Genus Pentstemon
Figwort Family (Scrophulariaceae)

Albion Basin Wildflowers

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Wasatch Beardtongue
Pentstemon cyananthus

The name "Pentstemon" means "five stamens".
The name "Beardtongue" refers to the fact that one of the stamens is different from the rest. It is covered with fine hairs, and appears to have a beard. This stamen does not develop any pollen itself, but probably helps to attract insects into the center of the flower where pollen from the other stamens can cover their bodies and be carried to the next flower.

Some species of Pentstemon found at Albion Basin are:
  • Pentstemon cyananthus -- Wasatch Pentstemon
  • Pentstemon humilis -- Low Pentstemon
  • Pentstemon leonardii -- Leonard Pentstemon
  • Pentstemon whippleanus -- Whipple Pentstemon

Albion Basin
Wasatch Mountains
Salt Lake County, Utah

by Sandra Bray
August 1999
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