Megan Lutz



© Megan Lutz

Thursday, September 25, 2003


As the trees scream a protest outside, memories flood into my decaying mind,

Happiness and such sadness, there is a streak of defiance, I don’t want to think,

The outside reminds me of him, and them, and all the others, the joy and hurt,

That was both inflicted on both parties; walking amongst the rain stricken roads,

I find myself crying along with nature’s teary outfall…


In tune with spirituality, the chants and the nakedness returns ourselves to the

Beginning of the creation of earth, how we were truly born, naked and with nature,

Tears fall from the above heavens, only displaying the hurt upon the earth,

Strangely enough, it rains when I hurt as well, what does this mean?


Home among the oceans, the rising and falls, echoes my heartbeats,

Going to take my misery and chuck it into the fiery wind, hear it scream,

Bypassing those who show me no pity and nor caring, I am saying to hell with you.

I am my own person, and I can make it in the world without you,

Pleasure you might give, but the rain will stop, and sun will shine once again,

Even after you and I are long gone, the symbolism cannot be understand,

Just like the rambling of my thoughts, that is true wilderness…


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