
This is the Grand Unified Theory  , an explanation giving a basis for the unification of all electric , electromagnetic  , optical , magnetic   and  gravitational forces , explained in a , when compared to present gauge theories , simple manner. Yet this deceptively simple theory unifies many at present disparate phenomenon .  I would like to stress here that  “New Field  Theory is not a  criticism of quantum mechanics , in reality it should be considered as being more of a rationalisation of  facts previously brought to light by quantum mechanics .  For instance , to take the points one by one:

Ø      To begin with the conduction of electricity in a conductor is according to quantum mechanics , due to a field theory , this is at  variance with the central theory of discreteness underlying quantum mechanics . “Aumic” Theory , suggests that it is photons that are the agent of  electrical energy conduction , bringing the theory of electrical conduction into line with the manner in which energy is conducted in other phenomenon such as heat radiation and electromagnetic radiation.

Ø       Again the present quantum mechanics thinking with regard to the electromagnetic field due to currents  is that it is the result of  the  agitation of electrons and ions in the lattice of the conductor  and that this gives rise to an electric field the energy of which in turn gives rise to “virtual” photons.  Once again quantum theory seems to be at variance behind the central idea of discreteness.   While “Aumic” Theory  shows that the electromagnetic field due to a current is composed of “Virtual” photons it also  explains how these fields are formed  due to the interaction between real photons and “virtual” photons which results in lines of “force” being formed around the conductor.

Ø      “Aumic” Theory , at least with regard to the propagation of electromagnetic radiation  ,  rejects present quantum thinking that “virtual” particles  always exist in electron-positron pairs  , but states instead that , electromagnetic radiation is propagated through “virtual” photons , which pervade the whole of space , and which initially moving at random , align themselves in the direction of propagation into a line whose ends rest on infinity , as soon as the presence of a real photon is sensed .  The physical structure of the photon suggested by “Aumic” Theory  , makes it possible for photons to propagate  in straight lines without loss of energy , thereby avoiding the intuitive  interaction which interaction with electron-positron pairs implies.  A matter / anti-matter annihilation should supposedly be more powerful than even a fusion reaction , how is it possible under these circumstances for the end result to yield actually the correct value out of the trillions of possible photon energy values ? Again the low energy allowable to “Virtual” photons by the application of the second Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle , means that they can  exist for practically infinite lengths of time , making possible the “virtual photon sea” and the method of propagation of electromagnetic radiation as suggested by “Aumic” Theory.

Ø       An important point is that the physical structure of the photon as suggested by “Aumic” Theory  , still maintains all the earlier observations of quantum mechanics , for instance such a photon structure would still maintain its wave-particle duality  properties , although for a different reason than that attributed for these properties by quantum mechanics . Secondly the idea of discreteness  is still observed , the photon structure suggested  by “Aumic” Theory being definitely an energy packet of fixed energy levels , further it can retain this energy for considerable periods of time , and lastly the energy is transmitted at the speed of light.

Ø     Limiting the size of  the largest photon which an electron can emit as suggested by “Aumic” Theory does away with the complicated Mathematical gymnastics necessary to explain how an electron with a size of about 10-13 m. can emit wave-lengths of  10 5 m. and more. Photon structure as suggested by “Aumic” Theory allowing these “conduction “ photons to link together to form composite waves , of any wavelength. Again the fact that this linkage of photons can take place in two orientations , in series and in parallel , explains in the former case , how photons can deliver up electrical energy measured in thousands of amperes and also how , in the latter case , energy is inversely proportional to wave-length and frequency.

Ø      Longer wave-lengths such as micro-waves are known to react with matter in a different manner than shorter wave-lengths . To this it must be said firstly that (a) conduction photons are about two hundred thousand times shorter than micro-waves ( micro-waves used commercially have wave-lengths of about 20cm. )  and (b) that  from the point of view of “Aumic” Theory any wave-length greater than the “conduction “ photon wave length is considered as being a composite wave. Therefore , “Aumic” Theory does not state that micro-waves interact with  matter in a different manner than they have been observed to do , but in fact supports such an interaction. Micro-waves because of their comparatively long wave-lengths interact with matter at the molecular level and not at the atomic level. The energy delivered by micro-waves shows that the  existence of conduction photons is a definite possibility. If it were possible to generate radio-waves of 8.5  x 10 –7 m. which with present technology is not possible , it would be possible to induce electricity through radio-waves.

Ø      The length of the conduction photon has been put at  8.5 x 10 –7 m. This is not an overly long wave-length , shorter wave-lengths of   10 –8 m. would get trapped either within the crystal structure of the lattice or inside the atoms themselves , this has been proved by the Debye limit. In order to avoid such a situation and for conduction photons to be able to move freely through the conductor they would have to have a wave-length which is approx 8.5 x 10 –7 m.

Ø      Quantum Theory at present holds that every sub-atomic particle has its own associated field. When two or more of these fields interact , they do so instantaneously (i.e super luminal interaction) the interaction of these fields gives rise to particles. Thus according to quantum mechanics , matter is only the momentary manifestation of interacting fields. However , given the fact that there are at present more than 100 different types of sub-atomic particle , trying to envision an associated field with each of them which pervades the whole of the  Universe is an uphill task.

Ø      The necessity for quantum entangled pairs ,(i.e virtual particles always appear and disappear in pairs )  is due to the conservation of momentum laws. If a virtual particle gave rise to only one “virtual” particle which moved away with momentum , it’s momentum would exceed that of the original particle . On the other hand if virtual particles always appeared in pairs , this problem would not arise. “Aumic” Theory avoids this issue by stating that “virtual” particles only pass on the energy of the real photon. (i.e they serve as a medium.)

Ø      The proofs of the “Aumic” Theory as stated here are tangible and easily verified by experimentation in contrast to the type of experiments used in Quantum Theory such as the Double Slit Experiment and the EPR experiment. “Aumic” Theory , can be verified by the phenomenon observed in Electricity , Magnetism ,Superconductivity , Gravity and in the measurement of  Reactive and Radiative fields in a conductor carrying an electrical current.

The  Grand Unified Theory as stated here , offers a simple and easily verifiable explanation for all electrical , electromagnetic , magnetic , optical and gravitational phenomenon . To start with it simplifies and unifies numerous disciplines which have been hitherto thought of as being disparate. The phenomenon of  magnetism can easily be explained if the theory of electrical conduction as outlined above is extrapolated , and offers a more easily understandable and  cohesive theory than the present theory of constantly flipping magnetic domains. Perhaps the most important contribution of “Aumic” Theory is that all electromagnetic phenomenon and gravity is unified under it.  Under quantum mechanics , electromagnetic radiation of wave lengths consisting of visible light and smaller were considered to be different from wave-lengths longer than visible light. “Aumic” Theory shows that all electro-magnetic radiation follows the same rules  and is the same physical manifestation of the photon. Fields , as  known in the classical sense of being a type of matter through which action at a distance is possible  related to electromagnetic phenomenon , are eliminated and shown to be made up of “virtual” photons. Similarly the manner in which light propagates through a solid and the way in which electrical energy propagates within a conductor are unified. The phenomenon of Gravity , superconductivity , magnetism  and reactive and radiative fields are conclusively explained under this theory. The practical benefits of “Aumic” theory are soon seen , unlimited power from direct beaming of electrical power to earth from satellites using conduction photon frequencies and anti-gravity applications.

Dilip D James

“Arden Villa” ,

St. Ann’s Rd

Ootacamund 643 001

Nilgiris : S. India





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