TITLE: Into The Great Wide Open
Disclaimer: not my charcters, they belong to Joss Whedon and whoever else owns
them. real people belong to themselves.
SUMMARY: the challenge:
~Somehow you (the author) has to be sucked in the buffyverse/angelverse
~The gang must come back with you to the real world and see what it's really like
~Riley/The Inititive must be the main evil person in the story
~Demons must cross into the real world
~There has to be some mention of some event that onlt one character knows about
(e.g. Xander lying to Buffy in Becoming)
~Buffy and Angel get back together
~Must have a mention of discussions between you and other BA Shippers (like I'm
gonna have conversations with people online)
~Must include at least two real people that you know
~Mention of the actors that play the characters
~Someone must sing the song "Blue DaBaDee"

Must include at least three of the followind items:

~A pair of M&M slippers
~Grandfather clock
~Scooby Doo
~Punky Bruster bedsheets
~Chocolate bar

The plane finally took off, tearing the starry skies.
Anat settled herself comfortable in the seat, looking out at the bright lights of Tel
Finally, after a year and 9 months of serving in the Israeli Air Force, came the day
she was waiting for ever since she was a little girl. She was gonna go to Los
Angeles. She set the times with her best friend, Efrat, who moved to the Long
Beach, California, in August '99.
Ef will meet her in LAX and maybe they will go touring the city, if she wasn't too tired
from the flight.
A lot of excited thoughts filled her head, as the lights of her beloved country Israel
slowly faded behind, and the plane was above the dark sea.
Maybe she could walk the streets of L.A, looking for celebrities, that would be so
cool. One name dominated her entire mind that second- maybe she could be lucky
enough to meet DAVID BOREANAZ!
Just the mention of his name and her stomach began to tingle and the familiar
chemistry reactions of her body started to show up.
"Nah, you won't get to see him", the scully-voice in her head told her. "Just watch the
movie and shut up", another voice said.
Anat put on her headphones, welcomed the little can of coke from the  stewardess
and tried to immerse herself in the movie.
But the thoughts of finally landing in her dream land were still distracting her.

Anat gazed at her watch, she's been flying for 5 hours already and still no sleep. She
was gonna be so jet-lagged! There were still 10 hours ahead to fly.
Suddenly a bright light came through her window. Sunrise? Already? In this half of
the globe? Couldn't be!
She dared to look through the window to the source of light.
It was the most amazing thing she ever seen after that hot tub picture of David
She thought of all the sci-fic movies and TV shows she ever seen.
It reminded her something she seen once in a movie or a Stephen King's
mini-series.. whatever. It was still amazing.
The round shape was glowing, it was purple and there were shiny stars in it.
Anat forced herself to look away from her window and to the people in the plane, but
there wasn't anyone on the plane. It was deserted.
"What the hell?" Anat muttered out loud and got out, heading to the pilot cell. It was
empty and the plane seemed to head right into the bizarre glowing thing.
Her mind started buzzing with all her usual creepy over-imaginative thoughts. "I'm
going to die"  "I'm going to be sucked into outer space" "I'm going to die".

The glowing purple, which now Anat called "The Gate", was getting closer and
closer until she had to close her eyes from the shiny light.
Then everything was dark again.

Anat woke up in her seat.
"It was just a dream", she said relieved.
But the plane was still empty. She looked for reasonable reasons for this. The door
was opened, and she got off the plane.
"Well, It's definitely not outer space", she comforted herself.
The only thing that was weird it was still night, Anat wasn't too bright in math, but she
knew the time differences and Cali was 10 hours behind Israel. 15 hours flight
starting at night.. she gave up quickly on calculating the time, since she realized 'not
too bright in math' was too good and exaggerated.

She looked around again, rubbing her eyes. It was *not* LAX.
Now, she's never been to LAX, but she's been to airports and she saw "Speed" and
this was no LAX nor any airport.
She started doubting the gate thing was a dream. But she was alive and it wasn't
outer space.

"HELLO??!" She started calling. "ANYBODY HERE??"
She felt like in some morbid movie.
"Shhhh, are you trying to get yourself killed?" someone called out behind her. "Or
interfere with our mission?"
Anat turned around. "AH!" she nearly fainted seeing a tall guy wearing mud on his
face, black cloths and a gun, and boy, was he ugly!
After the first shock, Anat started to laugh. "Okay, you got me. You try to scare me
with fishboy look alike. Where's Ef? Did she sent you?"
He was still looking at her. "Huh?"
Anat's smile faded. "Wait.. hmm.. are you... uh", she was lost for words. The english
she knew so good before shattered and she feared she might start speaking in
Hebrew if not in Gibberish.
"Okay, someone wake me from this nightmare.." she whispered.
"I'm guessing I didn't land on the BUFFY set, and that you're Marc Blucas in middle
of shooting a scene, huh?" She asked after calming herself down.
He pointed out his gun at her. "How do you know Buffy? Who are you?"
"Is it Sunnydale?" Anat asked, figuring what the heck, she was already insane in
real life, so why not get into some institutionalized in a dream.
"Yes, now answer my question before I.."
"HAHA, minus the fact you're in my dream, this is the coolest dream i've ever had!"
Anat said. "And if it's going to be a good dream, you are going to get soooo much
"I think not", he said, pointing his gun again.
"I know this is a shock gun, Boy, if only I had my uzi here..."
"How do you know?"
"Please don't shoot me, commando! I'll give ya cheese!" Anat mocked him in a
whiny tone.
"You know too much.." he started saying, then looked over Anat's shoulder.
"Buffy", he smiled and Anat felt a chill down her spine, disgusted by his upper bunny
Anat turned around to see Buffy, looking at them. 'Heck', Anat thought, 'It's *my*
dream. I will not tolerate b/r moments".
"Your boyfriend was hitting on me", Anat told Buffy.
Buffy looked angry at riley. "No, I didn't", riley protested. "I was running after a hostile
and then she started screaming and he vanished".
Anat made a face. "You nearly frightened me to death. Nice way to welcome
tourists. I came from far you know", She turned around, stunned to see the plane is
"So you're a tourist?" Buffy looked at her up and down.
"Yeah, i'm from Israel", Anat revealed.
"Israel?" they looked at her.
"Is it near Iowa?" riley asked.
Anat curved her face, looking over at riley. "How can you stand this guy after you've
been with Angel?"
Buffy looked at her shocked. "You know Angel??"
riley sighed. "Not that name again..."
Buffy smiled at him and crossed her arm in Anat's arm, "I think--" She looked over at
Anat for help. "Anat", Anat offered it. "Anat and I will be going to my room to have a
girl-to-girl talk, and you," she smiled again, "Continue with your soldiers game.
Good night".
"Yeah, and believe me, military service is not that cool, i've been there!" Anat added
and walked away with Buffy.

"Willow! We have company!" Buffy called before entering the room which she
shared with Willow in the dorm.
"Don't you think it's a bit lame you live in the dorms when your house is not too far
away?" Anat asked as they walked in.
"No, here all the action happens, and besides.. anything is better than having my
mom sticking her nose in all my private stuff", Buffy shrugged and smiled at Willow.
"Will, nice Punky Brusters bedsheets you got there!"
Willow smiled happily, "You really think so?" then she looked over at Anat. "Who are
Anat looked around. "O-kay.. this is too real for a dream... I haven't even watched
buffy the vampire slayer lately, how come everything in this room is so detailed??
Morbid much!"
Buffy and Willow looked at each other. "Ok, who are you and why did you just sound
like Cordelia?"
"Maybe a demon got Cordy and turned her into someone else!"
"I can't be dreaming", Anat kept talking to herself.
"If i were dreaming, there was much more Angel in my dream..."
"Angel?" Willow glared at Anat. "You know him?"
"Oh yeah. Angel is so hot, I really hope you two will get back together someday.
Dump fishboy already", Anat turned to Buffy.
"How do you know all these stuff? And by 'fish boy' you mean riley?"
Buffy asked.
"If i'm already here, could we go to the mansion on Crawford st.? I realllly love that
Buffy looked down. "I haven't been there since..." She swallowed.
"Stop talking about Angel. Don't you see it makes her sad? Buffy, think about riley!
he's so cute and funny and-"
"Stop talking about riley! Don't you see it makes me vomit??" Anat interrupted her.
"Why are you so hostile about him?" Buffy asked quietly.
"Your BEST friend here should thank him probably!" Anat declared.
"Why?" asked Willow innocently.
"Because I hate him so much I focus all my hatred on him and leave you alone!"
"You hate Willow?" Buffy asked surprised. "Why?"
"Because she was so self centered the entire seas-- uh, year. Last year. She was
thinking about Oz and shagging him and didn't even tell you when Angel was sick
that he wanted to stay!" Anat let go of all the rage against Willow she kept inside.
Buffy turned to Willow, who paled.
"What are you talking about?" Willow asked whinningly. "I didn't do anything!"
"That's right you didn't. Didn't Angel think you are Buffy and told you he was wrong?"
Anat pointed her finger at Willow.
"I don't remember.." murmured Willow.
"I'll refresh your memory. I'll quote: "I thought I'd never see you again... I can't leave
you.  I was wrong.  I need you". Didn't Angel said these exact words when he thought
you were Buffy?"
Buffy looked shocked at the exchange of words.
"Well... maybe he did... But Buffy wasn't there... and then Oz was there... and we
kissed..." Willow whined.
"You've never said anything!" Buffy sounded angry.
"Well... When I remembered it he already left... so what does it matter he said it?"
Willow shrugged.
"I can't believe it!" Buffy looked at her. Anat thought that if stares could kill Willow
was dropping dead to the floor, but she knew now she wasn't dreaming. Since
Willow didn't drop dead.
"Let's go to L.A and you can talk with Angel", Anat offered.

Hours later, everyone was in the van and Giles was driving.
they all decided to give Anat a tour to L.A, since she told them how much she waited
for this trip her whole life.
Xander and Anya were in their own seat, Buffy sat between Willow and Anat,
keeping them apart.
No one noticed the car that followed them all the way. riley was driving it.
Determined to put an end to the whole story.

Angel was surprised to see the whole gang in his office.
He thought it was good Cordelia and Wesley weren't around to warm things up.
Then Anat fainted.
After at least 3 bucket of water, she came back, looking around, panting hard.
"Oh my GOD", she exhaled looking at Angel. "You're more gorgeous than on TV! I
think I'm going to faint again!"
They all looked at her puzzled.
"She claims she's from another dimension, where we all are nothing but TV
characters", Giles explained to Angel.
"I think someone been on drugs. And i'm not talking about riley!" Xander added.
Anat just stared at Angel, saying nothing. Maybe drooling.
"Will you take your eyes off my boyfriend already!" Buffy said finally, everyone
looked at her and she realized what she said. "...ex boyfriend.." she murmured
quietly. Angel looked at her, silent.
"Ok-ay. Breathe.. breathe.." Anat encouraged herself to get up on her feet.
Then she spotted the bright light in the window.
"The gate is open! Look!" She called out rushing over to the window.
Everyone ran after her.
"Wow that's beautiful!" Willow said.
"It looks better than a tortured man! No actually it doesn't", said Anya.
"Okay, as much as it was fun being with you guys... I really wanna go back to the real
world, so bye bye", Anat said, stepping away from the crowd. "Really don't feel like
turning into some vampire's breakfast you see", She said when the others joined
"There are no vampires where you come from?"
"There are blood suckers, politicians, lawyers.. but no vampires", Anat nodded.
"Very interesting. Sounds like a perfect world", Giles hummed.
"Oh believe me, it is NOT a perfect world", Anat said. "But I really have no time to
elaborate on this issue", Anat walked straight to the gate. "Buffy, you should dump
rileyzoar and go back to Angel", she said before vanishing into the gate.
"rileyzoar. heh, i like it", Xander smirked and Willow patted his back.
"This is interesting", Giles said, reaching out to touch it.
"Giles! No!" Buffy called behind him as he disappeared into the gate.
"Oh great, now we have to go there and bring him back", muttered Xander.
"Can't we just let him explore his perfect world and find his way back?" Asked Anya.

"I'm going", Buffy announced and moved closer. "Wait, you're not going there
alone", Angel stood next to her. She smiled at him and they held hands.

riley watched as the entire gang disappeared in the mysterious glow.
He heard someone snarls behind him and turn around. "Oh shit.." He murmured
standing face to face with a Los Angeles vampire, who seemed very angry. Or
hungry. Or both.
riley ran away as the vampire lunged at him, and jumped straight into the gate.
He slumped flat on the floor, looking around him.
There was no sign of the vampire nor Buffy and her friends. He will have to look after
them later and kill them all. He will only let Buffy live. She will love him, no matter
what, they will be together, because she was the perfect girl for him.

riley started walking around. The street seemed just like the street he
was leaving.
He saw the gang passing by and rushed to a near house to hide.
To his surprise when he hit the house, there was a collision sound and
the entire wall broke down and collapsed on him.
Buffy turned around to the sound, drawing her stake quickly.
"The house just collapsed!" Willow said.
"That's weird", Angel looked around. "Everything here looks the same".
"I told you so. The girl was on drugs. We're still in L.A and um, I told
you so!" xander said.
"You like saying that, don't you?" Buffy turned around, facing him.
"Yes, there's nothing in the world that makes me more happy than proving
you wrong", he said.
"Xander, sheee-" Willow stopped talking when she saw Oz walking down the
street. He was a few feet away, but seemed involved in a conversation
with... Spike???!
"What's he doing here? And why is he..."
"Hey guys, what are you all doing here? I didn't know you were paying a
visit", Seth told them.
"Oz!" Willow let out a cry. "You're back! finally!" She ran over to him,
hugged his neck and kissed him, Seth tried to reject, pulling her away.
"Aly? Are you okay?" He asked, looking at her.

In the meantime, riley managed to free himself from underneath the
decoration and sneaked away to plan his evil plots.
He thought his eyes were misleading him when he saw Buffy and her dark
ex lover sitting on a picnic table, eating. In pure daylight. They were
sitting close together. He sneaked closer to get a better peep.
"Okay, I'll help you study your lines again tonight", Angel said,
between bites, sounding not very excited.
"I know you don't like this role, no need to give me 'the face'", She
said, smiling slightly.
"What's up with this guy? His lines are so lame.. it took me a while to
relax from the 'i like cheese' bit and now this?" He objected, putting
down his sandwich.
riley felt angry. Buffy told this Angel guy about their conversations,
and she laughed with him about it too! She just need to wait to see what
he and the initiative have in store for her and her friends. And that
hostile they harbored.
He went to their table. They both turned to look at him.
"Marc! What are you doing here?" She took a look in her watch. "I'm not
late for my call yet", she said, looking over at him.
"You were making fun of my lines", he said angrily.
"Geez, calm down, man. You're getting too much into the role". David
said standing on his feet.
"How come you're not bursting into flames? Aren't you a vampire?"
Sarah and David exchanged looks.
"Marc, are you feeling all right?" Sarah asked, moving closer to him.
"Maybe you should go back to the set and ask for a day off", she

"So are you all were just having a trip to the ANGEL set?" James asked
the guys, looking at Giles.
"What are you doing here?" Buffy inquired, raising her stake. "Were you
following us?"
"And what happened to your accent?" asked Anya.

Anat was still stunned learning she came straight to the ANGEL set.
If only she could see Joss... if he survives after she will beat the
crap out of him, she will tell him she was in Sunnydale. And David...
she really wanted to meet him. She thought maybe now she won't faint
again like the first time. That was embarrassing. And it wasn't even
Wait till Kim hear that. Kim already had plans to go that summer to
Ireland, even thought Anat asked her to come to L.A with her. It would
have been so much fun if Kim was here too.
She will have to tell everything to Efrat. The poor girl must be waiting
for her in LAX.
And she also promised Charlene she will visit her in North Carolina if
she does the coast-to-coast trip. But now she was *inside* the ANGEL
set. Probably not far from- her heart started speeding again- DAVID!
AHH! this was too good to be true. She already forgot about her
encounter with riley. She felt like vomiting just with the thought of
him again.

Then she saw the vampires. 4 of them. They were roaring and getting
closer to her. She didn't know if they were just actors on the set, but
the looks on their faces gave her the feeling they followed her into the
She screamed and ran away, they ran after her. She turned around to see
if they were still chasing her and bumped into someone.
"Oh my god"... she whispered. It wasn't the time to let lust take over,
but she did bump into David! "David! Oh my god!" She said again,
"No... It's me, Angel", he said, looking behind her shoulder. "wait
here", he said softly, and started fighting the vampires. Buffy soon
came to his aid and stake one of the vampires.
"So.. no vampires in your world?" She turned to Anat after the last
vampire was dusted.
"I think they followed me.... as did you! What were you thinking??"
Buffy eyed Giles. "Someone wanted to check this place out", she said.
"If anyone sees you here, he might think you're the real actors".
"Actors?" Asked Giles.
"The people that look just like each of you and play your characters".
"Like Oz? And Spike?" Angel asked.
"Uh oh. You met-"
"Seth and James. That was too weird", Buffy said.
"Okay, um. We have to leave this place. We'll go to my friend's house
and figure out what we're doing". Anat decided to take control over the
"What did Seth Green and James Marsters say?" She remembered to ask.
"Among 'you're crazy' and 'what the hell are you doing?'" asked Xander.
"Seth looks good, doesn't he?" smiled Willow.
"Very Ozy like", Xander nodded.
"Okay, let's go", Anat said, feeling sorry she had to leave the place
without seeing any of the actors.. or David.

"Anat??? You're here too??" Anat turned around when she heard a familiar
"Kim!!! Gawds! you're here!!!!" Anat exulted and hugged Kim tight.
"Wo! behold those pants!" Kim said, looking at the LEATHER PANTS Angel
was wearing. Then she realized it was David/Angel in them and paled.
"Egads! That's... um... David..." she murmured.
"No, it's Angel. how come he's wearing leather pants tho? And how come I
didn't notice??" Anat looked at him again.
"You were too busy fainting", Buffy said.
"What's wrong with my pants?" Angel asked.
"Nothing!" Kim said quickly, then added- "Actually, they quite wrong.
You should take them off".
Anat grabbed her arm. "Not now, Kim! clean your face, you're drooling.
We need to get them to Ef's place, then figure how to send them back to
their reality".
"Do we have to? I mean.. this is just like what we fantasized about in
our e-mails..."
"I know.. well.. we could send all of them back and keep Angel to
ourselves here", Anat whispered.
"I heard that!" Buffy called behind them.
Kim turned around. "Don't you have some stupid ugly cheese-loving piggy
fish boy mutant
Angel wannabe freakface to play with? You leave Angel with us! you don't
deserve him and he'll be so happy with us we'll even get Angelus back!
yay!" Kim smiled, then started her daily chanting-   "yay! David! my
Love! My GOD! Our God of Shippiness!"
Anat rolled her eyes, turning over to Buffy. "She's really a B/A
shipper, don't worry about it".
"B/A shipper? What's that?" Everyone looked at Anat and Kim for
"B/A shippers are fans, um, people, that watch your shows, and believe
that Angel and Buffy belong together and should be together". Anat said
quickly and
Kim nodded. "Forever. That's the whole point".
Buffy's lip dropped. "You just quoted something Angel told me in a
dream! After I sent him to hell..." She was shocked.
"Duh, it was on the show", Anat shrugged.
"But don't you know what happens if Buffy and Angel are back together?"
Xander asked.
"We know, and we say- yay!" Kim smiled.
"No, well, we do know that there is the curse. But the writers who wrote
you guys made up this curse only so Buffy and Angel will have to stay
apart and keep two shows running". Anat explained.
"So the 'writers' are the ones who keeping me miserable?" asked Buffy.
"Yeah. They are The Powers That Be. Not the oracles", Anat said, looking
at Angel.
"They created the oracles. They killed Doyle", Angel said, looking back
at her.
"Yes, you got it right. But the B/A shippers believe one day you two
will be together again", Anat concluded.
"And that Buffy will remember the table talk you had when she was L.A",
Kim said.
"Table talk?" Buffy eyed her.
"You..." Angel's usual pale was slowly changing into red.
"Aww, don't be ashamed, you have a great body!" Kim smiled widely.
"You watched us.. you know about the 24 hours I was..." It was such a
cute sight, seeing Angel so embarrassed.
"Oh yeah! Everybody knows about it! We want to kill Joss for making
Buffy forget. And as for your chest... AYYYE CARAMBA! I'll have cookie
daugh fudge mint chip with you anytime!" Anat said and Kim nodded in
"Who's Joss? And what is this day in L.A deal?" Buffy asked.
"Joss is like the most evil man in this world. He created you and he's
making all the important decisions", Anat explained. "And he's on a
permanent acid trip", Kim added.

After the gang reached Ef's house, telling her the entire story, she got
her camera ready and they posed for pictures.
Anat and Kim forced Angel posing with his shirt off. Buffy didn't like
it but didn't say a word.
"So what do you do in the real world? Do you have something like the
bronze here?" Xander asked, starting to do dancing motions.
"Oh, we are bad examples for the real world", Anat said, sitting in
front of Ef's computer.
"I'll show you our bronze", she added.
"Wow, cool! It's been so long since I surfed the net!" Willow said and
sat next to her.
"Oh yeah, you're so the net girl", Kim said mockingly.
Anat logged on to the bronze on the official site. Everyone crowded
around her.
"So that's what you do? Sit around the computer all day?" One of them
"Well, I said I was a bad example! Ask someone who actually has a life
what he does!" Anat replied.
Xander went over and opened the tv, flipping through channels.
"Hey! Scooby Doo is on!" He called out happily.
"Great. Can we have sex?" Anya sat on his lap.
"Not now, Anya, I wanna see it",
"But it always inspires you to have sex", she said.
Everyone looked at him.
"And that was something I was hoping you'd share", he nodded, smiling
"Okay, I'll take you to some dance club", Efrat offered and everyone
headed to the door.

"Uh i hate dancing", Anat said, standing next to Angel.
"I don't dance either", he said.
Anat smirked. "At least you dance better than me".
He looked at her puzzled. "Was that in the TV too?"
"Oh yes, and all over the net!"
"yo listen up here's a story", Xander approached them singing along.
"Oh not that song!" Anat whined.
"about a little guy that lives in a blue world", Xander shrugged. "I
like it", he said dancing.
"blue his house with a blue little window and a blue corvette and
everything is blue for him and hisself.."  Xander continued dancing.
"Now, this dance I *can* compete with", Angel smirked.
"i'm blue da ba dee da ba die..." Xander continue singing and jigging,
and Angel suddenly out of the blue (how appropriate) joined his dance.
"i'm blue da ba dee da ba die..." everyone gazed at Xander and Angel
dancing around.
Suddenly they heard a scream. Buffy stopped laughing, Angel and Xander
stopped dancing, and Anat was just happy they stopped that annoying song
in the middle.
"There! Buffy!" Giles spotted the vampires that started biting people
"They must have followed us through the gate", he said, looking as Buffy
and Angel started fighting the demons.
The people ran away screaming. Efrat calmly handed Anat a chocolate bar.
"Ooooh can I have one too?" Xander stuck his head between them. Efrat
handed him one too. Soon, the entire gang, along with Anat, Efrat & Kim,
were eating chocolate, watching Angel and Buffy fighting.
Angel staked one vampire and got punched by another. Buffy quickly did a
roundhouse kick, sending the vampire across the room.
Two vampires ran outside, where they met riley. "Good job", he said.
"Now go before I change my mind about our deal", he said. They nodded
and before they could leave he set them on fire. They screamed before
bursting into ashes.
Buffy looked at Angel. "Are you okay?" she asked him and caressed his
face tenderly.
"I'm.. I am.. you?" He asked softly.
She smiled at him.
"Oh geez, someone needs to tell them they really belong to each other!"
Anat said, licking the chocolate off her fingers.
"Yeah", Kim agreed. "Can you feel the fusion?"
"Explosive", Anat nodded.
They were quiet for a while just watching the reunting couple. "Guys, I
know when the gate reopens!" Anat said suddenly, while the others
watched Angel and Buffy kissing passionately.
"Shhh not now", Kim shrugged her off. Anat looked again at Angel and
Buffy. "Aye caramba! Do they have ratings here??"
"I don't think there was anything beyond PG on the show", Efrat said.
"Well cause you didn't see Buffy having sex with miss piggy", Kim said.
"Ewww Kim, do you *have* to mention riley and sex in one sentence??"
Anat said, disgusted.
"Sorry.. I'm bad, I know.." Kim apologized.
They watch the two kiss and make out some more when suddenly Anat
flicked her fingers. "I know how to make them get back together!"
"Hold it! Nobody moves!" riley called out from the door.
Buffy and Angel parted and gazed at him.
"riley! What are you doing here?" Buffy asked.
"You all gonna die. Nobody messes with riley and gets away with it. I am
superior. We shall rule the world. Our knowledge is our power!" He said.

"Oh yeah, wanna see my power?" Buffy moved closer to him, pulling out a
stake. Angel grabbed her and pulled her back as riley withdrew a gun.
"There's an emergency exit", Willow whispered to Giles. "This way", he
motioned to the others.
riley was still talking about his life and how he slughtered 19 demons,
2 of them just now, and how he and the initiative were going to fulfill
the professor's wish. blahblahblah. No one really listened to him. He
was too boring. Angel and Buffy followed the others and they left the
Ef stopped in front of a store. "Look, Naddy, here I bought you these
STAR WARS pez", she pointed out. "Okay, we really don't have time for
this", Anat pulled her friend's shirt.
"Pez?" Willow stopped near them. "Oz gave me a pez once! Of a witch",
she smiled at the memory.
"Oh there are alot of Pez here, but could you not think about you for
just a second so we get the hell away from here?" Anat pushed the two
girls ahead.
"Do they have a wolf pez?" Willow kept asking. "No, but they have a
Wile. E Coyote pez.. he's a wolf. from the road runner", Ef answered
"Efrat! could you not encourage her with this bullshit right now?" Anat
gritted her teeth.
"My name is Phoebe in the states, Naddy, not Efrat", Ef reminded her of
her name change.
"Sure, fine, whatever. Let's just catch up with the others", Anat said
but riley caught up with them.
"You can run but you can't hide!" He smiled.
"Ew, could you not smile in front of me?" asked Anat, wrinkling her
"Whats wrong with my smile?"
"Your upper lip disappear and you look ickier than what you already
are", She explained.
"Oh. Sorry, I was just born that way. In Iowa no one ev-"
"Okay, Okay!" Anat cut him off. "Whatever you say, I believe ok?
Anyway.." she looked down at the floor, finding a broken red crayon
someone dumped, she picked it up.
"Here, riley. If you eat this everything will be fine and  seem just
like a bad nightmare", she promised. He sniffed it  and then eat it.
"Ouch, i think i broke a tooth. It's hard".
"It's also toxic", Willow said knowingly.
riley started twitching and the three girls ran away.

The next day, Anat forced Buffy to stop making out with Angel and took
her to the Buffy set.
"Now do as I said in our plan, and everything will be fine. riley will
be dead, you'll be with Angel, and we'll be happy", Anat said, looking
at her watch. "Just be quick, the gate will open soon".
"Okay", Buffy took a deep breath and entered the office.
Anat bit her lips nervously and waited outside. She heard some shoutings
coming from the closed doors and hoped Buffy didn't mess up her lines,
she hoped the large amount of time Buffy spent with g.i.lilac didn't
damaged too much the girl's supernatural senses.
Finally, Buffy got out. They turned to leave.
"How did it go?" Anat asked.
"Oh I was sooo willing to stake this guy! He *is* evil!" Buffy said,
gritting her teeth.
"But it was good?" Anat asked looking back at the closed door. "You
didn't kill him, right?"
"No. Your plan worked", Buffy smiled.

Anat and Buffy met the others and they went outside to wait for the gate
to reopen.
"Good luck", Anat, Kim and Efrat bid their goodbyes from the gang as the
gate reopened.
"Good luck to you too", Angel stopped in front of them. "You know, in
finding the actor that plays me.. what's his name? David something?"
"Oh thank you!" They nearly fainted when he leaned and gave each of them
a kiss.
Buffy coughed behind him and he smiled wickedly and winked at Anat and
Kim. "If only I didn't have a soul", he smirked. They laughed. "That's
okay. We love you anyway", Anat assured him.
"Keep these pants! put them on alot!" Kim ordered and pointed at his
leather pants.
"He will. I'll make sure of that", Buffy promised. "Except when he's
with me", it was her turn to smile wickedly. They  walked after the
others to the gate and vanished.

Anat, Kim and Efrat turned to walk away, when they saw riley, still
twitching, running to the gate which started closing.
"Should we trip him?" asked Ef.
Just then riley tripped and fell on his big nose.
"No need to", Kim smirked. "He's being perfectly lame all by himself".
They saw him get up and limping towards the gate. "Should we stop him?"
Efrat asked again.
"Nah.. let the gang have the fun of killing him", Anat and Kim answered
together. Looking over at each other they started giggling. "Telepathy!
Two minds think alike!" they highfived each other, and saw riley
crawling and getting sucked into the gate which closed behind him.

Sarah handed David the papers. "Here are riley's line. Let's start", she
He read the lines silently and lifted his head, puzzled. "I get killed?"
He asked. "I mean.. riley gets killed…"
"What? For real? No way!" Sarah said and checked her own script.
"Yay! He is! What happened to Joss?"
"Look, we're having another crossover", David kept looking amazed at the
script, then smiled wickedly.
"I must be dreaming!" Sarah said, still smiling.
"Hmm, David? Sorry to bother you. There are two girls here, fans. They
said they came all the way from Europe to meet you", David Fury said,
sticking his head in the doorway. "Oh, I'll go meet them in a second",
David nodded.
David Fury pouted, looking at them. "You must be thrilled, huh? You won.
No more riley", he said and left.

"So that's it?" Marc looked at Joss.
"I'm sorry Marc, I had other plans but they were changed".
"It's okay. I knew I was going to die sooner or later. Actually I
thought it would be sooner", Marc shrugged.
"If Sarah were more flexible in her opinion… I tried to talk to her, but
she just refused to do her scenes, and threatened to quit the show if
your character won't be killed. I thought for a second she was going to
stake me or something", Joss said.
They heard screaming coming from the outside.
"What was that?" Marc asked.
"Oh, just two girls who came to meet David Boreanaz. I think they
finally did".

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