Lynette Fletchall



In Season



The forest glen does spot my dear

Upon presence he does make

A spotted deer of graceful doe

And tease a buck doth take.

The flowery shrub of undergrowth

Beholds the passion clear

In clearing way of path to take

My dear draws ever near.

In graceful dancing of desire make

The message ever clear

Thus my beloved undertake

Hearts bosom to his ear.

The pitter patter of my heart

Echo raindrops on the trees

The drops of tears of passion free

Set forth from one as he.

The mating prance of youthful year

Has seen its brittle break

Of branches bound for bitterness

In sweet parting never take.

Today has seen the seaon come

Of joining, as in one.

Sweet dance of mating nature's way

Behold the bounds undone.


Lynette Fletchall





Listen to the silence
Isnt it a beautiful sound
The bubbling brook over the rocks
The bird floating free high above the clouds
Let me rejoin the silence ~ silence is golden
As is my heart in love with the truth
Truth, glorious truth of silence
Where no clamoring of noise
Penetrates the solitude
This little mouse
Scampers back
To its home of


Lynette Fletchall



The recaptured moment



I feel your sweetness surround me,

And often I am weak with its intensity.

More often than weakness,

Is a silent unaware being

That hushes the rushing water

Dammed behind my welling riverbanks.


My life becomes motionless

Movement of unreal magnitude.

One day becoming another,

Creating a chain of day and nights

With no outward appearance of progress,

Or passing of time.


And then I remember,



And that breath becomes you

And I am filled again

With memories of our moments spent.


Spent together in nothingness.

No movement beyond the moment,

Only hushed silence

And freely flowing water of life.

A deep part of me desires to capture

This moment and hold onto it forever,

Riding the waves created by your everlasting love.


But meaningless tasks intrude,

And the wall that keeps me from drowning in you,

Becomes erect again and I function.

Just enough water trickling

To keep the essense of you near.

But how I long for the day

When all that is done,

Is done within the ocean of your love.


Lynette Fletchall



You are to me



You are to me like a rushing river

I cannot jump in for fear of being swept away

I stand at the edge, and watch

Wanting to be quenched in your coolness

Wanting to feel your peace, and be carried

Away, far away to rest along your banks.


You are to me a mountain

So high, difficult to climb

For fear of falling, crashing below

But, how I stand at your feet

And gaze at your beauty

At your wonder, and majesty.


Oh how to me you are like a great wind

Whispering in my ears

And touching me with your breath

I welcome you with my arms wide

And embrace your warmth.


Oh to me you are like the sky

Where I wish to fly amongst

The clouds, and dwell in your greatness

I watch from below, just glimpsing you

Reaching high to touch you.


Oh how to me you are like the small bird

that rests on my shoulder

forever within reach, but so easy to lose

I watch you flutter around me

And feel your wings brush against my soul


You are to me,



Lynette Fletchall

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