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House blend of carrier oils and pure essential oils for body nourishing and message

Size               Price HKD             


Circulation Cypress, Lavender and others in base carrier oils blend and vitamin E 100ml 100.00
Dry and cracked skin Sandalwood, Myrrh and others in base carrier oils blend and vitamin E 100ml 100.00
Relax Lavender, Bergamot and others in base carrier oils blend and vitamin E 100ml 100.00
Sensual Ylang Ylang, Orange and others in base carrier oils blend and vitamin E 100ml 100.00
Slimming Juniper Berry, Rosemary and and others in base carrier oils blend and vitamin E 100ml 100.00
Custom design Choose your prefer essential oil to create your unique blend 100ml TBA

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 Copyright of Nature Source Beauty 2007
Last updated: 11/29/07.


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