Linda C. Shackner



Everchanging beauty


Colder fall weather

Seeps through my bones

Dried brown and colored leaves

Laying upon the ground

Remind me of the harvest season

A cornucopia of plenty

The leaves are gathered up

For decorations and crafts

Giving my home an Autumnal touch

Muddy puddles and a foggy dampness

A residual leftover after a long hard rain

Making the grass and flowers glisteningly wet

To me, the air smells fresh and clean

I delight in nature’s beauty

And its forever changing scene


By Starema



Take a pebble


Take a pebble

Watch it splash

Watch it sink

And watch the ripples

Go out in circles

Further and further

A constant flow

Yet everchanging


Take a pebble

And see the future

Each ripple

A reminder

That life is




Take a pebble

Hold it in your hand

So little so insignificant

So many granules

Pressed together

Yet we are significant

We have a purpose

Each one we touch

Changed forever


Just one little pebble

A ripple has begun

So many touched

By one single deed

Word or actual touch

All is forever changed

We are forever changed

Never to be the same again


By Starema

© 9-9-03





By Linda Carol Schackner

© 3-10-03


Sun soaking flowers

Each petal reaching upwards

April showers mist



Glistening dewdrops

Upon newly blooming buds

The silent springtime



Icy breezy winds

Winter Goddess beckons me

Snowflakes drifting down



Leaves colorful dreams

Golden orange, crimson, green

Speaks of cooler days



Rays of golden sun

Streaming down melting pavement

Sweaty kids swimming





By Starema

© 3-24-03


Blue skies, fluffy puffs

Looking up, dreaming, staring

Floating clouds pass by



A patch of brown dirt

Yellow dandelions sprout

Green green grass growing



Green trees leaves falling

Flittering to the wet ground

Leaves many colors



Barren trees life comes

Leaves spreading, blooming, swaying

A breeze whistles through



Drivers speeding through

Freeway lines into eight lanes

Island separates



A spring meadow blooms

Wildflowers blossom new

People look stroll by



Sunrise breaks the night

Slowly black turns to blue

Yellow orange bright




Placed in streaming jet black hair

Pink variegated



Touching day to night

The horizon holds the line

Pale colors emerge



Fluffy clouds pass by

Man-made lake glistening bright

Walking thru the park



Man-made lake glistens

Sunlight bouncing merrily

Rainbow trout swims by



Flowers blooming bright

Sights of beauty all around

Sweet scents deliver


© 4-4-03


Mountaintops cover

Fluffy white snow glistening

In winter sunlight


Bees landing upon

Blooming, budding, opening

Sweet scented flowers


Ants swarming upon

Their anthill community

Collecting foodstuffs


Blossoming cacti

Tumbleweeds rolling along

Sweet desert beauty


A fresh water lake

Ripples swirling patterns made

Fish swimming along


A pretty meadow

Dewdrops on wildflowers

Warm springtime breezes


April winds blowing

Willows swaying bending down

Tree leaves returning


Crocuses, roses

Carnations, daffodils, bloom

All varieties


Volcano spewing

Lava everywhere flows

Ash cloud covering


Earthquake quivering

Cracks in ground, steam escaping

Buildings shuttering


Tidal wave peaking

Waves form, cresting very high

People scream from fear


A boat capsizing

Called to eternity

Freezing water grave


Grass, flowers, marker

Grave site cemetery plot

Loved ones epitaph


Cremation ashes

An urn of marble beauty

Body is no more


Apple orchards sweet

Rows upon rows of apples

Nectar of the gods


Christmas trees cut down

Decorated holiday

Beauty in its prime


Harvest holiday

Citrons willows, myrtle, palm

Humanities sign


Passover story

Symbolic remembrances

Wine droplets ten plagues


Historic harvest

Wheat barley celebration

Jewish holiday


Rocks water crashing

Smooth eroding slick

Jutting rock jetty


Humid rainforest

Exotic foliage grown

Beauty untarnished






Blue skies, fluffy clouds

Pictures waiting to be seen

Lying upon grass

Looking up dreaming, staring

Each cloud floating swirling west



By Linda Carol Schackner

© 10-27-02


Life is like the four seasons.

Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter—

From conception to death,

Our life begins and ends.


Spring is the season of beginnings

All fresh and alive.

Trees have grown new leaves.

Flowers begin to bud.

Fruit is fresh and tasty.

It is a time of renewal,

A time to grow and prosper.

It is a time for birth.

We grow and learn and double our

Weight the first year of our life.

Everything is new, our eyes are

Wide open in wonder and amazement.

To us each new day is an adventure,

New things to explore,

New concepts to learn: lifting ones

Head up, turning over, crawling, walking,

Talking are all so exciting for all.


Summer is the time of childhood.

Still innocent and naïve to ways of the world,

Each child worships his parent like gods,

Always asking questions, always learning.

Inquiring minds hunger for all they can

Experience. It is a time of stretching,

Of growth, of learning who you are

And who you wish to be but many times

These are dreams ever-changing,

Ever-evolving like their physical beings.

It is a time for imaginary friends and a

Time to learn the basics of life.

It is a time of beliefs, hope and joy.

Everything is colorful and vibrant

To a child’s eye not yet dulled by the

Trials, tribulations, peaks and valleys

That is called life.

Summer slips into Fall

The end of Summer and

The beginning of Fall

Marks the hairy time known

As adolescence, a time of

Turmoil for the child nearing

Adulthood and for the parents.

Freedom is the name of the game.

The youth wants more freedom and

Responsibility and the parents fears

To let go. Their baby is growing up.

The nest will soon be empty. Their

Baby is growing up. Just keep them

A little longer. The tug-0-war is normal

But the little bird needs to learn to fly.

The umbilical cord long gone is still

Imagined by the parents. The youth

Steals the scissors and starts slowly

Cutting the cord. With each tear another

Cry. Don’t grow so fast. Don’t be so

Ready to shed your childhood. You can

Never return. The youth spreads his wings

Always testing, always pushing the envelope.

Driving, drinking, and experimenting.

He wants space, he wants to find out who he is,

What he is good at, what he wants to be.

He dreams of a future that is bright and easy.

We know that the world is not so easy.

But we finally let the bird fly.


Fall descends and we are into adulthood.

Scary and exciting, many doors open.

More driving, drinking, and experimenting.

Drawn to everything not previously allowed,

We find that now even more than before

Our choices bring us consequences. Some

Are fun, some we are unexpected, others planned.

Decisions and opinions have more weight.

We have shed our childhood for the stressors

And joys of family, new friends, a life of our own.

We realize we are our own person and

Not a carbon copy of our parents. Now our job is

To know ourselves, be true to ourselves, and learn to

Love another as we are learning to love ourselves.

This season is our longest and the trick is not to

Lose the wonder and amazement of our world

That we once felt so long ago. Not to become

Complacent and dull but to see the beauty of life.

This is our mission but few reach the peak.


Winter comes suddenly and we aren’t ready.

Never ready to accept old age and its aftermath.

We try so many ways to stretch our youth.

We are not satisfied with our looks, and try to

Remove the reminders of our age. We become

Fearful of growing old and then of dying.

We cling to everything, hoping that way we

Can keep our fears and our age at bay.

It is a time where our concept of ourselves

Must change for we are changing, and we

Are no longer able to do what we once could.

The fears grow from molehills to mountains

For many, for to them youth and beauty was

All they saw of themselves. But this is a

Time of quiet contemplation. A time to be

Proud of your accomplishments and of your

Family. It is a time to be happy. You have

Done well and you have touched others.

Now it is time to rest and dream as when

You were young, only these dreams are

Different. It is a time of readying oneself

For things to come and for a time of reuniting.

It is also a time of separation, like with our

Adolescence. This timeyou are separating

yourselves from the world, from our loved

Ones to join other loved ones. It is a time

To let our spirit soar up to the heavens,

Becoming a light and a beacon in the memory

Of others. Death, it is time for immortality.

Death, it is a time of rejoining and moving on.

Your life has changed; the body is in the ground,

But the spirit is ever-present, always watching

Over those we have loved and those we hold dear.

We are a light that has burned bright.


Life Is  A Blossom

© 10-2-03


Life is a blossom.

First, a bud with color,

Trying so hard to blossom and open,

Taking sustenance from its stem.

And the time to mature among the garden.

As it grows, it begins to open.

It’s mouth opening to catch the dew

And the rainfall, each drop hungrily

Devoured and smiling from the touch

Of the sun, its rays giving its flower life.

As the day grows hot, a bee lights

Upon its center, taking its seeds

To another, and pollinating the one it’s on.

Oh the love of the bee for its task

Knowing that a part of this flower

Will be immortalized, become as honey,

Or will pollinate another flower.

As the day darkens, this precious

Blossom closes, wilts, and its petals

Fall frailly to the wet ground.

The seeds of the wilting, dying flower

Are carried by the sweet warm winds

To pollinate the gardens and the fields,

Bringing forth life again, from death.

Our life is like that budding flower.

The beginning of our life,

We are the bud learning, growing,

Trying to open, becoming aware,

Looking, assessing, taking in

What little sustenance we can

From our Mother’s overfilled breasts.

Our eyes are ever wide in amazement.

Then we open up, we are touched

By others, guided by others.

We let the Sunshine in. We take

In the water of our sustenance.

We mature; we are kids at play,

Then young adults, challenging

The old school, spreading their wings,

Opening up to the world and its offerings,

Thinking their fragile lives, indestructible.

We take for granted life in all its beauty.

We steal the honey from the bee

Because we feel it is our right.

We take our chances, trying to bend

Further to the sun, and suddenly,

We find our youth gone, our need for

Adventure diminished, and we just

Start to survive. Trying to keep the past.

Trying to hold onto our memories of youth.

Our petals slowly splitting, falling away and

We try hard to snatch them back, but can’t.

We have become fragile again, our bodies

Wilting, waiting for the days we too will

Join the flowers in the damp soil.

Our life continues. Our spirit lives on.

We have been promised eternal life

And our children immortalize us.








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