LOTR Reviews
Special to NAturezman world
By Rekuka

Oh my god. You're asking me? THis is DEFINITELY no big whammy. The ferocious, adventurous plot of the LOTR series just exuberates my like over this fabulous movie. It's became a favorite towards many kids who like Harry Potter. Even better, it's even more action!

LOTR stars Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Frodo's servant, Merry, Pippen, Soruman, the evil dude, and his minions, and also Gollem. The conflict is very straightforward, and the plot is very interesting as they avenge towards the Two Towers in Movie 2. And of course, Soruman and his minions would also be some sort of obstacle to stop them fromt their. Aragorn and Stryder seem to have a brothership,and Aragorn dies in the Fellowship of the Ring. Now, the Fellowship is breaking up, with Merry and Pippen captured and taken to Soruman, and the conflict becomes more noticeable. THe story becomes more intense, since Frodo and the rest of the F-ship have to devise ways to get to the top, have their defenses, and save the rest of the other Hobbits. And don't forget Soruman (Chris LEe) and the other evils lurking beside them. I give this movie 2-thumbs up.
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