March 16, 1991 at Ramada Inn, Culver City, CA

I had a poster-size photo made with the original negative. The owner of the business lost the original negative; therefore, I had to take a picture of the poster in order to get this scanned in for the website. Hence, the non-clarity here.





Being that Ginny and I were single parents, we spent what little time we had searching the libraries and running up the phone bill making out-of-state calls. It wasn't unusual for Ginny or I to stay up until 3am writing letters, working on our files, or comparing notes while our children slept. The N6921C First Reunion, and finding other surviving relatives of our flight was a priority in my life. I had to see to it that the First Reunion had taken place no matter what the cost.  

Forty-two were in attendance that "landmark" day. The N6921C First Reunion was well organized, precise and time efficient, as we only had the hotel room for a few hours. We covered everything of importance. We compared the different stories that we've all heard over the years, as well as, the last words that our loved ones had said. We shared our grief of "not knowing," our pain, tears and uncertainties that stemmed from the loss of our loved ones. We all vowed to continue to locate the rest of the surviving relatives, and to never give up hope.  


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