On the propagation of light:



               Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Just, as when in dealing with  electricity flowing through a conductor , electromagnetic  “lines of force”  consisting of lines of linked or oriented virtual Photons ,  exist around the  conductors carrying the electrical energy . So too light and all electromagnetic radiation must be thought of  as  propagating through open ended lines of force, these lines of force consist of virtual photons of the virtual photon field and line up in the direction of propagation of the electromagnetic radiation into a line whose ends rest on infinity.

          When dealing with the propagation of light , the terms (1) frequency , (2) eigen energy value ,(3) wavelength and (4) intensity must all be understood as being distinct but related properties of the electromagnetic radiation:

(1)    The eigen energy value must be thought of as being the energy value of each individual photon , this value never changes until the photon is either absorbed or transforms into a virtual photon , the original eigen value is retained almost intact. 

(2)    The frequency of the electromagnetic radiation , in the case of light is dependent on the intervals between which an excited electron repeatedly emits a given eigen value. Thus when we speak of ultra violet radiation as having a frequency of  8.5 x 10 14 Hz it should be understood as  photons of an eigen value of 4.5 x 10 18 J being emitted at the rate of  8.5 x 10 14 Hz/s.

(3)    Wave-length refers to the velocity of the radiation divided by frequency which in this case would be c/f.

(4)    The intensity of electromagnetic radiation is dependent on all three factors namely , frequency , eigen value  and wave-length. When dealing with light the intensity is dependent upon the number of photons present in a single line of force. Thus the more photons present in a line of force , the more intense the light is:

              Near the source , light can be thought of as an almost solid entity with each line of force being heavily populated with real photons, the distances between which depend on the frequency with which the  source emits photons. Since the line of force in the  “virtual” photon field is already oriented from the atom and in the direction of propagation , it follows that this presents the easiest path for subsequent emitted photons to follow. These  densely packed lines of force account for the intensity of light near an emitting source. As the distance from the source increases , real photons from these densely packed lines of force move into gaps created in the photon front by the geometrical  advance and consequent increase  in the area of the “wave” , thereby promoting them into real photons and real lines  of force . This diffusion of energy takes place very rapidly almost at the speed of light itself so that light as it moves away from the source experiences a reduction in intensity in proportion to the distance covered which follows the inverse square law.  Thus as each line at the leading edge of the front increases in area , it is replenished from photons at the rear of the propagating wave . Both the number of photons and the overall energy of the  “wave” remains constant , only the area over which this energy is spread increases , resulting in a decrease in intensity in keeping with the inverse square law , the intensity decreasing inversely with the square of the distance from the source.

            Thus at great distances from the source the photons originally packed closely into  single lines of force and resulting in the original intensity of light would be spread over a thin shell , resulting in a reduction of intensity proportional to the inverse square law. If the wave propagates further , there is not enough energy to go round and the propagating wave breaks up and the photons composing the wave are transformed into “virtual” photons.

         This model of the propagation of light succeeds in explaining for the first time how light can propagate both as individual photons which preserve their individual energies and as a wave front possessing the properties of both frequency and wave-length whose intensity decreases inversely with the square of the distance from the source as described by the inverse square law.


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