of Northern Utah

The following list includes the most common species of birds to be seen in the marshes of Northern Utah -- along the shorelines of the Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake. It was derived from lists put out by the various refuges, and includes species which have been observed nesting in the area or which are likely to be seen there at some season of the year.
For some of the species listed, there is additional information available on another UNSS web page. Click on the names which indicate a link in order to access these pages. In the future we intend to prepare more of our past articles for the web, as time allows us to do so. Check back here to monitor our progress in this attempt.

Keys to Seasonal Abundance

s : Mar - May (spring)
s : Jun - Aug (summer)
f : Sep - Nov (fall)
w : Dec - Feb (winter)

a : abundant
c : common
u : uncommon
o : occasional
r : rare

Bird Species
(* Nesting)

Seasonal Abundance
s s f w

__* Eared Grebe
c o c -

__* Western Grebe
c a c r

__* Pied-billed Grebe
c c c o

___ White Pelican
c a c -

__* Double-Crested Cormorant
c c u -

__* Great Blue Heron
c c c o

__* Snowy Egret
c a c -

__* Black-crowned Night Heron
c c u r

__* American Bittern
r r u r

__* White-faced Ibis
c a c -

___ Whistling Swan
a a a u

__* Canada Goose
a a a c

___ Snow Goose
c - c r

__* Mallard
a c a c

__* Gadwall
c a c o

__* Pintail
a c a o

__* Green-winged Teal
a u a o

__* Blue-winged Teal
o c o -

__* Cinnamon Teal
c a c -

___ American Widgeon
c u c o

__* Shoveler
a c a o

__* Redhead
a a a o

___ Canvasback
a r a o

___ Lesser Scaup
c r c o

___ Common Goldeneye
c - c o

___ Bufflehead
c - c o

___ Oldsquaw
- - o -

__* Ruddy Duck
a c a o

___ Common Merganser
c o c u

___ Red-breasted Merganser
u o c u

___ Turkey Vulture
- u - -

___ Rough-legged Hawk
c - c c

___ Ferruginous Hawk
- - - c

___ Golden Eagle
o - - c

___ Bald Eagle
o - - c

__* Marsh Hawk
c c c c

___ Sparrow Hawk
o o r r

__* Ring-necked Pheasant
c c c c

__* American Coot
a a a o

___ Semi-palmated Plover
r r c -

__* Killdeer
c a c o

___ Black-bellied Plover
c - o -

__* Common Snipe
o u o -

__* Long-billed Curlew
c c o -

__* Spotted Sandpiper
u c u -

__* Willet
c c u -

___ Greater Yellowlegs
c o c -

___ Lesser Yellowlegs
u a c -

___ Baird's Sandpiper
u c c -

___ Least Sandpiper
- r c -

___ Dowitcher
u a a -

___ Western Sandpiper
o a a -

___ Marbled Godwit
a a a -

__* American Avocet
a a c -

__* Black-necked Stilt
c a c -

__* Wilson's Phalarope
c c c -

___ Northern Phalarope
- a c -

__* California Gull
c a c -

___ Ring-billed Gull
a u a c

__* Franklin's Gull
c a c -

__* Forster's Tern
c a c -

__* Caspian Tern
o c o -

__* Black Tern
a u a -

__* Mourning Dove
o u o -

__* Burrowing Owl
o o o -

___ Long-eared Owl
o u o -

__* Short-eared Owl
u u u o

__* Red-shafted Flicker
u u u u

__* Eastern Kingbird
u c u -

__* Western Kingbird
u c u -

__* Horned Lark
c c c c

___ Violet-green Swallow
c - r -

___ Tree Swallow
c o r -

___ Bank Swallow
u c u -

___ Rough-winged Swallow
c o c -

__* Barn Swallow
c a c -

__* Cliff Swallow
c a c -

__* Black-billed Magpie
c c c c

__* Common Raven
c c c c

__* Long-billed Marsh Wren
c a c o

__* Robin
u o u -

___ Water Pipit
u c c c

___ Starling
c c a -

___ Yellow Warbler
u c u -

__* Audubon's Warbler
u o u -

__* House Sparrow
a a a a

__* Western Meadowlark
c c c u

__* Yellow-headed Blackbird
c a c -

__* Red-winged Blackbird
a a a c

__* Brewer's Blackbird
c c o o

__* Brown-headed Cowbird
c a c -

___ American Goldfinch
c - a c

__* Savannah Sparrow
c a c -

__* Vesper Sparrow
c u c -

___ Lark Sparrow
u u c -

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