Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
Occupation :
Marital status :
Interests :
Reading, writing, growing orchids, concerts, plays
Publish writing :
Fluid Ink Press, Erosha Literary Journal, In The Eyes of the Wild, nature anthology, Poetry Niederngasse, Painted Poetry Literary Journal, Panda Poetry Magazine, Poetry Magazine (University of Phoenix), Rustlings of the Wind, Some Words, Swan Dive, Tamafyhr Mountain Poetry, Vinland Journal, Wilmington Blues, Wired Arts from Wired Hearts, Words of a Woman Net Society "lingerings', Emerging from Twilight - A Shadow Poetry Collection, Vol, 2 and Vol. 3, Dream Chaser Poet Society, Battle Stars', Ophelia's Muse, Wicked Alice, Verse Libre, Write On!, Midnight Edition, Write-On Magazette, Poetic Reflections, La Rosa Blanca, Creations Journal, Scope Journal, Westlovian Gazette, Peshekee River Poetry, The Green Fuse.
Personal statement
Living in Portland, Oregon, USA, Sharon is married with four children. An active member of he Women's Assn. of The Oregon Symphony, Words of a Woman Net Society, Phenomenal Women of the Web and very much a today's woman. An astrological Leo, this lady thrives on poetry and music.

The Memory Box


I'd like to keep summer

locked forever in a special box

full of freshly mown hay,

glossy wings,

fragrant petals,


a deserted eggshell that

the promise of continuance.


Bottle the smell

that's uniquely its own,

cherish evening hours

of kindred pleasure,

enjoy bar-b-que aroma,


relish breakfast

surrounded by delicate zephyrs.


I cling tenaciously

to particular portions of time,

hold them greedily

in memory.


Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper

(c) April 9th, 2002




Lake offers

mirrored contemplation,

a parallel universe

of liquid paradise.


Willows dip,

wave in anticipation,

cast shadows on uncertainty.

Roots grope tentatively,

grounded in the here and now.

Branches bow,

extend their leaves

relentlessly towards

the water world.


Reflections blur,

offer little promise

of a clear glimpse

beyond earth's reach.


Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper

(c) August 20th, 2002


Autumn Pleasures



Camouflaged with colored leaves

we point our sticks at the enemy,

stalk the silent stand of trees,

attach, fight with gallant daring.


Returning to our leafy fortress,

we leap and tumble

in cushioned heaps of foliage.

Conquest is ours.


I'm still the tomboy in my heart,

love to kick the crispy leaves,

smell the woodsy scent,

remember times of childish pleasure.


Bright cold days of autumn

bring back youthful memories.


Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper

(c) May 21st, 2001


Wind Chimes


Warm tilled soil

squeezes between by toes,

joins maternal earth

with a daughter of the land.


Crystal sounds

float and fall

to meet the fever

of humid valleys.


Tangy sprays

from nearby beaches

cavort on the wind,

touch my lips with prayer.


Wood smoke drifts,

faintly reminiscent,

will-o-the-wisp scents

carry distinctly.


I stretch arms

towards the mountains,

search for their strength,

savor it with my other rewards.


Life's connections,

sharpened by reality,in

hover on the edge

of poetic imagination.


Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper

(c) June 1st, 2002


Fall Flight



My finger follows their flight

as they arrow across the sky,

aimed at the horizon

in precise formation.


Nature beckons

with subtle voice,

blows her breath

towards warmer regions.


Long black lines

vee southward,

leaders switch

with inborn instinct.


Parting echoes fill my ears,

raucous melody rebounds;

sounds sweep a finale

to summer's scenario.


Warmth seeps slowly away,

another balmy season

veers towards autumn

on the flutter of wings.


Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper

(c) September 16th, 2002



With the anguish of Arachne,

she watches her tapestry

destroyed again.

Wind catches the thread,

attaches it, creates a base.

Spirals, rebuilt daily,

anchor her home.

Polymer web once finished

is stronger than steel;

an engineering feat.


Spinnerets send filament

curving closer.

Iridescent lights bounce,

form radii rainbows.

Retracing her steps

to the center,

she waits. I watch.


She spins fibers

of life and death,

traps prey, existence ends.


Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper

(c) September 4th, 2001

Blue Moon Dance
We fight to break out
of the swirl that traps us.
Shove, beat fists, struggle.
Anger flashes in frustration.
Life floats in waves,
throws us high,
then dashes deep
in opaque choking water.
Silent screams echo
through our beings, mouths gape
helplessly. We battle
in separate tidal explosions,
alone, alienated
in blue moon despondency.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
Staring Out To Sea
An unremarkable sunset
matches my day.
Sky pales, paints the horizon
grey with an icy blush.
Waves ruffle, lip the shore,
turn damp particles to a silver sheen.
Seated on a derelict log
bleached by the sea,
I stare across an opaque expanse
pacified by silent wind,
feel no whisper on my cheek,
no strand of hair disturbed.
Light fades, turns sand to sage,
wraps around my shoulders
with harmony.
Life doesn't need
to excite me constantly.
Twilight comes in many hues.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) April 9th, 2002
Guitarist In The Park
Sun sends wavered light
through willow branches, provides
comfort and shade. Fingers touch,
light strum color on strings.
Tranquility tinges music
like rippled water, guitarist
gently persuades, coaxes soothed
sound in this hushed spot.
Urban hum fades, harmony returns,
I sit, eyes closed, head back.
Nature's balm pacifies,
balances yin with yang.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) 2001
Along this muddy road sit
pools of reflecting rainwater.
Prints fill with moisture.
Etched deeply in spots,
faded in some, they send back
misty visions of my spent failures.
Footsteps lag,
heart weighs heavily;
thoughts nonsense,
incoherent and vulnerable.
My existence, a puddle
on the surface of a dirty lane.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) 2001
Blurred Vision
Breeze touches our faces,
whimsical air in this changeable season.
Voices have muffled sound,
mellow timbre in the gloom.
I hear your full bodied laugh,
your buttery freckles
that make my spirit sing
are just a blur.
Fog wisps through barren treetops,
shades stark branches,
creates halos around street lamps,
dusts everything with fairy mist.
Nature, a work in progress,
our vaporous symphony.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) 2002
Spring Slumbers
She lies warmly comforted
by a snowy cover,
dreams excitedly of her return.
Wreathed in folded blossoms,
dressed in gossamer,
barefooted miss waits.
Visions float fancifully
of snowdrops; crocus toes
dig deeply in grassy meadows,
push warm brown earth.
Spring gestures
her sleepy agitation.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) 2001
This, a special time of year
when rains have gone and it is clear.
Now pick my share of berries there,
black, blue or red, I just don't care.
The juicy stream drips down my chin,
my tongue flicks out, neat as a pin
to catch those drops that settle there.
Bushes I've picked are now stripped bare.
I've had my fill, right in the field,
will take more home of this fine yield.
Freeze some for jam and some for juice
then in the winter, turn them loose.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) 2000
She strides confidently,
forehead angled to receive
damp falling mist.
Whimsical air shatters,
rhythmic sound washes over her.
Rain speaks in enchanted dialects,
beads her pony tail
with gentle insistence,
settles on sooty lashes.
Sweet-water showers
moisten her warm lips,
coax a questing tongue.
Spiked branches are adorned
with bits of magic,
leaves tattooed with liquid luster.
Puddles flow into
a stream of chocolate,
braid gravel channels,
spill willy-nilly into
the river, merrily ripple
in blended hue.
Fresh-faced laughter
bubbles upward as she
experiences nature's cleansing.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) 2002
Sunset Swirls
Outbuildings march in a line,
point to the lighthouse,
quiet in abandonment.
It lives with the terns,
surveys the ocean's solitude.
Remote area sweeps down,
butts against a granite face,
banked by rocks that rise
to meet a grassy slope.
Only dandelions thrive,
poke heads greedily
towards the sun,
tap roots thrust deeply.
Outdated by technology,
once a place
of welcome light,
it longs to serve again,
echoes the birds' mournful songs.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) 2002
I stare into
the undiscovered layers
of the universe...constant
flickers emanate outward.
Pinwheel sparks breathe in orbit,
send flares of transitory light,
traverse the system in skewed paths
towards the unknown.
Time has no framework.
Undetermined durations
drift through eons
of celestial explosions.
My life, a blink
in the scheme of stars.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) 2002
Sand Girl
She looks intently at her feet.
Shells of creamy pink lay there.
Hair streams down in her eyes,
the rest pulled into one fat braid.
With kicked off sandals by her feet
she squishes wet sand through her toes.
This child on mine, deeply absorbed,
studies wonders on the beach.
Picks up one, discards most,
checks it over carefully.
Lays fluted edge up to her ear,
listens for the rumbling sea.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) 2000
Rainbow Spheres
Bright and bouncy
with a kaleidoscope of color,
capsules swirl,
new creations bump one another,
some burst in misty moisture.
Sunshine glimmers warmly
on tiny heads bent to blow
the sparkling spheres.
Round rainbows float
across the grass
in summer excitement.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) 2001
Shafts Of Wheat
Warmth washes the countryside,
light rakes fields,
sprawls over the mellow afternoon,
extends across a living carpet.
Plants nod swollen heads,
stand naked in the searing sun,
wave golden lances,
drink up intense vitality.
Ripe with abundance,
shafts twist and stretch
their spears to the sky,
reach for the source of life.
Fat, fruitful land
bursts with grain,
sends a message to millions,
a future without famine.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
Violent Elements
Restless waves foretell
a brewing storm.
Air, sweaty and smoky
with turmoil and spume
turns into misty vapor
as if harboring powerful spirits,
winds rise, kick the sand,
blast bare ankles.
We scan the earth's juncture,
catch the wind that cuts
like winged splinters;
briny kisses lick our wounds.
Storm clouds clamp down
hard on the horizon,
blue-black, tinted purple
where they meet the waterline.
Dull thunder rumbles
across the ocean,
matches the sea's
white water stretches.
Flashes of lightning
split the sky,
spread arched branches
that flick silver.
Swells rise
in terraced mountains,
violent water assaults
the shoneline.
Frothy curls of seawater
whitewash thee beach,
a salad of seagrass tangles
in the foam at our feet.
Prodded by gale force winds,
we're pushed across the sand
with the rush and power
of unpredictable gods.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) 2002
Desert Sundance
Heat bombards
this stern land,
bleaches color to triviality,
wilts travelers with intensity.
A different palate
dominates the landscape.
Plants and animals integrate thoroughly.
Green mesquite veins
and patches of yellow
bloom a desert portrait
of sage surprise. Monoliths
mingle in sandy desolation,
hover over the shriveled scrub.
Dust puffs rise,
wind scours our sensitive eyes.
A graceful arch pierces the rock,
forms a picture window.
Framed in stone, backlit
by the dipping sun, faint flashes
cast mango highlights
on the burnt earth. Shadows sshift,
another world emerges at twilight,
a mirage in the moonlight.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) 2002
Fragrant Mist
Soft rain bursts forth.
Dampened by drizzle,
hair flattens against my
head as watery darts lick my face.
It beats a rapid tattoo,
streams across the landscape,
spreads a mist over the earth,
a gauzy web on the ferns.
There is fresh fragrance hanging in the air.
Nature's cleansing.
Sharon Rothenfluch Cooper
(c) November 1st, 2000
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