

"You know him?"

"I was with him... when he kidnapped the boy from Angel. I mean Angelus, not
my Angel, I mean, not Angel-Angel." Buffy blushed.

"Ahha, we know what you mean." Xander forced a smile.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Dawn asked.

"*You* don't do anything. You should be at school." Buffy said.

"Ow, c'mon. School's almost over." Dawn muttered.

Michael sat quietly on the couch. For the first time ever, he wasn't even a
bit hungry. Angelus didn't starve him, but the vampire had only little
capacity of human's hunger. Yet, the intention was all that matter, and
Michael didn't know anyone who treated him better- until Lindsey. Now he even had
a bunch of new clothes.
Lindsey looked over at his laptop. Michael stretched his neck to peek and
saw the bald man Lindsey was talking to.

"No, he's not ready yet. I need more time." Lindsey told him.

"I heard you had a girl with you and you let her go." The man said.

"Belinda. She was just a liability."

"Fool. It wasn't *Belinda*. It was Buffy Anne Summers. You know who that

"The Slayer..." Lindsey paled. "Angel's flame."

"Exactly. We could have had two birds. She would have made a great collateral. We could
have used her." The man grumbled.

"Well, you'll have the boy soon. He'll get Angel for you." Lindsey shrugged,

"Bring him to L.A tomorrow." Nathan Reed ordered and disconnected the

"Bastard..." Lindsey shut the lid.

"Are you gonna give me to them?" Michael asked.

"No. I told you that if you help me, I will free you."

Michael looked down for a moment. "You love your family."

"I do. They're the only good thing in my life. My mom and sister, that is."

"Where is your father?"

Lindsey sneered. "The drunken bum ran away years ago. When I was just a bit
older than you. Thank goodness for that. I hope he died."

"Was he mean to you?" Michael moved closer to Lindsey, looking at him.

"Yeah, he was. To all of us."

"I can free your mom and your sister." Michael said. "I can do it now."

"I still haven't figured out how to control your powers. They won't tell me
how to use this." Lindsey touched the remote.

"Take this thing off me."

Lindsey laughed. "And you'll use your powers on me... I don't think so boy."

Michael looked offended. "I thought you trusted me. I knew you were scared
of me."

"Kid, I don't trust anyone. Believe me. I'm a lawyer."

"A liar?" The boy looked at him.

Lindsey let out a laugh. "Pretty close."

"Lindsey, I *swear* I won't hurt you. Please take this thing off. It's
driving me crazy."

"I'll tell you what. If you promise to free my family and send them home, along with me, I'll free you."

"You? Send you too?" The kid was disappointed.

"It's been a while since I’ve seen them. I need to see them."

"But..." Michael hesitated. He didn't want Lindsey to go. He was the only
human that cared for him.

"If you fool me, they will have another way to get you. They are more evil
than the demons you grew up with." Lindsey pointed dryly. The mention of the
demons was enough for Michael's skin to turn color. He looked sickly yellow

"I won't I swear, I won't hurt you..." Michael pleaded.

Lindsey smiled and brushed the child's long hair. "I didn't take you to get
a hair cut." He pondered.
He pressed on the remote and released with his fingers the device from
Michael's neck.

The boy touched his neck, feeling his powers recharge and spreading in his
body, instead of being restrained.
He looked over at Lindsey. "I can't hear your thoughts."

Lindsey smirked. "Wolfram and Hart protect our -channels- from telepaths,"
He explained.

Michael grabbed his head. "It hurts..." He moaned.

"It will be okay."

Michael sniffed. "What do you want me to do?"

"I need you to get my mother and my sister and myself away from here. Back
to our home. Hidden from Wolfram and Hart. Can you do that?" He squeezed the
child's shoulder.

"I can't see them... their image in your head is hidden from me. I only see
a wall." Michael wiped his eyes.

"You need to see them..." Lindsey stroke his chin. "Oh, I know." He moved over to the little video camera Nathan Reed planted in his hotel room.

Michael moved to the television and watched as Lindsey's mom and his sister
appeared on the screen.

"." He nodded. "I can do that."

"Thanks, sport. You take care now. You're free, don't get caught." Lindsey
disheveled Michael's hair, smiling at him.

Michael nodded and kept his face expressionless.
He raised his hand and a glowing portal appeared.

"Go..." He whispered to Lindsey who stared in amazement. The ex lawyer fixed
the cowboy hat over his head, picked up his guitar and walked away into the

Michael lowered his hand, looking as the portal disintegrated into thin air.
Before he could move, the door burst open, Michael was still weakened from the
great effort he just put, as he was still too young to use such great powers
with no side effects.

“Who are you?” Michael had time to whisper as the hooded figure grabbed him tightly and put a device around his neck.

Michael started to convulse and scream in pain.

“No!! Let me go!!!” The pain was too unbearable.

The hooded person threw him to the floor. He screamed and writhed in pain.

Darla threw the cloak from her body, smirkinand watching the boy.

“I told Nathan that Lindsey would be too much of a wuss to get you.”

The boy was still shaking on the floor, his eyes were wide open in terror, looking at her. His mouth was foaming. Darla moved his body with her boot,

“Don’t want your slime on my shoes, you little pest”. She spat on him angrily.

The boy was sobbing in pain, his body still trembling uncontrollably. Darla looked around the room.

“We’ll have to wait here till you get over this seizure, you damn freeloader.” Darla looked over her nails, checking them. “And then we’ll see what you’re worth. You look pretty pitiful to me.”

The door was kicked open and Darla jumped aside to avoid the sunlight.

Buffy froze when she saw Darla. “You.”

“Well, well.” Darla smirked. “What do you know, it’s the cheerleader. I liked you better dead.”

Buffy eyed her. “I could say the same for you. But then we both know even then I’d still hate you.”

“Still charming. I can see what Angel sees in you. No, actually I don’t.” Darla scanned Buffy.

“Well, gee, now I’m depressed.” Buffy glanced over at the boy. He was still twitching and crying in pain.

“I’m not sure Angel told you about us. I know you’ve broken up and he left you for good and all,” Darla grinned.

Buffy waved her hand, trying to force her stare away from the kid.

“Well, he did tell me.”

“That he and I-“ Darla snooped.

Buffy let out a short laugh. “I don’t know why you’re so proud of it. He used you for sex. He had a good time. You still didn’t make him happy, or he’d lose his soul. You mean *nothing* to him. Absolutely zilch.”

That pissed Darla off. She vamped out and lunged at Buffy, hitting her with her fist. Buffy was quick to recover and kicked her away to the other side of the room. She was careful not to step over Michael and walked towards Darla.

The vampiress scratched her and flipped her on her back.

“I will kill you Buffy. Once and for all. If it’s the last thing I do.” Darla said as she put her hands over Buffy’s neck.

Buffy tried to fight her off. “Yeah, well, pick a number.” She kicked her away and drew out a stake. Darla spat.

Buffy shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve come back from the dead twice already.”

Darla growled at her, grabbed her cloak from the floor, pulled it over her head and ran out into the sunlight. “It’s not over!” She snarled and disappeared.

Buffy kneed next to Michael, cradling him into her chest. “You’ll be fine, sweetie.” She caressed his head, removing the hair from his forehead. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

The boy was sweating and shaking. Buffy looked at him, concerned.



“Where’s Buffy?” Angel asked when everyone returned to Giles’ apartment.

“Boy, she kicked ass, my sister!” Dawn smiled, satisfied.

Angel looked over at Willow. “Willow?”

“Uh,” The redhead witch tilted her head. “Dawn mentioned the boy was with Lindsey, the country singer from the Bronze. And Buffy just left… I think she knows where they are.”

“Lindsey?” Cordelia looked at her. “Lindsey McDonald.”

“The little weasel…” Angel growled. “Country singer my ass.”

“Oh puh-lease. He’s the God of country music.” Cordy protested.

“So the child is not in the hands of the law firm?” Giles asked.

“Lindsey used to work for them.” Wesley explained. “He quit.”

“Like he never quit and came back for a bigger office.” Angel snorted.

“So you’re saying… Buffy went to fight a lawyer. Alone.” Xander looked at them. “And what are we still doing here?” He turned to the door.

“No, wait, do you know where you’re going?” Anya pulled his arm. “Or you just gonna charge and scream- kill me I’m a target?”

“Why didn’t Buffy tell us where she was going?”

“She doesn’t want you to follow.” Angel said quietly.

Giles looked at him. “She’s not planning on killing him, is she?”

Angel just kept quiet, returning the same intense gaze.



Buffy pulled away the curtains, watching as the sun was sinking lower behind the buildings. Soon, she’ll have to move before Darla returns, or worse- Angelus.

She moved away from the window and looked at the boy who was now sleeping on the bed. Just a random shiver occasionally crossed his petit body. Suddenly he jerked awake and bolted upright in the bed. Buffy rushed over to him.

He was covered with sweat and looked at her, shocked.

“Take it off… pleasssse… take it offff…” The child cried.

“I…” Buffy hesitated looking over at the metal device around his neck. “I don’t know how.”

The boy was frustrated, pulling his hair and then letting his hands slip and his fingernails dug down his cheek, drawing a thin line of blood.

Buffy held him. “Look, Michael. What I’ve got for you.” She said sweetly. She pulled out the silver cross.

The boy grabbed it from her hands. “I want to go to my dad. He promised me! Lindsey promised me…” Michael clutched the cross.

“I can’t let you go to him. He’s evil, do you understand that, Michael? He kills people.”

“He’s a vampire… that’s what they eat.” Michael pushed her away.

“Michael… sweetie,” Buffy reached for him, but he threw her hand away.

“Don’t call me that! Like you care about me.” He wiped his nose.

“But I do care, Michael. I’m your mother.”

“No you’re not!” Michael shouted angrily. “My mother is dead!”

Buffy sighed. “That’s right. But I’m like her, I’m her in this different dimension. She’s me.” Buffy said softly. “Look,”

The boy refused to turn his head.

“Come on, look.” Buffy asked again.

The boy looked at her and his eyes stopped on the silver cross she was wearing on her neck. He looked at it shocked and looked back at his hand. He was grasping tight an identical cross.

“I know that your mother got it from your father when she was 16. I know it, because until that day he turned human, we were having an identical life.” Buffy told him quietly.

The boy looked at the cross. “Turned human?”

“Your father was a vampire. I’m not well versed on the story, but I
understand he turned human when his blood mixed with some demon’s blood.
Your father is Angel. He looks like Angelus, but trust me on this, they are
*not* the same.”

“Angelus… is really my father?” Michael shivered. He thought his real father
was someone else- someone good.

“No, only looks like him. I’m sorry, I believe your real -real- parents were
killed by demons that kidnapped you.”

Michael looked away again. “I have powers and I couldn’t save them.”

“You were just a baby. There was nothing you could have done.”

“What are you going to do to me?”

“I’m not gonna hurt you. But we need to hide. Too many people want to get
their hands on you.”

“Angel. I want to see Angel.” Michael got up, suddenly not in any pain.

“No, we can’t.” Buffy hurried to say.

“Why not?”

“He’ll kill you.”

Michael looked at her. "I thought you said he was nothing like Angelus. And
Angelus is killing people. Except for me. He’s good to me."

"He's only good to you because he wants to use you."

"That's not true! Why are you saying that?" Michael protested.

"He's not capable of being good, Michael. He has no capacity of good. He's a demon to the core and what drives him is his own benefits."

"He saved me. He took care of me."

"How did he take care of you? Did he ever touched you- with sinc

affection? hugged you, kissed you goodnight? Sang you a lullaby? Read you a bedtime story?"

"You don't know!" Michael jumped to his feet, walking away from her. "You don't know where I've been!!"

"So tell me. Michael, help me to help you." Buffy tried to reach out for him.

"Let me go. Let me go!! I want to go!!! LET ME GO!!!" He screamed, stomping on the floor in a tantrum.

"Okay." Buffy agreed quietly. "I'll let you go. But eat something first, okay?" She said, pointing over the table. Lindsey had left some groceries he bought and Buffy used them for quite a nice dinner.

Michael gazed longingly at the food, but folded his arms. "I'm not hungry."

His stomach growled as if begging to differ.

"Come on, eat. You don't have to talk to me." Buffy said kindly.

The boy sat down at the table and devoured the entire plate. Buffy smiled at him.

"Maybe I was a little hungry," The boy looked ashamed.

"It's okay." Buffy smiled again. "Where are you gonna go now?"

"I'll find my dad. He will kill that psycho bitch and get this thing off me."

"Does it hurt?" Buffy lookedat the metal device.

"Not anymore. But it's making me... it's really... everything is backlashing in my head and it makes me insane. I... after a while it starts to hurt really bad. I had it for years until..." The boy silenced.

"I'm sorry... if I knew how, I would take this thing off... it's

unbreakable... I really tried." She apologized.

Michael shrugged. "You better not anyway. I would probably hurt you."

"How's so?"

"Because it would make dad happy. If you die slowly. in great pain... if he gets to have fun too." Michael explained. "That's why we came after you. Only we got the wrong you. Dad was angry at first. But I guess any you is good enough for him. Did he..." Michael slowly

realized. "He knew my mother... in his dimension..."

"I assume he did, Michael. Because he knows me in every dimension it seems." Buffy got up and walked towards Michael. She caressed his hair softly. "You're a good boy, I know you are. You're not like Angelus, you're not evil."

"If I'm good... why is everything so bad for me? Why did they take my parents?" Michael asked huskily.

"I know how you feel. My mom is dead too. I fight demons all the time, doing good, helping people and I couldn't help her. And I ask myself all the time why I get such bad treatment for ridding the world from demons. I have to be apart from the one man i ever loved because I'm the only woman he can't be with... Michael, I do know how it feels that all the bad things happen to you." Buffy's lip was trembling and the tears stung her eyes. She was crouching down, looking up at the boy.

"They burned me... with hot pokers". Michael said after a moment and started crying. "They always beat me up... for hours, for fun. ...They forced me to sleep with mutilated human bodies..." He tried to stop his tears but couldn't. He wiped his eyes. Buffy pulled him over to her, covering him with her arms. He was so small and helpless.

"They forced me to eat dung... they were so scary... with their fangs and claws..." He cried into her chest. "And they... They had a game... they liked to free me from the chains and hunt me and other humans down with their monstrous dogs... dogs with 3 heads... and they'd laugh..."

"Sheesh, it's okay now," Buffy whispered. She was shocked and disgusted as she held the crying boy in her arms. "I won't let anything happen to you... I promise... I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you."

She looked away. It was nearly dusky outside. The vampires would start going out soon. She knew Darla would come back now that she had no sunlight to bound her.

"We have to go. She will know where to look for us." She got up on her feet, the boy was still hugging her waist. She caressed his cheek softly. "Stay close to me. We'll go to the bus station and leave town."

Michael watched as she grabbed her sword and slid it in its sheath. She took the wooden stake from the floor and stuffed it in her waistband. She sent out her hand for the boy.

He looked around. "The controller... take it... or someone will find us..." He pointed at the little metal thing. "I can't touch it. It might electrocute me when I'm wearing the device."

Buffy grabbed the small metal remote and put it in her shoe. "No one will find it there without going through a cloud of sewer stench."



"There was another rip..." Wesley closed the door behind him. "Willow and Tara could barely bind it. The rips are getting bigger. The boy must have used his powers to disturb the balance more."

"This boy must be destroyed. There's no other way." Giles said quietly.

"Buffy would never do it. Maybe there's another way." Angel pondered.

"What? What way is there... how can you make the boy disappear? Or- or lose his powers?" Giles rubbed his forehead.

Xander and Cordelia were the next to burst in, slamming the door shut behind them.

"Okay, yuck. Demons everywhere. I got slime all over me." Cordelia waved her hands, her face scrunched in disgust.

"Where's Anya and Dawn?" Xander asked. "Demons are *everywhere*."

"They're upstairs, calm down." Giles said.

"Okay," Xander nodded. "Not that I care, but where's Spike? He could help us fight."

"Don't think he's around." Angel said. "I'll go. I'll find Buffy. You guys help Willow bind the rips."

"Angel," Giles stopped him at the door. Angel turned to look at him.

"Don't lose your head. Remember the child must be killed for the sake of the universe and that he's not your son."

"In other words don't go 'Buffy' on us." Cordelia nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry," Angel smiled wryly. "I'll find him. ...And I'll kill him." He said hoarsely.



Buffy grabbed Michael's hand as they ran away from the Sunnydale Hotel.

"Demons..." Michael gasped and slowed down. "De-de-demons." He gripped

Buffy's hand more firmly.

Buffy stopped running. "Don't worry they won't hurt you-"

A demon ran towards them screeching and she pulled out her sword and stabbed the demon, halving it.

"See? No problems." Buffy put the sword back in its sheath and took

Michael's hand again. "The bus stop is not that far. We'll make it before the last bus and no one will ever hurt you again." Buffy promised as they started walking faster, trying to avoid the demons on their way.

At one point when she realized there are way too many demons around, she threw away the sheath and just ran with the sword in her hand, stabbing any demon that launched at them.



In the pantheon, Whistler looked worried at Michael. Blood started running down from his forehead.

"It's starting..." Michael whispered, looking at his wrists. Blood started oozing from his hands, and his white tunic was getting stained with blood.

"The walls are crumbling." Whistler look up as another earthquake shook the Pantheon.

"This is the 32nd earthquake in the last hour." Akmav whispered. "We're all gonna die. Worse!"

"Let me stop this!" Michael stood on his feet.

"You can't interfere, Mike. You know that. The elders have spoken."

"They didn't say 'No' exactly." Michael shrugged his shoulders.

"They were kinda cryptic." The girl agreed.

"Akmav, go bring me some pads for his wounds." Whistler sent the girl away.

"Whistler-" Michael started saying but Whistler hushed him.



Buffy and Michael kept running in the streets of Sunnydale. There weren't demons in that area anymore. Suddenly Buffy stopped running.

"What is it?" Michael stopped too, walking back to her. "What's wrong?"

He looked away, as the tall shadow moved into the bright light of the

street lamp.

"Dad!" He yelled happily.

"Michael, no!" Buffy called when the boy started running towards the tall vampire. "Michael!!"

Angel looked at the boy and his heart sank. The boy had Buffy in him... and himself as well. She was right. She was right. Buffy was right. And he was calling him 'dad' and looked all happy... and innocent. Angel forced the thoughts away when he grabbed the child's arm. He looked over at Buffy. "I gotta do this... I'm so sorry..."

"Angel, no!" Buffy started crying. "Don't do it!"

Michael looked confused at the vampire. "You're- you're Angel." He realized.

"You don't have to look. Tuaway, go." Angel pleaded, looking at Buffy.

Buffy waved her sword and tore Michael from Angel's hold. "Michael, run!" She screamed.

The boy just looked at them in amazement. Angel pulled his own sword.

"Buffy, you know what's the right thing to do. I don't like it any more than you do," He spoke softly and slowly.

"If you want to kill the boy, you'll have to kill me first." Buffy raised her sword and tried to strike Angel. He blocked it with his sword and hit back. She blocked the hit and they've indulged in the duel.

"Michael, run! Go away!" Buffy growled at the boy who was still standing and watching them.

The child nodded and started to run away. Angel tried to follow him, but Buffy tripped him with the sword and he rolled on the ground. When he faced her back he was in his game face.


"Hello, my boy." Darla grinned at Angelus as he dropped his fresh victim's body to the ground.

He looked at her, reverting to human and huffed. "Ugh, not you again."

Darla's expression changed. She was unamused. "There were times-"

"Oh yes, I know! There were times I would have said all those fancy words to flatter you. Get over i, I was only trying to get laid." He sneered. "I'm a big boy now. I don't need my *mother* on my tail all the time."

Darla's cheeks swelled with anger. "Still a foolish boy," She growled. "You will get nowhere... just like you ended up with a soul-"

He grabbed her by her throat, snarling. "Be careful, Darla."

She threw off his hand and walked away, very angry. Treading on the ground heavily.


Buffy and Angel kept up their sword fight. Angel was in his game face. He managed to fling the sword out of her hand.

"Buffy," He grunted. "Stop this insanity."

Buffy rolled on the ground and picked her sword again, striking him. He wasn't expecting it and she slashed him in the ribs.

"You want the boy, you'll have to kill me to get to him." Buffy repeated.

"The boy needs to be destroyed!" Angel said as he stroke with all his anger at her. She defended herself and wasn't even scratched, but he managed to chop nearly half of her sword. She threw the broken sword away and drew her stake.

"Be careful, you'll lose your hand." Angel warned.

Buffy shrugged. "Who needs a hand if you're going to kill me anyway."

He sighed and she took advantage of that moment to jump and kick him. He staggered backwards and she was cut in her arm from his sword.

"Buffy, don't be crazy." Angel tried to reason with her again, his yellow eyes shimmering.

"The boy needs a mother's love. I will never turn on him!" Buffy kicked Angel in his face, but dazed him only for a split second.

"He's not your son!" Angel shouted and stroke again. The blade missed

Buffy's hand by an inch, but hacked her stake. The next strike left Buffy less lucky. He stabbed her in the abdomen and she yelped in pain.

Angel was so stunned, he let go of the sword and backed off.

"Buffy..." He mumbled.

Buffy grimaced as she pulled the sword out of her stomach. She touched her bleeding wound through the ripped shirt, and looked back at Angel in disbelief.

She nearly fell backwards, holding the sword but then she came back to her senses and leaped forward, hitting Angel's kneecaps from behind, knocked him down to his knees, and brought the sword to his neck.

Angel reverted back to his human face, and looked at her, one tear rolling down his cheek. Buffy wiped her own tears. And looked at him. She leaned forward. Her silver cross necklace dangled from her neck and Angel hissed involuntarily. He looked up, locking his eyes with hers.

"Do it." He whispered.

There was a moment of silence before Buffy reacted.

"Don't come after me." She managed to say, gritting her teeth. She took the sword with her and limped away, her other hand holding her opened stomach.


Michael kept running in the unfamiliar direction. He had no idea where he was going and he was terrified of facing demons when he was restrained. Meeting demons while the device was around his neck meant he was going to suffer tremendously an unbearable amount of pain, torture and humiliation.

He tried to slow down as he saw the blonde woman in front of him. He didn't manage to control himself and bumped into her. She was strong and grabbed him. Her nails digging into his arms.

"Let me go!" He tried to break free.

Darla laughed. "I have big plans for you, stinky slimebag. Wolfram and Hart want you badly so you must be worth a lot. I'm sure your blood is-"

"Let him go, bitch." Angelus growled behind her. "He's mine."

Darla laughed, turning around, bringing the boy in front of her.

Michael looked at the tall vampire. Unsure who to make of him.

"What's the matter with your hearing? Release the midget." Angelus sneered.

"Dad?" Michael's face brightened. "Is that you?"

Angelus roared and pulled the boy away from Darla's hands.

"Dad?" She looked at the boy confused. "Huh?"

"I'm so tired of your whining. Darla, this time," Angelus stabbed her in the heart with a piece of wood. "Stay dead."

"Angelus..." Darla looked overwhelmed as she burst into ashes.

"How are you, midget?" Angelus turned to the boy.

Michael jumped on him, hugging him tight. The vampire pushed him off, repulsed.

"Sorry..." The boy apologized for the human gesture.

The vampire looked at him. "They've got that damn thing on you again..." He reached out for the device.

"Keep your hands off him!" Angelus raised his head when he heard Buffy.

"Why, hello lover." He smirked. "I was on my way to see you."

"Don't touch the boy." Buffy warned.

"The boy is with me. I rescued him from his captors and raised him." Angelus grinned at her. "Who's got you all bleeding, lover? Can't be soul-boy. You're turning me on with the smell."

"Michael, come over here." Buffy ignored Angelus and looked at Michael.

The boy shook his head.

"Smart boy." Angelus laughed and stroked the boy's head.

"Michael, you don't need to be with him. I'll help you."

"You can't help me." Michael said quietly, lowering his head.

"Of course I can!"

Angelus laughed manically. "You can't release him, Buff. This device can be broken only by someone with impure intention of using this boy's powers, or, by someone evil to the core. This is a demonic device. And don't bother to take the remote out, only demons know how to use it."

Buffy looked horrified as the boy walked over to the vampire. Angelus forced the device open. What she tried so hard to do for long minutes while the boy still semi-conscious, took Angelus just a few seconds.

The boy rubbed his neck, happy to be free. He grabbed his head as the powers returned to normal.

"Now, make her suffer." Angelus grinned, looking over at Buffy. "Don't kill her. I want to have her, but I want to see this beautiful face twist in agony. The more the merrier." He laughed briefly.

"Michael..." Buffy whispered, her sword slipped from her hand. She looked down at the gash in her stomach. Her hands were washed in her own blood.

The boy looked at her and back at Angelus.

"I can't..." He whispered.

"What do you mean you can't?" Angelus growled at him. "I saved your sorry ass from those demons. You want me to take you back there? You want to return in to being a demons toy for the rest of your miserable life?"

"No please... don't send me back..." Michael stifled a cry.

"Michael, don't listen to him. He doesn't have your powers-"

"Shut your mouth, Slayer!" Angelus snarled at her and turned back to

Michael. "Is this how you're showing me gratitude for saving your life? By crossing me?"

Buffy grabbed the sword and lunged at Angelus. But Michael, sobbing quietly, raised his hand and she was blocked by an invisible force. It felt like ice water was running in her veins.

"I'm sorry..." She heard Michael whisper in her head.

"Michael..." She started saying, but felt the pain hitting her body with waves, starting from her toes and she fell to her knees when the wave of pain reached her head. And again. And again.

She tried to raise her head, but the pain had too much force on her brain. Her eyes were searing and blinded with the pain.

"Buffy!!" From a distance, she could hear Angel call her. Did she die? She screamed as another wavof searing pain washed through her, burning her alive from within. She heard Angelus' laughter.

"Here comes soul-boy for the rescue. Perfect." He laughed, watching as Angel fell down next to Buffy, pulling her over to him, shaking her.

"Stop that! You're hurting her!" Angel yelled at Michael. "She wanted to help you!"

Michael stepped backwards, lowering his hand. Buffy collapsed into Angel's arms. He brushed her hair from her face. His hands and clothes soaked in her blood. "I'll save you, love." He cried holding her tight.

"What are you waiting for? Kill him." Angelus patted the child's shoulder.

Michael gulped as Angel looked over at him with a condemning look.

"But do it slow. Kill him slowly. Very painfully." Angelus rubbed his hands together.

Michael raised his hand and both Buffy and Angel collapsed into each other in pain. Like their body was cut by thousands of blades.

Their blood muddled together. And Angel held Buffy tight to him, as if by that he was taking her pain to him and protecting her.

"Slow down, there's no hurry, son. Let them suffer." Angelus smirked, watching Buffy and Angel, holding on to each other like a lifesaver. The blood streamed down their faces like the tMichael was shedding while striking them over and over again.



In the Pantheon Whistler continued wiping blood from Michael's wounds.

"It's useless. I gotta…" The lad got up on his feet. "I gotta stop this."

"You can't," The demon looked at him. "You know the consequences."

"I have to stop him. I'm the only one." Michael looked at the blood dribbled down to his pants.

"You'll disturb the cosmic balance. The walls are already collapsing. You will destroy the universe."

"Not if I sacrifice myself," Michael looked sharply at Whistler. "It will maintain the balance and I'll cure the damage."

"Michael, this is insanity. It's not- your destiny is bounded to-"

"I think this is my destiny." Michael interrupted him. "I got far greater powers than what a man needs. For what, Whistler? There's no reason why one should possess such powers. You know it's the right thing to do. I will save the world if I stop this boy from abusing these powers. If I stop him from killing two warriors. The elders said I was destined for greatness" Michael took his tunic and put it around his body. The white fabric turned blood red in seconds.

"They meant later, when you're older! You're just a kid... and I don't think they meant death."

"Whistler," Michael smiled slightly, putting his hand on the short demon's shoulder. "Let me do it the way *I* understood them."



"Don't stop, can you feel their pain. It's thrilling… I-" Angelus stopped when he saw Michael lowering his hand. "Why did you stop, boy? hurt them."

"I can't…" Michael cried. "I can't do it…"

"Sure you can… You want me to do it for you? I can do that." Angelus was furious. He walked over to the two lovers, tearing Angel from Buffy. He held Buffy's neck, vamping out.

"No, I can't let you do it…" Michael whimpered.

"Oh shut up, fool." Angelus roared.

Michael sniffed and raised his hand. "Goodbye… father." He whispered as Angelus was covered in glowing light. A portal was opened and Angelus was sucked into it and disappeared.

Michael took a step towards Buffy. In the corner of his eye he could see Angel starting to move.

Then everything glowed in bright white around him.



"Do it Whistler!" Michael called out. "Do it!"

The demon looked horrified at the young man, covered with bright light.

"Whistler! If you don't kill me we won't restore the balance…" Michael pleaded.

Whistler swallowed his tears as he raised his sword and rammed it through the child of the stars. Michael landed on the floor, covered with blood. He coughed blood, and looked up at his teacher, guru and above all- his friend. The demon knelt beside him.

"You did good, kid." He whispered, petting the lad's bloodstained hair. "You didn't just save your world. You saved all of them, you saved the universe."

Michael let out a smile. “I can live with that…” He whispered and closed his eyes.


Angel regained consciousness and as he came to, he remembered exactly what happened. "Buffy…" He whispered.

He saw her figure still huddled on the floor and crawled over to her, taking her into his arms. "Buffy…" He moved the hair from her face, smearing his hand in her blood.

"Angel…" She moaned as she slowly opened her eyes.

"God, Buffy…" Angel bit his lips, the tears floating in his eyes and he crushed her against his chest into a loving long hug. He could feel her heart beating wildly in her chest, beating for both of them.

"You're going to be fine…" He whispered into her hair. "You're going to live."

"He didn't do it..." Buffy smiled at him. "He didn't kill us."

"No," Angel smiled at her softly, "You were right. He saved us." He looked at her stomach, the wound he created was closed and healed, only her shirt was torn at the spot. It looked like they only remained with minor and shallow scratches.

Angel looked around. "And it looks like the rip was bind."

Buffy moved to a sitting position, smiling at him. "He cured everything."

Angel smiled back at her. "And you're still here."

Buffy moved closer to him and he pulled her into his lap, touching her face. "I almost killed you..."

"Shhh.." She put her finger on his lips. "I was asking for it. I get passionate sometimes..."

"I love you, honey. I love you for who you are."

"I know it's a bit mushy, but I've never stopped loving you."

"Let's go back... it's getting..." Angel moved a bit, but Buffy held him firm.

"Let's not." She kissed him and he returned the kiss, lowering her to the ground.


Everything flashed around Michael. He could see his entire 12 years flashing backwards. The Asgard Gardens, the oracles, Angelus' persuasion, Angelus saving him from the demons, the demons, his parents dying, Dawn, his mother holding him. Kitaro… the prophecy of Aslan. He felt serene for the first time in his short life.

"Hey, big guy." Buffy somersaulted and landed in front of the demon. "You're not leaving this place with my baby."

The demon snarled, gripping the baby tight. "Look around you, Slayer. You think you can win this time? The baby will belong to Zadon." He laughed a metallic horrendous laughter. "Look behind you, as your lover dies."

Buffy turned sharply to see a group of demons closing in on Angel.

"No!" She called, and rushed to help him.

Before she got to him, Faith jumped through the window. She grabbed a demon that was about to thrust Angel's sword into the defeated ex-vampire. Taking the sword from his hand she managed to behead it. The demons started to fight her.

Buffy moved back to the large pink demon that turned to walk away with the baby.

"I said you're not going anywhere with my baby." Buffy hissed through clenched teeth and plunged her sword through the demon.

He screeched as she dissected him into two pieces. The baby fell from his hands and Buffy jumped, falling to the floor and catching the infant before he hit the floor.

The baby started crying. Buffy cradled him as she got up. "Shhh, sweetie. Mommy's here. Everything will be fine." She kissed his soft hair.

"Buffy!" Dawn called as she and the others rushed through the door.

Doyle stumbled over the demon's torso and Xander grabbed him before he fell.

"Thanks man." The half demon released a sigh of relief.

Buffy gave the baby to her sister and went to help faith with the remaining demons.


"Angel?" Angel opened his eyes slightly when he heard Buffy's caressing voice.

He grimaced as he tried to move. "Michael?" He managed to ask.

Buffy smiled, petting his hair. "He's all right. He's outside the room with Dawn."

Angel looked around him. "We won."

"Yes," Buffy smiled at him. "Faith and the others came just in time. I don't know where we would have been without them."

Angel smiled at her softly. She leaned down to kiss the tip of his nose, careful not to put her weight on his sore body. Angel cared less about it and pulled her to him, kissing her.

They heard a knock on the door.

"Come in…" Angel called and the door opened.

Kitaro walked inside, holding the child. The bbounced happily in his arms as he saw his parents. Buffy smiled and took him to her arms.

Kitaro looked at them and smiled. "I came to say goodbye." He said.

"What?" Both Buffy and Angel looked up at him. "Why?"

"The prophecy is gone. Your son… his destiny is in his own hands," Kitaro was still smiling.

"What are you saying?" Angel looked at the demon, then at the boy.

"He's free. He was released from his fealty. There's no reason for me to be here."

"You mean he has no powers?" Angel kept asking. He tried to raise himself from the bed, but the pain stopped him and he hissed.

"He's a normal boy. Like all the kids". Kitaro confirmed. "Adios, folks." He walked out of the door without looking back.

"You hear that… Michael is free…" Angel smiled at his wife. "My dream came true."

Buffy smiled, looking at her husband's shining face. She let him take the baby into his hands and looked at her two men.

"So have mine, Angel," She whispered, still smiling. The tears shimmering in her eyes. "So have mine."



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