Reactive and radiative fields:

               Perhaps the most telling proof of “Aumic” Theory as stated here lies in the difference between reactive and radiative fields around a conductor carrying an AC current.  When an alternating current is  present in an electrical conductor , two types of  fields are observed  an inductive field and  a radiating field . The inductive field of an ac current is often called the near field because it is concentrated near the source. Similarly, the radiating field is referred to as the far field because its effects extend far from the source.  The  boundary between the inductive field and the radiative field is generally represented as being approximately  l/2pi . The principal point of interest here is that qualitatively , according to  Quantum Theory ,both fields are regarded as being the same , the only discriminating factor being the distance from the conductor  at which the field undergoes interaction.  This poses a problem , for in spite of calculating the energy values of the different wave-lengths which such an oscillating current would give rise to , using  fourier analysis , the end result is that the sum of the energies so available does not make sense when compared to the reality as proposed by the equation hc/ l . One of the ways in which this problem has been circumvented is by basing calculations on actual measurements made in the near field rather than  by the implementation of any theory . Working backwards from these measurements it is possible to conclude that the near field has a higher energy component ( which translates to shorter wave-lengths and higher frequencies ) than the far field and is based on pure observation more than on the conclusions of a sound theory .

                  Take for instance the ordinary house-hold supply of 60Hz. This gives a wave-length of about 5 x 106   m. The energy corresponding to this wave-length would be  3.962 x 10  -32 J , which is infinitesimal , about 2.48 x 10  -13 eV .  Yet the induced current due to this field is measured in hundreds of Amperes and thousands of Volts , how can there be any connection between the two ? There seems , according to present theories , to be no connection whatever between the energy value of the electromagnetic field and the energy in the conductor. To elaborate on this further, the energy in the field when used in an induction process results in almost the same current (98%) flowing in the secondary  as was present in the primary , yet if the two conductors are separated by some distance ,  and the same frequency is used , the energy in the secondary conductor due to the field is hardly detectable and is in the order of microamps . This reduction in energy is not in proportion to the inverse square law.

Explanation of Reactive and Radiative fields according to “Aumic” Theory:-

The difference between inductive and radiative fields according to ““Aumic” Theory “   depends solely on the orientation of the photons. If the photons are aligned length wise in series ( like bar magnets arranged in a line with a north to south alignment : see Fig a ) then the composite wave-length would carry the energy of a single conduction photon. If on the other hand the photons were arranged in parallel (bar magnets placed in a row side by side: see Fig b ) the photons would have the composite wave eigen value .(i.e., hc/l).


   Using  New Field   theory it is immediately possible to account for this discrepancy in the calculated energy and the observed energy of the far and near fields. ( i.e inductive fields and radiative fields. )

         “Aumic” Theory states that all waves with a wave-length longer than 8.5 x  10 –7 m.

Are composite wave lengths . This means that wave lengths longer than 8.5 x  10 –7 m. are made up of linked together “conduction” photons , the wave length of which is 8.5 x  10 –7 m.  These conduction photons can link together in two orientations , serially ( linked together in series like bar magnets connected end to end ) or in parallel (linked together like bar magnets connected North pole to north pole and south pole to south pole ).

For example :

h =  6.62 x 10 –34

1 eV  = 1.6 x 10-19 J

A wave length of  5 x 10 6 m. would contain  5 x 106 /  8.5 x 10 -7 = 5.88 x 10 12 conduction photons. The number of conduction photons in a composite wave remains the same regardless of their orientation (i.e. whether they are connected in series or in parallel ) However the amount of energy that each type of orientation delivers varies. A composite wave-length when connected in series delivers the amount of energy equal to a single conduction photon i.e :  which equals :

  6.62 x 10-34 x 3  x 108 / 8.5 x 10 –7 = 2.32 x 10 –19 J

While a composite wave-length when connected in parallel delivers the eigen  energy of a single conduction photon divided by the number of conduction  photons which make up the composite  wave : This is calculated as follows : Conduction photon eigen value divided by number of conduction photons in composite wave-length:

 2.32 x 10 -19 / 5.88 x 10 12  =3.9 x 10 –32

Which is the same as the energy value of the wave-length when calculated using the formula :         i.e

 6.62 x 10-34 x 3  x 108 / 5 x 106 = 3.96 x 10 –32 J

         Similarly it follows that the composite wave length eigen energy value when multiplied by the number of conduction photons of which the composite wave-length is composed of  yields the eigen energy value of a single conduction photon :  -

3.96 x 10 –32  x  5.88 x 10 12 = 2.32 x 10 –19 J.

            Consider what this means , when the conduction photons in a composite wave are connected in series , each string of  serially linked photons , yields approx 1.4 eV. (i.e :

1 eV= 10 –19 J therefore 2.32 x 10 –19 J equals 1.4 eV approx. ) This means that (a) the amount of  electrical energy delivered is directly proportional to the number of excited electrons which release conduction photons , more excited electrons equates to a greater flow of electrical energy and (b) that the  electrical energy is delivered  in units of 1.4 eV.  This indicates that inductive currents are qualitatively different from radiative currents , inductive currents deliver more energy .  This would explain how using an AC current of 60 Hz  with a wavelength of  5 x 10 6 m , it is possible, taking the example of a transformer , to generate 98% of the electrical energy present  in the primary  circuit by means of  using induction  processes ,in the secondary circuit. “Aumic” Theory explains that this is due to the orientation of the conduction photons which make up the composite wave , in the example quoted above , the conduction photons in the 5 x 10 6 m wave-length are oriented serially , meaning that each wave – length making up the lines of force around the conductor delivers up 1.4 eV of energy. 

            If no differentiation is made  between inductive and radiative fields and only the distance from the conductor using the formula forms the criteria on the amount of energy delivered  as is the case in present Quantum mechanics theory , then using the formula  would yield an eigen energy value of :  

6.62 x 10-34 x 3  x 108 / 5 x 106 = 3.96 x 10 –32 J          

Which means in effect that regardless of how many photons are present in the field they could never deliver up the amount of energy as is  actually observed to be delivered to the circuit  and which is measured , as has been stated before , in hundred of amperes and thousand of volts.

                If we use the orientation of the photons in the composite wave it is possible to see that when the photons are connected in series , regardless of  the wave-length of the composite wave the value of energy delivered to the conductor would remain unchanged , the linear orientation of the composite wave as it enters the conductor yielding up the correct amount of energy (i.e that of a single conduction photon) when multiplied by the density of lines of force involved. This uniformity in the amount of energy is one of the characteristics of electrical energy , a current of  100Hz does not deliver more energy than a current of 50 Hz.

             From observation it is possible to see that composite wavelengths preserve their identity (or energy ) intact , over great distances , in a manner similar to  other observed photons .  Is this compatible with the hypotheses that the energy of a single conduction photon is shared among the conduction photons making up the composite wavelength ? Or does it in fact mean that photons can progressively continue to share energy resulting in longer and longer wavelengths ? To this it can be positively  stated that composite photons do not progressively deteriorate into longer wave lengths . The energy of a photon in a composite wave  depends solely upon the orientation of the photon.  It would appear that once the composite wave is released from the conductor , as for instance by a change of polarity in the current flowing within the conductor , they immediately re-orient themselves in parallel mode and then are unable to gain energy (i.e their energy remains fixed. ) At the same time the amount of energy they can share with “virtual” photons adjacent to them ,  is strictly limited , which is approximately the energy corresponding to an increase in wave length of about   50nm. If the amount of energy lost through sharing exceeds this amount then the  formation of propagation  breaks up and the photons comprising the composite wave lose their identities and  become ““virtual”” photons. 

                Returning for a moment to our metaphor of  a  condensor , it is seen that the condensor has only a limited amount of energy available to it , after which the energy available is no longer sufficient to influence other conductors. In the same way a photon possessing energy can influence “virtual” photons in its vicinity , as for example causing them to line up in the direction of propagation , and sharing energy and identity with “virtual“ photons adjacent to itself , only as long as it possesses a certain minimum energy once this energy is dissipated the photon becomes a ““virtual”” photon.

               It must be pointed out here that the frequencies or composite wavelengths resultant from an oscillating electric current as based upon the “Aumic” Theory are by no means restricted to a single frequency or composite wavelength , which has been used here in the interests of greater clarity , but can result in a spectrum of composite wavelengths and frequencies.

          “Aumic” Theory accurately accounts for the energies of both radiative and inductive fields.

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