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Balefire by Kenneth Goddard - OUT OF PRINT - A professional terrorist named Thanatos shows up along the shoreline of Huntington Beach, California, intent on destroying the scenic beach city as a demonstration against the 1984 Olympic games, the local cops have no idea what's happening, and therefore don't stand much of a chance. Which puts them in a terrible situation when they're forced to chose between defending their city, their families ... and themselves. - This is the book that David Lane recommends in his book Damned, Decieved and Defiant.        *****
You may be able to find a copy of the original Bantam mass market  2nd Edition. Tor/Forge re-issued mass market  3rd Edition
1st Edition Hardcover
Richard Scutari, member of the Order, had this book in his house the day it got raided by the FBI. It was opened and had certain parts highlighted. That was the day the found the modified Uzi that killed shit talker, Alan Berg.
The Silent Brotherhood : inside America's racist underground by Kevin Flynn and Gary Gerhardt - OUT OF PRINT - RARE - Ok, I dont know why this great book is not more popular within our movement, this book is just as good if not better than the Turner Diaries. It goes into great detail from when bob mathews was born, his racial awakening, starting the group that is most known as the Order, and all the way until his death. This is a must have for any white racialist. It also has an 8-page photo insert with a picture of alan berg dead in his driveway, and pictures of bob mathews, david lane, gary yarbough, and zillah craig. This book is written by non racialists but really does not come off that way, its very well written in my opinion.   *****

- Here is a paragraph taken from an interview with Richard Scutari regarding this book...
Have you ever read the book The Silent Brotherhood? How accurate is it?

Yes, I have read The Silent Brotherhood. The authors were two individuals who detest our beliefs. This shows up in the book by the biased innuendo digs they took at each of us. As far as accuracy goes, there are many minor factual errors and all dialogue was a creation of the authors' imaginations. Be that as it may, the book is the best we can expect from authors who do not care much for us.
I recommend reading the book to all because there is a lot that can be learned from it. The minor factual errors are inconsequential and the book shows our mistakes as well as our successes. But you must keep in mind that the authors were not Order members, therefore they did not have the whole story about us." - Richard Scutari (Member of the Order)
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