Me and my daughter, Tammi, 5-9-87
at the "Thank You Veteran's Parade" downtown Los Angeles

This was where we'd walked in front of General Westmoreland. The walk was long, but with each step, I thought about my dad. The cause, alone, kept me going -- and focused. Because all that I knew was that my dad was "missing," I thought that linking up with the POW-MIA groups would lend emotional support, but I found out that they were not that way at all. It was more like, "to each his own" which was around the time that I seperated myself from those groups and just focused on my own cause. The other side of my sign read, "America, don't forget my dad & the other 106."

Bronze Plaque I had made on 5-15-87

I had a dream to acquire a 3 foot high bronze cast eagle, with a wingspan of 36 inches, and have it placed in my own backyard. I had also planned to place this bronze plaque at its base. The Memorial Company owner informed me that I would be open for liability suits if I went ahead with engraving every name; hence, it bears only my father's name.

Due to the fact that my siblings and I are still unable to accept our father's death, I am unable to determine what resting place this plaque will eventually have.


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