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I'm inspired by mechanical sounds.  I find my beats and rhythms in factories where I work!

I hear machinery... hundreds of parts, rhythms, noises... the shriek of tungsten steel being slashed by a band saw--  the earth-shaking splash of tons of metal debris slamming into a ocean of plate glass -- a savage crackle from an electric welder burning a vein of incandescent lava into a vast landscape of cold iron-- jack hammers, nailguns, diesel motors, demolition blasts... all moving in sync to form the perfect symphony of sound!

I don’t know why, but I’ve always been attracted to mechanical sounds.  I guess it comes from living next to the military ship yards and navy bases, where these sounds take on a life of their own.  What inspired me to write music was a band called Skinny Puppy-- a friend turned me on to them when I was 14-- I was freaked out at the use of strings and synth basslines mixed with heavy industrial beats, a sound that I had never heard before.  I became interested in figuring out how it was done, and by the time I was 16 I was writing and playing Hardcore and Industrial music.

After playing in a bunch of bands in the Orlando Area, I joined a band Called SCHNITT Acht! In ‘89 we were signed to a label called Majii Records, funded by "DJ Magic Mike", a huge name in the Florida BASS scene.  We released two albums, "Subhuman Minds" and "SLASH-N-BURN".  SCHNITT Acht! did a lot of touring between ‘91and ‘94-- we even made it over to Europe and did shows in Germany And Romania.  After our last tour in ‘94 we split up, but after a couple of years I got back into writing and producing songs again.

I Started Working with Kenny in 1999 on the Nature of Circuitry
Project, We we didnt really have a direction, just a common goal to write Kick ass music! We incoperate all"styles of music into the way we write...we do everything in two studios.... tranfering files over the internet and bringing it all together in Cakewalk Pro 9.0 we have been compared as NIN meets Alice in Chains which is cool with me seeing how they both kick ass!!!!

I feel that the digital revolution is here.  Almost everything we do now involves working with some sort of  electronic device, and the internet is becoming the main source of our information.  The ways we access, create, and listen to music have changed.  I’ve been part of the fast progression from analog to digital, and all my experience has evolved with that change. 

Turn on , Plug in , TRiP out!

Virgil H.
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