
Name: Verlitia
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Type: Black Magic
Pride: n/a
Mate: Yujuutsu
- She has the ability to read the mind of any inner dimensional type
and any outer dimensional that isn't a Source. Her eyes glow more
than the average Black Magic's but that isn't a mutation. If she
is wounded and the wound is not fatal she will heal instantly.
She can lift up to three-hundred tons by ways of telekenisis.

Teleport-Has the basic ability to teleport
Mirrored-The ability to make copies of ones self.
The copies cannot be destroyed by touch, and can
use abilities and take damage like the real thing.
Breakdown-Causes the targets mind to be flooded
with emotionsand memories, thus allowing
the user total control of the targets mind.
Stop-Stops time for however long the user desires.
Control - ability to take summoned creatures
and turn them against their original summoner.
Sheild of Honor-The user absors all damge inflected upon it
and in turn can turn the energy into a power beam of immense power.

Mimic Information
Name: Nae
Gender: Male
Type: White magic
Ability: Can teleport.

All Raveen Kats are (c) to Gryphon Ice
Battle Prides 1

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