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Maxine Hullinger

"A Lady Honored With Her Own Day"

It's not every day that a local person has an entire day named in their honor, but today is Maxine Hullinger Day in Tooele, says Mayor Charlie Roberts. According to a pronouncement signed by Roberts, Oct. 22, 1998 has been set aside for Tooele City to honor one of its longtime residents for her commitment to the community, particularly in the realm of education. Declaring today as Maxine Hullinger Day is the city's way of thanking her for all the hearts and minds she has touched over the years.
The Maxine Hullinger Scholarship has been established, and is to be awarded to an outstanding junior student who lives in Tooele County and who has an academic need. The scholarship is to be awarded on an annual academic year basis, beginning fall semester. It is to be used by the recipient to pay for tuition enrollment in the college or university of her choice. The scholarship is to be funded by an initial gift of $300 minimum received from the donors and may be added upon periodically from the donors, family, friends and former students.
Maxine is a charter member of AAUW of Tooele. She has always been willing to do more than her share in education, in community service, and in her many various interests she has been involved in over the past years.
Family, friends and former students can donate to the Maxine Hullinger Scholarship by contacting the Tooele Federal Credit Union. And, if you happen to see Maxine or call her on the phone today, be sure to tell her "thanks" for all she does.

Tooele Transcript-Bulletin
Oct. 22, 1998

*** Note: Maxine is also a long-time member of Utah Nature Study Society. She served as Treasurer and Membership Manager of this organization for many years. She is well known to other teachers all over the state of Utah because during the annual U.E.A. convention she was always present at the display prepared by the Utah Nature Study Society.

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