Asters and Fleabane Daisies
Genera Aster and Erigeron
Sunflower Family (Compositae)

Albion Basin Wildflowers

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There are many species of Aster and Erigeron which may be found in this area. It is very confusing and difficult to tell one from another, and also to distinguish them from some of the other members of the Composite Family. One tip that most of the books seem to agree on is the fact that asters usually have fewer (but larger) ray flowers than do Erigerons.
Another characteristic to look at is the appearance of the bracts on the under side of the flower heads. Asters generally have several rows of these bracts, overlapping like shingles. But Erigerons have only one or two rows.
On the Erigerons the ray flowers are often very narrow and numerous -- almost like a fringe.
The members of the Erigeron genus are commonly called "Fleabane Daisies". It was once thought that picking them and bringing them into the house would prevent infestations of fleas.

Some species in these two genera which may be found at Albion Basin are:
  • Aster engelmannii -- Engelmann Aster
  • Aster foliaceus -- Leafy Aster
  • Aster conspicuous -- Showy Aster
  • Aster perelegans -- Nuttall Aster
  • Erigeron leiomerus -- Fleabane Daisy
  • Erigeron speciosus -- Showy Fleabane Daisy
  • Erigeron eatonii -- Eaton Fleabane Daisy

Albion Basin
Wasatch Mountains
Salt Lake County, Utah

by Sandra Bray
August 1999
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