By Anat ([email protected])  Dec 18, 1999.

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own these characters. Some of them I don’t even want to own, and I’m too sorry they were even created. But I guess their creators have their reasons. All the characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemies, The WB, And FOX. I’m just using them, (and some I’m abusing) for the fun of writing & reading it.

SETTINGS: located in Sunnydale, in the near future, assuming riley and kate both know Buffy and Angel’s identities, and that riley’s a spawn of the devil… or just sent out by the council…

SPOILERS: I really wish there were the slightest spoilers for the shows here, but sadly, there are none. There are however spoilers I’ve read but are not confirmed to be true. (about riley being evil) Wouldn’t it rock if it came true though?? Anyway, there might be some spoilers of past episodes, like Angel’s “I Will Remember You”. (Oh, I will remember this episode for eternity). And Buffy’s “The Prom”, when referring to the Buffy-Angel-Joyce issue. Oh and Graduation 2 with Angel-Willow-Oz.

RATINGS: PG-13… actually I don’t have a clue of what PG-13 means but I thought it’s a nice rating ;)  I don’t have this ratings method where I live, so I wouldn’t know how you’d rate this story. I know it’s not R, but there are some bad language and kicking butts in it; Really good violence, some graphic... ok, maybe it *is* rated R... :/

NOTE: Since I’m not an english speaker I might have grammar mistakes and/or misspelling. I tried to correct most of it, but I could have skipped some, so tough cookie. And kate and riley’s names are not capitalized on purpose, so it’s not a mistake. I’ve just sworn I’ll never capitalize their names as a sign to my hatred. They don’t deserve my capital letters. I’m a psycho I know, but I like it.
Also, since I haven’t seen “ANGEL” nor Buffy’s 4th season yet, I might have misfit characters stuff, and plot stuff, but all in all, I think it’s ok, and that there’s not too much of inaccuracy. Of course, riley and kate are being bashed, just because I ‘like’ them more that way. You could say I should give them a chance and I might like them when I see them in the shows, but I’ve been spoiled and from what I read (and within a week I’ll watch some eps my friend sending me from America) I really dislike them. Not to mention Marc Blucas is really ugly in my eyes, and all the pix of him with the cast or with SMG looked so artificial, like he doesn’t belong there. He doesn’t fit. And the lack of chemistry between him and SMG just stumps me. So I really think he should go.
Any comments send to [email protected] , but don’t flame me for hating riley and kate! If you love them (may the powers that be help you), you better not read this story at all.

On to the story...


Buffy walked down the street with Willow.
Willow was still weeping over Oz leaving town.
Buffy looked at her. "I know how you feel... I"-
"Do you?? Did the one you truly love... your soulmate.. walked out on you for another woman?" Willow asked, sniffing.
"No, but.. he did walk..."-
"Oz and I had something so special.. so unique... then she came along. You can't understand that".
"No.. but, I do understand how"-
"And all the times we were making love, and he told me how much he loved me..." Willow burst into tears, again.
"Well.. When Angel left"-
"Even when everything was a mess... the mayor threat.. end of the world.... he still had time to show me how much he loved me.... when we were in the mansion..." Willow pulled out a tissue and wiped her nose.
"The mansion?? Angel..."-
"Yeah, you know, when Angel was all sick with that poison, ya know..."
"You and Oz were doing the wild thing.. *in* the mansion.. when you were supposed to be watching Angel??" Buffy stopped walking, looking at Willow, shocked.
"Well... we loved each other... and Angel was ok... you know.. he woke up and talked so.."-
"He talked?? You mean he was in consciousness?" Buffy put her hand on Willow's shoulder, squeezing a little.
"Well, semi-conscious.. he thought I was you. He said something about not wanting to leave me, I mean, he meant you, he thought I was you... I was too distracted, thinking of Oz.. you know he was the most amaz-"
"What did Angel say?? How come you never told me that??"
"Oh. I don't really remember... I think he said he loves you and decided to stay... maybe. So, as I was saying... Oz is the most amazing sex partner I’ve ever...."-
"He was your *only* sex partner, Will. Remember? Or there's something you want to tell me, that is important enough of course. Nothing that includes my BOYFRIEND WANTING TO STAY!" Buffy raised her voice, squeezing Willow's shoulder harder.
"Ouch, you're hurting me... " Willow moved away.
"Why did he have to leave???" She started whining again, once Buffy released her hold.
"Because he's a bastard, that's why". Buffy said quietly.
Willow seemed to be in her own mourning.  "Why.. why..."
"I can't believe you never told m"-  Buffy stopped talking, when she heard a loud noise, followed by heavy breaths and a few more thumps.
"What was that?"  Willow asked, still sniffling.
"I dunno, but I'm gonna find out", Buffy stepped forward, clutching her stake.
"A Vampire?"
Buffy started walking towards the source of noises.
"They do like taking a walk at these hours".
Willow followed her, then raising her eyes to the sky, she spotted the moon. "Oh, look, Buffy! It's almost a full moon! Oz must..."-
"Will you stop talking about Oz for just one second, so we can see what that noise is?"
"Sorry. I do talk about him a lot, don't I? I just miss him.." - she looked at the stern gaze Buffy gave her. "...So... Much... I'll shut up now".


They walked towards the source of the noises. Two black figures were standing and kicking somebody, who was still crawling on the floor.
"What is it?" Willow asked and the two of them looked at her.
Buffy sighed. "Not the friendly neighborhood watch, I suspect".
The two started walking towards the girls' direction.
"Is that some mutated kind of KKK?"
"Leave". Ordered one of the disguised people.
"Oh yeah, that's gonna work", Buffy smirked. "You don't scare me, ninja freak".
The man that was crouched on the floor got up. He was vamped out.
The two turned around, only to see the vampire run off.
"Who are you guys?" Buffy looked at them suspiciously. When they started walking she stopped one of them, putting her hand to his chest.
He tried to twist her hand. That was it for Buffy.
She grabbed his arm and flipped him on his back. The other kicked Buffy, then without waiting for her reaction, he took off the same way the vampire escaped.
The guy on the floor got up and tried to grab Buffy, she kicked him knocking him onto the ground again, gaining the upper hand within seconds.
Finally, sitting on him, she ripped off his mask. "riley?!"  both Buffy and Willow looked at him, confused.
"Hello Buffy". He smiled his flashing annoying smile that made his nose even wider and bigger than usual. Buffy got off of him fast and stood on her feet.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"What are *you* doing??" He asked, getting up, brushing the dust from his clothes.
"I asked you first, you freak. I thought you were supposed to milk cows in Wisconsin or wherever the hell you came from..."
"Well, I got my secrets too", he smiled arrogantly.
Buffy rolled her eyes. "Let me guess. It has something to do with...... VAMPIRES?"
"So you know".
"What are you? A male slayer?" Willow interfered.
Buffy folded her hands, not dropping her gaze from riley's face.
"I'm a part of a secret experiment of the council". Buffy looked at him. "Oh. *the* council. Yee-pee".
"So you're not human?" Willow asked, and before anyone could reply, she added. "My boyfriend's a werewolf!"
Buffy sighed and turned to her. "Would you stop moping about your boyfriend every 5 seconds? You don't hear me crying about Angel everyday, do you??"
Willow silenced. "I'm sorry.."
"Angel?" riley looked at them. "That vampire you were trying to..." he silenced.
"What do you know about him?"
"You lie", Buffy hissed.
"You can't prove it".
"You're annoying me. Do you want me to reintroduce my fist?"
"Lighten up. You're so violent".
"And your nose so asking for a punch".
"C'mon, Buffy. Let's call it a night". Willow tugged Buffy's sleeve.
"You tell your council it won't work. They won't get me back". Buffy pointed her finger at him, before walking away with Willow.
riley watched them leave. "Oh, they will, Buffy. Just not the way you think". he grinned evilly.


"Giles! riley's a vampire slayer!" Willow called out, when she entered Giles' apartment.
"I'm sure Oz will be back, Willow, give him time". Giles said, sipping from his cup of tea.
Buffy smirked. "Surprisingly enough, she isn’t talking about Oz now, Giles".
"Oz is coming back?" Willow looked at her, mouth opened. Buffy rolled her eyes. "Get a grip, Will".
Giles put down his mug. "What's going on?"
"riley and friends are attacking vampires in town. He said he was part of a secret experiment of the council or something. I was really more interested in killing him. Can I do that, Giles?"
"You can't kill humans, Buffy, you know that". Giles said, putting on his glasses.
"Is he human? I mean.. the experiment..." Willow hesitated, "He looked so human".
"Oh I don't know.." Buffy interrupted, "I had my doubts about his humanity... his nose is totally unproportionate to his face".
"Yeah.. he does remind me a clown..." Willow giggled.
"Yeah along with the straw-hair..." Buffy laughed briefly. "And speaking of clowns.. Where's Xander?"
Giles looked at his watch. "He should be here by now. So, this... that, riley knows who you are then?"
"Yeah. I think he does. But he was so nice to me on campus and all. I can't believe it".
Willow nodded, "And he was funny, too".
"Well, I wouldn't go that far, Will. Actually he was a bit boring".
Giles hummed. "We need to find out more about him. When I was in the council, there were talks about an experiment, but it was cancelled. They wanted to create a super slayer, but they needed a slayer's genes in order to do so". Giles rubbed his eyes, taking off his glasses.
"A slayer genes? With what? How could it be done?" Buffy asked.
"Hey! What if they done that? After you were gone that is?" She looked at Buffy. "riley *is* blond... and he's a slayer sent by the council..."
Buffy looked at her disgusted. "so.. What? I'm like riley's mother or something? Ewww Oh god, Willow that's sick!"
"I have to find out, but I can't reach my insiders at the council so easily anymore".
The door opened and Xander entered. "Hi guys, I got you some pizza on the way". He dropped the box on the table. Buffy opened it to reveal three small pieces of pizza in the carton.
Xander shrugged. "I got hungry on the way".
"You could have at least put some pepperoni on it". Buffy protested.
Xander sat down, looking at them straight-faced. ".. I have.."
Willow coughed and emitted the bites she just took. Buffy put her slice back in the carton, before even eating it.
"Sorry.. so what's new?”
"riley might be Buffy's son!" Willow said, excited. "Oh, wow. Someone been naughty... at the age of... of..." Xander tried to do plain math in his head, but seemed to be stuck.
"Minus one". Buffy cut him off, gazing at Giles. "But he's not my son.. just share my genes.. right? Like a brother? please??" She pleaded.
Giles sighed. "I really don't know, Buffy. It's just what they were talking about a long time ago".
"Okay, care to fill me in some more? I still don't get it". Xander sat down. He opened the box and started eating a slice of pizza.
"riley kicks vampires, and most likely he knew I was the slayer and just pretended to be a regular guy". Buffy informed him shortly.
“Oh… like Clark Kent… geek by day, superhero by night?” Xander smiled. “Kinda. Except Clark Kent only *pretended* to be geek”. Buffy shuddered. “And I reallllly don’t wanna picture riley wearing tights.”
"He's an experiment of the council". Willow said.
"Oh boy. They really have a thing against vampires, huh? Those guys just can't stay on vacation".
"Well... It's their job. I assume once they realized they won't have control on Buffy and Faith, and there's no new slayer activated, they had to create their own slayer". Giles said, pondering.
"Well, then, let them do this job, and I'll go on with my life". Buffy said. "Maybe I'll go to L.A".
Xander smirked. "And do what? Let them handle alone the new problem you'd give them by bringing psycho Angel again?"
Buffy gazed at him, "I wasn't talking on meeting Angel again!"
Giles raised his hands. "Can we deal with our problem, now? We need to be sure riley is indeed a player of the council, and that he's working on our side".
"The council is not on my side anymore, Giles".
"I meant, fighting evil, Buffy. The council has the same goal as we do".


The street was deserted. All the lights were out and there was only one street lamp working, blinking its pale light. The only other source of light was the full moon.
Buffy was standing beneath the lamp. Then riley came out of the shadows. They exchanged looks. Buffy smiled and he smiled back at her, leaning down to kiss her. As he kissed her, Buffy’s eyes widened with shock. riley moved backwards. Buffy looked down at her body, the bloodstain on her dress was spreading fast, and she fell down to her knees before she could pull out the knife. riley walked away.


“Ow, my head aches!” Cordelia moaned. Angel looked at her, confused.
“What? Are you waiting for my death? Gimme those pills already!” she called, pointing at the desk.
“What’s wrong? You were talking about the dress you saw and the next thing you were on the floor”, kate said, worried.
“Oh. Yeah. It was the weirdest thing…” Cordelia said, pondering.
Angel showed up with a glass of water.
“I saw Buffy. Except there was this guy she was kissing”.
“Buffy?” Angel looked at her.
“Buffy? Who’s Buffy?” kate asked. Angel lowered his head.
“She’s the… she’s his ex”. Cordelia motioned at Angel.
“Oh. Who did she kiss?”
“It was dark. But he had bright hair, so it couldn’t be Angel. He had a huge nose and flat hair. Not a hottie in my book”. She pondered for a second. “You know, he looked a bit like you, kate!”
kate smiled faintly. “So that’s all your vision? Some smoochies in the dark?”
“Yeah. Oh he killed her afterwards. Does that count?”
Angel dropped the glass and it shattered to pieces.
“What?” He pulled Cordelia up. “What did you see?”
“Just that”. She freed herself from his grip. “They kissed. He stabbed her”.


“Buffy!” Buffy was walking with Willow, when the unpleasant voice called her name behind them.
She turned around. “Be nice”, Willow whispered.
“Hi, riley”. Buffy smiled lightly.
“What’s up? Hi Willow”, he smiled at Willow. “I’m okay”. Willow smiled. Buffy continued to walk. “It’s the first day of the full moon tonight. She hopes Oz will rip off his fellow she-werewolf and come back here”. She told him. Willow smiled widely, “Wouldn’t it be great?” He smiled, “Yeah. Ok. So, Buffy, since now we know each other…”
“Oh do we?” she cut him off.
“Yeah! Isn’t that great?” he smiled again. “So we’re on tonight?”
“On?” the girls looked at him. ”On what?”
“A date! Just you and me, Buffy”.
“Uh… I’m.. I’m on patrol tonight, you know…” She looked around her. “Slaying vamps and all..”
“Fine, we could do it together”.
Buffy sighed. Willow elbowed her. “That would be great. You two are so right for each other!” She said, smiling, even though Buffy was looking at her fiercely.


“Right for each other?? Me and nose guy?! ARE YOU INSANE???” Buffy nearly exploded. Giles pondered, “Perhaps that’s not such a bad idea”.
“What is?” They all turned to look at him.
“If you gotten closer to riley, we could find out more about him and the council’s intentions”.
“But, Giles, I will have to get closer to him”. Buffy protested.
“That’s the sacrifice you have to make when you’re the chosen one”. Xander hummed.
“I wonder if I am lately. Anyone can stake a vampire these days”.
Buffy said bitterly.
“But only the slayer has the skills and powers to do so efficiently and…”-
“Ok, Giles, I know, I know”. Buffy cut him out.
“So you have a date with riley”. Willow smiled.
“Yay me”. Buffy said indifferently.


“You know, Buffy. They told me about you before I came here”, riley said, walking alongside Buffy.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. I really wanted to meet you,” He said. “But they didn’t tell me you were so pretty”.
Buffy smiled faintly. “Well, there are some stuff that just don’t pass on to the next generation, huh?” She eyed him, looking for a reaction.
“What do you mean?” he seemed puzzled.
“Oh,” she bit her lip. “I mean my mom… oh she looks… bad…”
“I can’t believe it”, he snorted.
“What was that?” She asked and stopped walking.
“What was what?”
“That sound you were making”, she looked at him.
“Oh. It was… I laughed… you know.. my nose do that sometimes, I don’t know why”, he snorted again.
“What looks like a pig and snorts like a pig…” Buffy whispered to
herself. “What did you say?” He asked her.
“Nothing,” Buffy straightened.  “…just mumbling to myself… my mouth do that sometimes…”
“Everyone has their deficiency”, He shrugged.
“Yeah.. and some have too many…”
“So, back to our conversation…” he turned left on the corner.
“Where are you going?” Buffy stopped on her tracks.
“I know this place where there’s a vampires colony. One time we broke in on broad daylight, you should have seen the havoc we created”.
“Yeah, we like to torture them before killing. That’s so much more fun”.
“Is that what the council ordered you to do?” Buffy walked after him.
“Well, yeah. Partly. I can’t really tell you the whole deal”.
“Oh, so you know my secrets, but I can’t know yours”. Buffy muttered.
“You’re an old-fashioned slayer”, riley shrugged.
Buffy’s jaw dropped. “*OLD* FASHIONED? They said I was an *old* fashioned slayer?!!”
“Well, yeah, now that they use me and other hybrids”.
“Hold on,” Buffy grabbed his arm. “Hybrids? You? Modern slayers?”
“I didn’t think you could handle it. Yeah, you could say you’re an old century vampire slayer”.
“I’m not liking it”.
“It’s okay, Buffy. The council just got upgraded”. He pulled her close.
She pushed him away. “Tell me about the hybrids”.
“I think we had enough work-talk on this date, let’s start with the fun”.
“Kiss me”. He smiled, moving closer.
“Do I have to?”
“We’re on a date”.
Buffy sighed, “Okay…”
He moved closer to her and put his hands around her waist.
She curved her lips a little and put her hands on his chest, keeping a little distance.
He kissed her, brushing his mouth against hers.
She closed her eyes tight.
He lifted his face. “You know, you suppose to kiss me too, like open your mouth and all”.
“I did, didn’t I?” she opened her eyes and curved her mouth.
“No, there was no tongue”.
“Tongue? No, we, the old-fashioned slayers, we don’t kiss with tongues..” She said quickly. “Didn’t they tell you that at the council?”
“Are you offended because there are better fighters than you?” he asked moving away.
“Not at all, I realize the council needs to move on into the 21st century. That’s just fine. Let mutants fight evil. I pack up and move to Disneyland”.
“I’m not a mutant. I’m just a hybrid, a super slayer”.
“You know, that hybrid thing. What breeds exactly are you talking about?”
“Well, improved slayers genes I believe. That’s not really my field, but, I see I offend you with that, so I’m not gonna keep talking about it. I don’t wanna upset you on our first date”.
“First? You mean there’s gonna be more?”
riley obviously misunderstood her. “Oh yes. I really like you Buffy”.
Buffy smiled faintly.


“’I really like you Buffy’”, Buffy mimicked riley’s tone. “ARGH! Giles I can’t believe you’re making me date this guy!”
“But, he said he likes you!” Willow said.
“Yeah, geez. After putting me down with the old fashioned slayer thing… argh! I soooo wanted to stake him!” She did a staking mime. “And he SNORTS! I was like- ‘what the hell was that’! super slayer my @$$!”
“Upgraded slayer skills. Interesting”. Giles pondered.
“Please wake me up from this dating nightmare, Giles!” Buffy pleaded.
“I’m afraid we still in a need of information. And our only way to gather that knowledge, is from.. from riley”.
Buffy huffed. “Joy…”


Angel watched from the shadows as the group entered the sewer system with burning torches. It was just before sunset. He still couldn’t get out of his hiding place, and it wasn’t safe either, he figured.
“Angel,” he jumped, almost exposing himself to the weak but still deadly sunlight. He turned around. “kate, you startled me”. He said, moving deeper into the shadows. “You almost got me killed. What are you doing here?”
“I followed you”, she looked around. “So this is Sunnydale… No wonder it’s not on the map”.
“Why were you following me?”
“To keep an eye on you. Cordelia told me the whole Buffy story”.
“Yeah, it’s amazing. I couldn’t believe you ignore all my invitations, because of some 18 years old girl”.
“She’s almost 19 now, actually”. Angel pondered. “What do you mean ‘invitations’?”
“Argh, never mind”. She pouted.
“Well, the sun is down. It’s safe for you to go out now”. She said, moving.
“Safe for me,” he said quietly. “Not safe for you”. They watched as two vampires got out of the sewer and ran away.
“They seemed scared”. Angel moved forward, kate following him.
“Where are you going?”
“I need to see somebody”.
“No. Not yet”.


“Hey, girlfriend”, riley walked towards Buffy. “I missed you”.
“Yeah it’s been a long time since sunset. Like a whole 20 minutes”.
“You should have seen those vampires, Buffy. Roaring and screaming. Some ran away, but most of them were burned”. He sounded excited.
Buffy tilted her head. “Now I’m in the mood for a cup of coffee”, she said. “Ok, and I’ll tell you all about my day”, He smiled.
“Caffeine. Yeah, that’s just what I need”, she sighed quietly.
“C’mon, let’s go”. He pulled her hand.

Angel turned around, looking at Buffy walking hand in hand with the boy. He knew it was jealousy, pinching inside him. Another feeling Buffy raised back to life when she entered his world, or he entered hers, he wasn’t sure which one was correct.
“What are you doing?” kate asked. “Just looking around”, he whispered. “Is that Buffy and her new boyfriend?”
“Sheesh, be quiet”. He silenced her. “Yeah, that was Buffy”. He said, once she was out of earshot and out of sight.


“So, can I ask you a question?” riley lifted the hot mug to his nose, sniffing the aroma.
“Sure”, Buffy said, looking at him. “Uh.. riley?”
“You got…” she lifted her hand to her nose, doing wiping motions. “Uh, some.. foam, on your nose”.
“Oh!” he took a napkin and cleaned his nose. “All new!” he snorted.
Buffy flashed a phony smile. “New and improved!”
“You’re funny”, he snorted. “Why are you so funny?”
Buffy laughed briefly a forced laughter. “I don’t know! It’s your influence I guess!”
He stopped laughing and snorting and got serious. “So, anyway. I have a question”.
“Go ahead”.
“Why were you trying to save Angel? He’s a vampire”.
Buffy’s amused expression faded. “Angel,” she sighed. “He’s not a regular vampire. He’s good. Better than some people I know”.
“He’s still a vampire. He was evil two times, and proved himself to be a menace that must be terminated”.
“The second time was my fault. But, now that he’s away, he’s no longer a threat”. Buffy looked down at her cup.
“He’s always a threat. The council has been trying to hunt him down since 1754. One year of him being around was enough”.
“Great, they teach you history too”.
“One day, someone will have to face him and kill him, but the council knows you’re too weak to do it. That’s my job now”.
Buffy locked her eyes on him. “You stay away from him. He’s out of the game”.
“I’m only doing my job, Buffy. That’s why I was sent here”.
“Then do your job. Angel is *not* here, so don’t bring up his name again”, She hissed.
“Touchy”. He said.
“I’m only warning you once”. She sipped her coffee.
“Fine. Geez, no wonder the council decided to sent here guys now. Women are wacky”.
“I certainly like the way this conversation is headed”.
“Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t bring up whats his name again. See? I forgot his name already!”
Buffy curved her nose. “I’m really proud of you”.


“Angel!” Giles scanned his face, when he opened the door. kate was clinging to his arm.
“Hello, Giles”. Angel smiled faintly.
 “What are you doing here?” he opened the door, letting Angel and his companion enter. “Is there something wrong?” he took off his glasses, looking worriedly at Angel.
“I was hoping you’d tell me. The blond guy, who is he?”
“Blond guy?”
“The one who’s hanging out with Buffy”.
They walked inside his living room.
“Angel”, Xander got up from the sofa.
“Xander”, Angel looked at him.
“Who are you?” Willow asked, looking at kate.
“I’m kate, I’m with him”. She moved even closer to Angel, not letting go of his arm. Angel looked at her briefly, obviously uncomfortable but too polite to say anything. He just coughed. “Uh, we’re working together”. He said.
“So what brings you back to town? You know, Buffy has a new beau”. Xander informed him.
“We saw him. Blond right?” kate asked, finally letting go of Angel’s arm. He moved away from her, facing Giles.
“So who is this guy?”
“riley finn. He goes to UC Sunnydale, too”.
“And he’s a slayer”. Willow added.
“Slayer?” Angel looked at her, surprised.
“Yeah, a new slayers breed. They fit perfectly, don’t you agree?” Xander grinned.
“I thought he was evil and was going to kill her?” kate told Angel in a questioning tone.
“Wh.. wh.. what?” Giles looked at her.
Angel sighed. “Cordelia had some vision”, he said quietly.
“Oh. Cordelia -had -a -vision”, Xander nodded, talking slowly.
“What vision? What did she see?” Giles asked.
“His ex”, kate pointed at Angel, “kissed someone blond with a big nose-“
“riley!” Willow interrupted.
“-And he killed her”.
“No… but he’s good. He’s with the council!” Willow protested whiningly.
“That’s very interesting”, Giles hummed.
“What is?” They heard the door shut close behind them, they all turned to see Buffy standing there.
She scanned the people in her room, holding her gaze on Angel.
“Angel”, she whispered, shocked. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see that you’re all right”. Angel made no move to get any closer to her, but everyone could feel the tension in the room.
“Why wouldn’t I be? I have a normal life, now,” she hesitated. “That you’re gone. You should have stayed gone”.
She looked at kate, “Who are you?”
“Angel’s girlfriend”. Xander said quickly.
“No, she works with me,” Angel responded.
“Oh”. Buffy didn’t look pleased at all.


“Why did you have to burst into my life again?” They were now in her old room, leaving the others in Giles’ apartment.
Angel looked at her. “I’m sorry, you’re right. But I had to make sure you were okay”.
“And I am. Never been better. And you seem to have moved on too. That’s great, for both of us. Now take your girlfriend-“
“She's *not* my girlfriend”.
“Whatever. Take her and go. You better get out of here ASAP”.
“What’s wrong, Buffy? You’re hiding something”.
“I’m not. I’m just getting on with my life. Okay?”
“Do you love him?”
“Huh?” she looked at him.
“That new boyfriend you got. Do you love him?”
she laughed briefly and nervously. “Love him? I’m thinking of ways to k…” she stopped and looked up at him. “Yeah, I love him. I’m so over you, Angel. Now go back to L.A”. she said firmly.
“Is that the kate thing? She upsets you? I promise you nothing going on between us”.
“Oh, no? She was all over you!”
“I broke up with you to give you a normal life, I won’t ruin someone else’s life now”. He said, lifting his hand to her cheek. He held back his hand at the last second.
“Angel… please leave town,” she nearly burst into tears.
“What is it? Why are you so scared?” he asked softly.
She broke down and buried her face in his chest. He seemed puzzled for a second, he hesitated before putting his hand around her. He caressed her hair softly. “Sheesh, it’s okay, please…” he whispered. "...Please.."
She lifted her head and looked at him, tears in her eyes. “Woah… deja-vu…” she whispered, moving away from him. “I feel like I’ve heard you say it before”, she sniffed. Angel looked at her gloomy.
She wiped her eyes. “That’s weird…-“ She started talking but he stopped her with a kiss. Their kiss deepened and he pulled her closer to him, caressing her entire body, unable to let go.
She put her hands under his shirt, starting to take his shirt off.
“Buffy…” he whispered softly against her lips. “We really shouldn’t…”
“I know… we mustn’t…” she whispered, but kissed him passionately again. He let her take off his shirt. They kissed again, and lost control. They fell on her bed. “I gotta…” he whispered. “We can’t…”
“We can never be together…” he tried to move away from her.
“I don’t care… just this once… let me feel you again…” she snuggled against his bare chest. “I can’t…” He whispered, but they both let go of the boundaries and gave in to the passion.


Buffy woke up, horrified. She jumped from her bed and got a hold on a cross, looking around her, she spotted a stake and took it.
She saw Angel sleeping in her bed, she moved, putting quickly a shirt to cover herself and waited. He stirred and woke up and she held out the cross to his face. He growled and pushed her hand away.
“Buffy, what are you doing?” he asked, getting up.
She scanned his face. “Angel?”
“It’s me. I didn’t turn”. He assured her softly.
“I don’t believe you. You lie”. She was still holding the cross, as he got dressed up. “Buffy, it’s really me. I’m not evil”.
“How come? We… we…” she motioned at the bed with her head.
“I know, but the curse is about one moment of happiness. And I’m not happy, Buffy. I knew we can’t be together and we probably never will. I guess my mind was too busy telling me that, than making me truly happy”. He looked at her, miserable.
“I see…” she lowered the cross. “But if I get the slightest impression you turned evil again, I will stake you, even though I won’t be able to live with myself afterwards”.
Angel sighed. “We shouldn’t have done it. More than anything now, you need to trust me”.
“I’m sorry”, she rushed over to his side and hugged him. “I love you so much…” she whispered. He put his hands around her. “I love you too, Buffy”. He kissed her forehead. “I’ll always love you”, he whispered.
“You know, when we… made love, I felt…” she hesitated, “I felt like we were together before, not just that dreadful first time 2 years ago”.
“In a way”, Angel whispered knowingly, “We were”.


“What are you doing here?” Joyce was shocked to see Angel going down the stairs with Buffy.
Angel’s smile faded when he saw her. “Joyce”.
“Mom?” Buffy looked at her, surprised. "What are you doing up?"
“I thought I told you to leave town and stay away from my daughter”. Joyce hissed.
“You did, but,” Angel said, frustrated.
“You what?!!” Buffy gazed at her mother, stunned.
“Buffy…” Joyce sighed, “I only did what was best for you. And he did it too”.
“What did you tell him??” Buffy looked at Angel, “What did she tell you?”
“She wanted you to have a normal life, Buffy. You can’t have a normal life when you’re with me”. Angel walked down, looking at Joyce, angrily.
“Hello? I believe I know what’s right for me, and I don’t need you two telling me what’s good for *me*!” Buffy was furious.
“Honey, you don’t see things straight when you’re with him”, Joyce said, touching her daughter’s shoulder. Buffy pushed her hand away.
“Stop treating me like I’m a kid, dammit! Damn you. Like I can have a normal life! There’s no one for me that could ‘walk me to the light’ Angel!" She moved her eyes from her mother to Angel, "I live in the dark just like you, Angel. So what if I also walk in the daylight. I’m the slayer, I’ll probably die in the dark too”. Buffy walked away from them.
“Buffy!” Joyce called after her.
“Leave me alone, mom. You did enough damage, damn you!” Buffy hissed, slamming the door shut behind her.
Joyce looked at Angel. “Do something!”
Angel shrugged. “You heard what she said. Give her some time”. He walked away.

“Buffy!” he called out behind her.
“go away, it’s almost sunrise”, her voice trembled. He grabbed her arm and turned her to face him, her face were moist.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about your mother, but she was right”.
“Was she?” Buffy sniffled. “Are my life normal now? Am I going to live longer? Get married and have children?”
“You might”.
“You know there was not one slayer in the history that did that. They barely lived to see their twenties”.
“Well, most slayers haven’t even reached 18”, he said quietly. “But you did”.
“I rather die than live my life that way, knowing what we could have had”. She said. He looked at her. “But you don’t know. You can’t know”, he said, his mouth remained open.
She shook her head. “I’m sorry, oh god. It’s this weird feeling again”. She sighed, “Angel, listen to me, you *have* to go back to L.A, you can’t stay in Sunnydale”.
“I won’t leave until I know you’re safe”.
“Please you have to! They will kill you!”
“Who will?” he held her hand.
“riley and his group. They are some experiment sent here by the council. Super-slayers of some hybrid, I don’t know, but they’re torturing and killing vampires, they did something to Spike too, he’s not eating humans anymore”. Buffy flashed him with the info.
Angel let go of her hand, and was quiet for a minute.
“riley is dangerous for you too”.
Buffy let out a short laughter. “Nah, he’s a sissy”. She rejected the threat. “I can take him out anytime”.
“Except when you least expect him to attack you”.
“Angel, let’s go, the sun is coming up”. Buffy started walking and he followed her.


“Are you sure?” Angel stared at Giles. Giles rubbed his eyes.
“Yes, I’m afraid the informer who leaked this piece of knowledge was found dead shortly afterwards”, Giles yawned. “I’m sorry I’m already awake over 24 hours”.
“It’s good you forced them to go to school”, kate said, bringing him a cup of coffee.
“Oh, thank you. I’m afraid I don’t drink coffee, however”. He said, taking the mug from her hand.
“It’s strong it will keep you awake”, she said and turned over to Angel. “Where have you been all night? You left me here with a whiny girl weeping over some… werewolf?” kate looked at him, disturbed, “And an annoying smartass who thinks he’s funny…” she tilted her head. “Geez”.
“So that’s the council’s plan, huh? Kill Buffy and Faith and activate the next slayer”, Angel ignored kate.
“But where is Faith?” Giles sipped the coffee and then spit, curving his face. “Oh, that’s worse than *any* coffee I have *ever* tasted!” he put down the mug.
“You’re welcome! Geez, you’re just like the rest of them, asking for coffee then complaining”, she walked away murmuring to herself. “…Always bitch bitch bitch”…
Angel shrugged and turned to Giles, “So we gotta stop riley and the initiative”.


Buffy let riley kiss her, before sitting down next to her.
“So are we on patrol tonight?” he asked her, putting his arm around her shoulder. She shuddered a little, escaping from his clasp, before giving him one of her forced smiles. “No, actually. I thought you and your friends could do that on your own tonight”.
He smiled, “Oh, it’s a good idea, I’ll let my buds worry about the vampires and you and me can go out”.
“Yeah…” Buffy sighed, “That’s really… great”…
The bell started ringing.
“Ooh, I’m late for my class! I’ll see you tonight!” Buffy jumped on her feet and walked away, before he could have even respond.


“God, I don’t know how much more of him I can take!” Buffy said as she entered the house. She looked at Angel and Giles. “What’s going on?”
“It seems like the council is using riley to bring forth your destruction”. Giles said, exchanging looks with Angel.
“He was sent to kill me?” Buffy looked at them, “Is that the council’s, um, goal?”
Giles shrugged, “My source was very firm about this notion, before he… uh, was murdered. Apparently, a group of evil watchers decided to continue the experiment secretly, without the awareness of the other councilors ”.
“Oh, great”. Buffy smiled. “I love you Giles!”
They all looked at her confused. “Why are you happy? They want to kill you”, kate said, looking at her.
“Uh huh. Now I have a good reason to kill riley. Self-defense, oh, it can’t get any better”. Buffy grinned and walked inside the kitchen. Angel watched her behind the counter.


“I know your deal, riley”. Buffy said when riley was about to kiss her, when they met later that evening.
“My deal?”
“Yeah. With the council. You need to bring me down”, She folded her hands, “They want you to kill me”.
He sighed. “Yeah they told me that”, he admitted.
“You know I can’t let you do that”.
“Buffy, I’m not going to kill you”, he said.
“Why not?” she eyed him.
“Because… When they told me about you, and the whole Angel deal, I was angry. But I didn’t know you then. When I came here and met you…” he sighed and looked at her, “I started to like you. I didn’t know I was gonna fall in love with you”.
Buffy opened her mouth, stunned. “Oh, don’t give me this crap!”
“Really, Buffy, I’m in love with you”, he laughed and started snorting hysterically. “I’m so nervous,” he snorted some more, “I thought it will be harder admitting it!”
She looked at him, disgusted. “O-Kay…”
“Really, Buffy. Believe me”, he touched her cheek and leaned to kiss her.
“BUFFY NO!” she heard Angel, the light from the street lamp was faint, but she could see the sparkle of the metal. She moved away quickly.
“You liar”, she hissed at him, he was standing there with the knife in his hand. “Damn, damn you!” he said angrily.
Angel reached them, his game face on. He growled at riley.
“Oh, your demon lover is in town. That’s even better. I get to kill 2 birds with one stone”. He smiled evilly.
Buffy laughed, “Yeah, when pigs fly!” she just finished her sentence, Spike lashed at riley, throwing him in the air.
“Uh oh”, Buffy said, still laughing. “Looks like that day has come”, she turned around when Angel tapped on her shoulder.
“We got troubles”. He said, pointing at riley’s people coming their way.
“Looks like we get some action tonight”, she said.
“Buffy!” Xander, Willow and Giles reached them, followed by kate and Joyce, panting behind. The two stopped and caught their breath.
“I see Spike is having fun”. Xander said, looking at the vampire throwing riley like a rag doll and kicking him over and over.
“Yeah, we get some too, though, his friends are coming”. Buffy said.
Spike let go of riley for only a slight second, but it was enough for riley to run away. “Come back here, you bloody bitch! I’m not done with you!” Spike called after him. Beaten up, riley tried to reach his knife which was on the ground, but Angel grabbed him, punched him in the guts and threw him away.
Buffy started fighting the first group member that tried to hit her.
“Mom, look out!” She called when she twisted the guy’s hand and threw him away. Her mother was slowly digesting her daughter’s warning, and was knocked to the ground by the weight of the guy, knocking kate along with them.
“Oh, eww! Mud!” kate started to spit and tried to get up.
“Get off my mom!” Buffy pulled the guy off her mother, throwing him away. He hit kate and she fell again to the ground.
Buffy saw riley trying to crawl away from the mess of people.
“Oh, no you don’t”, she whispered and grabbed his hair.
He squealed and tried to kick her. She punched his nose. “Oh that is soooo fun!” She kicked him and he landed flat on his stomach.
“Buffy”, Angel came behind her. “Yes honey?” she turned around to smile at him. He smiled back at her, “Save me some”. He grabbed riley by his lapels and blew a fist up his nose with his right hand.
“My turn!” Xander said, he tried to punch riley too, “Ouch…” he murmured holding his hand. “You’re such a wimp”. Buffy said, leaning against Angel’s body, putting her hands around his neck. They stopped kissing when they heard a roar, two vampires were biting members of the initiative.
“Looks like revenge time”. Willow said, standing outside the fight ring with Giles. Joyce was still staggering from the head injuries she received.  “I think I have a concussion”, she mumbled. “I think I have one too”, kate murmured quietly, getting up. One of the vampires plucked the guy's arm along with the burning torch and threw it away. The arm, still holding the torch hit kate, and her hair was set on fire. She screamed and jumped to the ground, putting out the fire in the sand.
“Well, sorry guys, you had your fun, now it’s time for my duty”, Buffy said and staked the two vampires. They burst into ashes that fell on the bodies of the guys they killed.
“So, who’s alive?” Xander looked around. Spike just finished poking riley’s eyes out. riley screamed before Spike snapped his neck and turned to them; “Well, I’m done. Be seeing you”. He ran away.
“Well, certainly not riley”. Xander concluded.
They heard a roar.
“Did you hear that??” Willow paced forward, “That’s… that’s”…
“Oz?” Xander lifted his unshaved eyebrow.
“Oz?” kate looked at him, confused. “Another vampire?”
“A werewolf!” Willow smiled proudly.
“Oh, Pe-lease. I know now there are vampires, but I just refuse to believe there are we-“ she didn’t finish the sentence a large furry creature, some form of mutated gorilla, launched at her, ripping her off to pieces.
“That’s not a werewolf…” she whispered before the creature ate her eyeballs out of their sockets.
Some big mushy-looking brown thing landed on Joyce’s head.
“Hmm,” Buffy looked at her mother. “Uh, mom? Looks like there’s a… liver on your head”… she said, disgusted.
“Oh”, Joyce looked at her daughter, confused. “I better take it off then, huh? It will ruin my hair”. Joyce couldn’t move. “My body is not responding to the orders my brain is sending”… she whispered.
Angel shrugged, “Must be the concussion”.
“Why is this place looking like the ring at the end of MTV's celebrity death match?” Xander asked.
“Well, it’s kind of the same issue”, Giles explained. “However, it is defined more like getting rid of the rubbish”. He took out his handkerchief and cleaned his glasses.
“Look, it’s almost sunrise! Poor kate, Oz will turn back to human in a few minutes, but it’s a few minutes too late for her”. Said Willow.
“Explain to me the poor part again, Will? I didn’t get it”. Buffy said, snuggling again against Angel’s chest. He had his arms around her.
“You didn’t like her much, huh?” he asked.
“Oh, no. She was trying to hit on you, making you these googly goo eyes”.
“Well, her eyes are sure gooey…” Xander said, looking at the mess kate’s body parts left around.
“Ok, sun is up, I better get inside”, Angel said, walking away.
Oz started to change.
“Oh, God, my eyes!” Buffy whined. “He’s naked!”
“Ahhhh!” everyone but Willow turned their backs. Angel and Buffy walked to the shadows.


“Do you have to go?” Buffy asked, she was lying on Angel, both fully clothed.
“Yeah, I am needed elsewhere”. He kissed her hair softly.
Buffy sighed and moved up, holding his face, she kissed him softly.
“I know…” She whispered. “I know…”
“But I promise I’ll come visit you. You know you’ll always be the one and only person that I truly love”. He said quietly.
“No more kates?”
“No more who?” He smiled and brought her even closer to him.
“I never even looked at her that way”, Angel kissed her.
“Oh, but Oz said she was crunchy”.
“I have to admit I haven’t looked at her *that* way either…” he smirked.
“Oh well, everyone got a kick out of it last night”.  She caressed his cheek.
“Yeah.. speaking of getting a kick… how’s your mother?”
“She will be fine. Back to sticking her nose in my life in no time”.
Angel half-smiled. “You know, she just did what she thought was best for you”.
Buffy sighed. “Yeah, yeah. She and everyone else. You too, you sacrificed for me because you thought it was best for me”.
She moved her hand to his hair, still caressing him.
“I’ll never forget, Angel”. She said softly, almost unheard.
“What? What did you say?” he looked at her, straightening himself a little.
“I remember. I told you I’d never forgot. I got those little pieces of flashbacks, but everything is falling into places now. It happened, Angel. No matter what the oracles said. I know it did”.
He kissed her.
“Maybe, one day,” he kissed her again, “We could be together”…
she opened her eyes and looked at him. “You really think so?”
they held an intense gaze. “I know so”. He promised her.
Buffy smiled, "Well, I did see a pig flies".

They kissed their goodbye, knowing they will never forget each other and never stop loving and caring for each other, and that even though they won’t be together at that time, or in the near future, eternity has a place for them to be together. Forever. That’s the whole point.


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