

Thank You



You are like the Wind to me. The breath of Nature. Covering every inch of my world. Moving through every dark cave, every lifeless canyon and desert in my life, carrying the hope and fragrance of a fresh new start, birth and most of all the seed of a new life waiting to unfold.

You are like the Earth to me. The caring Mother of our world. Nurturing the seed. Giving of itself the life giving nutrition for existence and growth. Feeding it with warmth, love and care. Protecting the roots of what I am meant to be. Hugging the source of my life.

You are like Water to me. The deep penetrating refreshment of Life itself. Cooling my fears, carrying the vital necessities to the very tips of my being, soothing my body with your freshness, cleansing me from the inside out, washing negativity out of my life, leaving me in sublime tranquillity.

You are like Fire to me. The giver of Life. Creating warmth in the atmosphere surrounding me. Lighting up my world so I can see. The burning flame of my emotions and desires. Turning the lifeless branches of my past into sprouting possibilities of new life. Teaching me where I might burn my fingers. Tempering my spirit for future obstacles on our voyage to fulfil our destiny.

Thank you for bringing new life to my existence.

Thank you for balancing my emotions, desires and passions.

Thank you for refreshing my dull and lonely past.

Thank you for caring, trusting and accepting me for who I am.

Thank you for needing me.

Thank you for completing me.

Thank you for believing in our Divinity.

Thank you for being you in me.

Thank you for you

Thank you for me

Thank you.


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